Chapter 108: Thin palm lines mean the family is not rich? Complex palm lines mean the family has three fathers?

"Let's welcome the last person of today.

His ID is:

Huo Huo Huo, popular all over the country." As soon as Wang Yue finished speaking, he connected to the microphone.

The other person's face did not appear on the screen, but a sexy, perfect body with curves appeared.

A black deep V-neck backless dress wrapped her full breasts, half of which were exposed.

Her fair and tender skin, delicate and charming clavicle, and unfathomable career line all attracted the attention of netizens. However, a slender jade hand slightly blocked the neckline.

In the words of Teacher Jin, she covered her chest for fear that the poor would see it, and for fear that the rich would not see it!

"Oh, no, no face, but it doesn't matter.

The camera is just right.

I like it. It would be better if the hand was moved away.


"I can play with this hand for a year..." "When you stare into the abyss, the abyss is also staring at you!

Observing with an astronomical telescope.

"I hope it's not life that's suffocating me, but you..."

"You look so beautiful.

My friends and I are so tired..."

"You are too slow.

The first time I saw her, I sent millions of elite soldiers to the highest peak in the world to conquer her heart."

... The scrolling speed of the bullet screen area broke the record directly, and the fans were excited.

At this time, the sexy woman on the other side of the screen spoke, and her soft and sticky voice came:

"Master Wang, hello, I have been following you for a long time."

"I know your rules.

It's okay to read your palm. You don't need to show your face."

"For some reasons, it's not convenient for me to show my face.

Please forgive me!"

Wang Yue was muttering in his heart, I have only been live streaming for a few days, and you have been following me for a long time? Could it be the little sister in the alley before? Then he used the skill [See Clearly] to look at the figure on the screen.

Well, very good! Very clear!

Very comprehensive!

The fate of the other party was already in Wang Yue's eyes.

Wang Yue smiled slightly and said lightly: "Hello, my destined person!"

"I understand, that's no problem.

After all, you are a well-known person, and you need to pay more attention to privacy. This is as it should be!"

"That's good!"

"So, are you going to tell me your question now?"

The viewers in the live broadcast room seemed to have caught some key information, and the comments were very lively for a while:


Which star is this?

Such a big star should be easy to identify! Who is this?"

"Looks a bit like Yang Mi...


"Is this Liu Yan?"

"I feel like Sister Zhilin...


"Isn't this the sister-in-law???"

"Could it be some internet celebrity?" "Based on the enemy country data I have studied for many years, this should be Miss Mikami Yua!

When did Mandarin become so standard?" "Fuck, @上楼, aren't you talking about Xiao Ri Zi?

Don't study if you have poor eyesight.

Give me the enemy country data and I will study it..."

... The viewers were guessing who this was, and some took screenshots and compared them with the major female stars one by one.

The woman on the other side of the screen seemed a little hesitant when she heard Wang Yue asking her whether to tell the question now.

It was really difficult to ask such a question in front of so many people, even though her face was not shown.

But if she was recognized, her reputation would be ruined!

But if she doesn't ask, it will affect her future! This made her feel conflicted!

Then she took a deep breath, as if she had made up her mind.

The picture that swelled up instantly made the eyes of the water friends in the live broadcast room straighten, and their faces were almost touching the mobile phone screen.

At this time, the sticky, itchy voice sounded again:

"Master, although your fortune-telling before was incredible, I also believe that you are really capable, but after all, I haven't experienced it myself, and the feeling is not too strong."

"Can I experience your ability first, so that I can also tell my questions with confidence!" "Because the questions I want to ask are more private, I am more cautious.

I hope the master understands."

Wang Yue raised the corner of his mouth, but he was saying in his heart.

Don't you just want to switch from an Internet celebrity to the film and television industry, but the director wants to rule you unspokenly.

If you agree, you will be given the role of the heroine.

If you don't agree, goodbye!

And you are not sure whether this play will make you popular, and you don't know whether it is worth it, so you are ready to tell a fortune.

Do you need to be so mysterious?

But your play is not simple!!!

Putting away his thoughts, Wang Yue showed a meaningful smile and said:

"Then how do you want to experience it?"

The barrage was also rolling wildly:

"Will this melon be ripe next?


"This girl is super brave, I like it..."

"Girl, listen to my uncle's advice, you can't control the master's length, don't wait for the club to die, it's not too late to run now!"

"No wonder you dare not show your face, it turns out that you are ready to experience the master's ability, Master Wang, tell me how deep she is..."

... The girl knew the virtues of these water friends, so she ignored them and said to Wang Yue on the screen:

"Then Master, tell me about my past!"

"After all, this is the most direct way."

After speaking, she stretched out a slender jade hand to the camera. "

Okay, after all, this can also increase the trust between us!"

Wang Yue had seen her fate trajectory a long time ago, but he still cooperated to take a look at the palm, and then began to say: "Your palm lines are fine and messy, which shows that your family is not rich and the relationship is complicated."

"You have three fathers!"

Water friends in the live broadcast room: What? ? ?

Fine palm lines mean the family is not rich? Complex palm lines mean there are three fathers?

Is there any necessary connection between the two?

Wang Yue continued:

"Back then, your father's family was poor, and there were three brothers who were of marriageable age.

At that time, the family could only raise money for one person to get married."

"After they discussed, they decided that the eldest brother would get married."

"On the surface, it was the eldest brother who got married, but in fact, the three brothers married the same woman!"

"Your mother didn't agree at first, but as time went by, she fell in love with them and people are all made of flesh and blood, so she gradually accepted her fate!"

"So from childhood to adulthood, your family asked you to call them Big Dad, Second Dad, and Third Dad, instead of Second Uncle and Third Uncle!"

"Outsiders thought that there were only two brothers left who hadn't married, so they asked the eldest brother's children to recognize them as fathers!"

Hearing this, the viewers in the live broadcast room were all numb.

"Fuck, this is really rare, there is such an operation!!!"

"Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday?

Rest on Sunday?

Or together?"

"Which village is this from? This is outrageous..."

"I can't understand how anyone could agree to something so outrageous..."

"I'm just a little curious, whose child is this girl across the street?"

"@The above, if you knew, you wouldn't call her daddy!"