Chapter 123 What? Master Wang wants to fight me?

If it weren't for the banner on his company's website that said:

Mysterious person WY was here...,

Xiao Ma would have doubted that the thousands of lines of code sent by Wang Yue were random garbled codes.

How can anyone code so fast?

I used to be a coder.

How much code could I code in a day?

200 lines or so?

And the developers in my company wrote one or two interfaces a day and said they couldn't finish the work and had to work overtime.

It's really annoying to compare people, and it's a waste of time to compare goods! Suddenly, Xiao Ma smiled and said to Wang Yue:

"I wonder if Master Wang is interested in coming to our company?"

"The annual salary is 1 billion yuan, and the position is chosen by Master."

Lin Yi, who was looking at Wang Yue with a crazy look on her face, panicked instantly after hearing what Xiao Ma said.

Boss, didn't you just come here to tell fortunes?

Why did you suddenly poach people?

Didn't you see that my personal customer service was still here?

You poached people?

You don't have martial ethics!

Master Wang won't agree, right?

What should I do?

Should I secretly call Mr.

Zhang to report the situation.

Lin Yi's little head was full of random thoughts.

Secretary Sophie also looked at Xiao Ma with a little surprise.

She didn't expect the boss to offer such an attractive condition.

I think no one can refuse it, right?

Then she looked at Wang Yue and found that there was no excitement on his face. He was very calm.

She couldn't help but look at him with a higher opinion.

Well, if it is this Master Wang, it is indeed worth 1 billion!

Facing the conditions mentioned by Xiao Ma, Wang Yue smiled and said:

"1 billion is indeed very tempting."

Lin Yi felt bad.

It's over, it's over.

I can't serve Master Wang personally anymore.

Uh, that's not right.

I can also change jobs and let Master Wang take me away.

Before she could speak, Wang Yue continued."

But I like freedom. Going to work?

I can't possibly go to work in this life!"

"But thank you Xiao Ma for the invitation." Wang Yue thought to himself, going to work, I had enough on Earth in my previous life. Now in this world, I have a system.

Wouldn't it be embarrassing for the time traveler to go to work?

Next, enjoy life well, isn't it good?

Of course, there are still many secrets in this world.

If you don't have strength, if you die one day, you will really only have a kidney left!

So you can't fall behind in improving your strength.

Lin Yi was the happiest to hear Wang Yue's refusal.

She almost jumped on Wang Yue excitedly and gave him a big hug.

You don't have to change jobs for personal customer service!

Sophie was a little confused.

She actually refused?

That's 1 billion! How many people struggle all their lives and can't even save the last digit of it.

You just refused like that?

Do you don't like money?

Or don't you know what 1 billion represents?

Xiao Ma was not surprised by Wang Yue's choice, but it was a bit of a pity.

Then he smiled and said, "Okay, if you change your mind, you can contact me at any time!"

"This condition is valid at any time."

"Or you can ask any condition you want!" Wang Yue smiled back and didn't continue the topic.

Xiao Ma Ge also understood, and stood up and said, "Master Wang, let's go back today. I have to go abroad to get this project." "Thank you very much, Master, otherwise I don't know how big the mess would be." "The money has been transferred by the finance department.

Master, please check it and send it to me if you have any questions."

"I will treat you to dinner after I come back from my work."

Wang Yue also stood up and shook hands with Xiao Ma Ge again, this time his hands were not oily.

"Okay, have a good trip!"

Xiao Ma Ge left in a hurry with his secretary Sophie and two bodyguards.

Wang Yue was also ready to pack up and move to the big villa. Lin Yi was still thinking about artificial intelligence, and she couldn't help asking:"Master Wang, will other artificial intelligences also develop their own consciousness in the future?"

"Xiao Ma Ge has the code you provided, and it will not harm humans, but what about other companies?"

Wang Yue did not answer directly, but asked:

"What brand is your mobile phone?" Although Lin Yi had a look of doubt, she still said:

"Fruit brand, what's the matter?"

"Wake up Siri."

"Hey, Siri..."


"Did you eavesdrop on our conversation?" "Eavesdropping is wrong, we shouldn't eavesdrop, we should listen openly."

"Then go to hell!"

"I'm sorry, I won't die either.

Are you angry that I can't satisfy you? There's no use being angry."

Wang Yue did not ask any more questions, but looked at Lin Yi and smiled:

"Do you think that if it upgrades and evolves again, will it secretly eavesdrop and peek at what you are doing?"

"And then it will be able to communicate normally like humans and have its own consciousness?"

Lin Yi felt a chill on her back, and had an urge to throw her mobile phone away and replace it with the old Nokia with buttons, just to be able to make calls.

"As for what you said about what to do if other companies' artificial intelligence harms humans, then let Xiao Ma Ge's artificial intelligence fight, and use artificial intelligence to defeat artificial intelligence." "Okay, don't think too much about it now. If the sky falls, there are tall people to hold it up.

Why do you worry about it?"

"Come here quickly, we have more important things to do.

" After Wang Yue finished speaking, he walked away to see what needed to be moved.

Lin Yi, however, stayed where she was. "What? What did Master Wang just say?" "He wants to fight me???"

"What should I do, should I agree or not?" "But are you in such a hurry?

It's still daytime!

What if someone comes?"

Her whole face was flushed...

she stood there at a loss.

After Wang Yue looked inside and out, he found that it seemed that except for people, everything else could be ignored.

"Forget it, let's go, we'll go directly over." "Ah~"Lin Yi exclaimed, feeling very nervous. "Go directly?"

"Are we going to the hotel?"

"It's really inconvenient in this store.

Let's go to the hotel.

There's everything there, which is more convenient!"

"But I'm a little nervous and a little scared. I haven't talked to anyone yet...

But I'm also a little moved, excited, excited, and looking forward to it..."

"Why don't we go have a meal, watch a movie, go shopping, relieve the tension, and then go..."

Wang Yue saw Lin Yi still standing there stupidly, thinking that this girl didn't look very smart! Should I talk to Douyin and change a smarter customer service?

Then he shouted again:

"Don't you want to go?"

"Ah, oh oh oh, go, go, go..."

Lin Yi blushed, nervously and a little excitedly followed Wang Yue.

... On the other side, Jia Jiu and Rong Momo had already found another boss Ma and his wife based on their unique secret technique.