Chapter 93 I won’t sell it anymore, Master, please save me!

The smile on Liu Ergou's face froze instantly, and his originally excited heart was also raised to his throat.

He knew Wang Yue's abilities.

Whether it was the previous iron-clad prediction, or the ability to freeze a person remotely, or the ability to make people see ghosts...

every ability was so incredible, and it was unknown how many abilities he had not yet revealed.

Since he said this, he was most likely going to die.

Because no matter whether the other party wanted to kill him, or he himself had a bad omen, he could not escape death.

Thinking of this, cold sweat flowed down Liu Ergou's head.

He swallowed hard and said:

"Master Wang, what do you mean by this?" "I'm not cruel to Sister Li."

Liu Ergou's voice was trembling, he was really scared.

Wang Yue shrugged, waved his hands, and said calmly:

"Literally, your forehead is black and you will die within three days."

"So, the money you earned from selling the quota will soon be spent by another man."

"He will take care of your wife and beat your son for you, so just go with peace of mind." Liu Ergou felt that all the strength in his body had been drained away.

He slumped in the chair, and his sallow face turned pale.

However, the viewers in the live broadcast room were amused, and the comments were flying:

"Although it feels a bit unkind, who made me...You are so helpful.

Brother Niuhuang, I will take good care of your wife and spend all the money.

You can go without worry.

Please call me Lei Feng.

You are welcome. "

@Old Yellow Ox, Brother Niuhuang, I have sent you the price.

If you think it is suitable, please transfer it quickly.

I am anxious to take care of your wife for you...

Ahem, I am not wrong.

I am anxious to ask the master to tell my fortune. "

"Those of you with good appetite, don't fight with me.

The doctor said that I have a poor appetite and have to eat soft rice, hehehe..."

"Master, you are wrong.

I am the most caring person.

I will not beat children, especially children. At most, I will beat them with seven wolves so that their father can't recognize them. " "Master Wang:

Want to fleece me?

Exchange your life for it, hehehe..."

... At the same time, the internal group of the scalper also exploded.

"Because he is too handsome, he was sentenced to no wife:


This is too weird.

Do you think this is the revenge of Master Wang? "

"The milk bottle took away my first kiss:

I told Lao Liu not to do this before, but he refused to listen.

Now it's all right."

"Because he was too handsome, he was sentenced to be without a wife:

Anyway, I will grab any ticket in the future, but I will never dare to grab Master Wang's quota, otherwise I will be in a bloody disaster."

"I am not afraid of women:

Lao Liu, don't sell it now, use this quota to let the master help you calculate and see if there is still hope."


Yes, yes, yes, don't sell it, see if there is still hope, if there is no hope, I will help you take care of your family."

... Liu Ergou, who had been desperate, suddenly saw the message reminder from the scalper group on the screen, and he rekindled his hope of life with his lifeless eyes.


I won't sell it! I still have a chance.

I have to know what bloody disaster I have committed so that I can know how to avoid it.

He hurriedly came to the front of the screen, looked at Wang Yue on the screen, and said anxiously as if he had grabbed a life-saving straw:

"Master Wang, I won't sell it anymore, I won't sell this quota!"

"I want to use it myself, please save me! " Hearing Liu Ergou say that he would not sell it, the viewers in the live broadcast room suddenly became anxious.

They all persuaded him in the barrage: "Brother Niuhuang, please don't, I have taken off my pants, and you told me that you don't want to sell it."

"Don't be afraid, brother Niuhuang, the master lied to you, just sell it to him and see if you will die."

"We must believe in science.

Scientist Einstein once said, don't be afraid, only your body will die, you will live forever in our hearts."

"Everyone is doomed to die, whether early or late.

Early death can lead to early reincarnation, so sell it now and don't delay reincarnation. Your wife and I will also work hard, maybe we can catch up with our second child, become a negative second generation, and inherit my Huabei."

... Looking at the content on the barrage, Liu Ergou's face was as black as the bottom of a century-old casserole.

He said angrily:

"Fuck, you bunch of damn idiots, it's not you who are going to die, right?"

"Do you have any sympathy?

I'm just being clever and trying to make a little profit."

After Liu Ergou finished speaking, not only did he not get comfort, but he aroused the bad taste of more netizens.

He was so angry that he could only ignore the content of the barrage and looked at Wang Yue on the screen and said:

"Master, I really don't want to sell it.

Please save me."

Wang Yue said lightly:

"No, I thought about it carefully and felt that what you just said was right."

"You sell the quota to other people who need it. In this way, I can prove myself with my strength, you can also make money, and the people who get the quota can also get what they want.

The masses get the truth, and it's a win-win situation for all four. It's great!"

"So you should sell it and give the quota to people who need it."

Liu Ergou was dumbfounded.

The words he used to stimulate Wang Yue just now were now returned to him word for word.

At this time, no matter how dumb he was, he understood that the other party was angry.

He knelt on the ground with a plop, ignoring the pain from his knees, and slapped himself in the face with a big slap, saying:

"Master Wang, I was wrong.

My purpose in saying that was not pure.

I wanted to encourage you to agree to let me resell the quota.

Now I know I was wrong."

"Master, please forgive me.

I am the one who is in need.

I was able to grab this quota among millions of netizens, which proves that we are destined to be together, Master."

"Don't bother with me, forgive me."

Liu Ergou didn't dare to lie at all.

He slapped his face with all his strength.

The red palm print appeared immediately after one slap.

But he didn't dare to stop no matter how painful it was.

This was the only chance to save his life. After a while, his originally thin face swelled up.

But he continued to slap.

The water friends in the live broadcast room were silent after seeing this scene, and didn't continue to disgust him.

Slowly, some netizens began to speak for him in the barrage:

"Actually, he was just a little arrogant and his methods were a little shameless just now.

Now that he has learned his lesson, he can be given a chance, if there is still hope." "Yeah, he should have really realized his mistake, and he hasn't done anything against the law.

He can be forgiven."

"Master, why don't you forgive him!"

"Yes, Master, forgive him!"

"Master, we also want to know what kind of bloody disaster he has suffered.

Just give him a chance.

Let's talk about whether he can survive first. The main thing is to let us eat melons first!" "Fuck!!!

You upstairs are really a dog.

You still want to eat melons at this time. Actually, I also want to..." . . . . .