Chapter 125 What’s going on? A thief broke into the house?

"Is this the thing that blocked my attack just now?"

Jia Jiu studied the toy morning glory in his hand curiously.

It was no different from the ones sold at roadside stalls.

But it was extremely strong, and he couldn't destroy it with his ability.

This made him even more interested.

He asked Boss Ma:

"How did you get this thing?"

"How to use it specifically?"

Rong Momo also came up and looked at the toy morning glory in front of her.

Then she showed a contemptuous expression and said:

"A grown man actually wears this kind of pendant, he is either a sissy or a gay!" "Disgusting..."

Boss Ma's old face was choked and blushed, but he couldn't refute it.

When he saw this so-called magic weapon, his mouth twitched.

However, Wang Yue said that this is the father of the Golden Bell Cover.

The Golden Bell Cover was derived from its appearance and has stronger defense than the Golden Bell Cover.

When he is hurt, it will automatically trigger protection.

He didn't care whether Wang Yue was Hu You or not, and bought it half-heartedly.

And looking at what he saw just now, the effect is indeed amazing!

His copper door was destroyed by him, but his attack on himself was bounced off.

But it should be related to the fact that the other party did not want to kill me directly.

He suddenly thought that this was just a magic weapon, and the person on the other side could not do anything about it.

If Master Wang was asked to come, would he and his wife be saved?

But he finally gave up this idea.

What if Master Wang could not defeat him, that would harm him.

So in response to Jia Jiu's question, Boss Ma said directly:

"This was sold to me by an old grandfather when I was a child.

I have feelings for it after wearing it for a long time, so I have been wearing it all the time." "I didn't know it had such an effect."

As soon as Boss Ma finished speaking, his wife immediately said beside him:

"He lied, this was sold to him by that master, I also have one."

"But I think it's too ugly, so I put it in the room."

Boss Ma's face darkened instantly.

He cursed in his heart: This idiot! ! !

This is a trap for me! Jia Jiu sneered:

"It seems that you have a good relationship with that master!"

"He will sell you such good things!"

"And you are a dishonest person, I don't like you."

"But it doesn't matter, go to my junior sister, I will deal with you well."

After that, he hit Boss Ma and the other man, knocked them out, and took them away. ... Wang Yueding's new car had not arrived yet, so he called a Didi when he went out. Because he had never been to the villa, he was worried that there was a lack of daily necessities there.

He went to the mall on the way to buy some daily necessities.


Wang Yue pushed the cart through the narrow aisles between the shelves, putting various daily necessities into the cart.

This puzzled Lin Yi, who was following behind.

Do you need to buy these when going to the hotel?

The hotel even provides enough condoms, not to mention toothpaste, toothbrushes, towels, shampoo, shower gel...

and so on.

Could it be that Master Wang is a person with mysophobia and is not used to the hotel's things, so he has to bring his own? But there is no need to buy so many, right? Finally, she couldn't help asking:

"Master Wang, why are we buying these things?"

"Oh, I was afraid they didn't have them over there, so I bought them over there."

Hearing Wang Yue's answer, Lin Yi thought to herself that it seemed that Master Wang had never even stayed in a hotel, so he felt this way.

So she smiled and said, "Master Wang, there is actually everything there, you don't have to buy these things."

Wang Yue looked at her and asked in confusion, "How do you know?"

Seeing Wang Yue's puzzled look, Lin Yi explained, "Uh~ I've lived there before, so I know."

After saying that, she was afraid that Wang Yue would misunderstand, and quickly added, "But don't get me wrong, I always lived there by myself before, not with anyone."

"This is my first time going with the master!" After saying that, Lin Yi was a little afraid to look at Wang Yue, and her face quickly began to heat up.

Wang Yue's face was full of question marks, thinking, strange, I didn't find that you had lived in a villa when I looked at your fate trajectory before.

Could it be that there are experiences that the [See Clearly] skill can't see?

It seems that I need to find an opportunity to verify it.

Then without continuing this topic, Wang Yue looked at the things in the cart, and finally didn't put them back.

Instead, he pushed them to pay.

After all, compared to putting them back one by one, it is easier to push them to pay directly. Finally, carrying a large bag of daily necessities, the two got on Didi again. Seeing the car going to the city, Lin Yi was still a little happy.

It seems that Master Wang is quite concerned about what is going to happen next.

There are obviously no good hotels near where Master Wang lived before.

Although I don't care.

But it must be better to have a big hotel.

In addition to the good environment and hygiene, it is also safe and secure.

There is no need to worry about being secretly filmed by a pinhole camera.

An hour later...

The two came to the Pure Waterfront Villa District.

Lin Yi looked at the high-end villa district in front of her and asked in confusion:

"Master Wang, why are we here?"

"Oh, this is a villa I bought and officially moved in today."

"Ah~, we are not going to the bar..."

"What bar?"

"Ah~, no, no, I said the car ride is a bit long." Lin Yi's face was red and smoking.

It turned out that I had misunderstood all along.

It was all Master Wang's fault for not explaining it clearly.

Oh, oh, oh, so embarrassing...

At this time, she wanted to get under the seat.

Wang Yue saw Lin Yi's strange look, and the idea of ​​asking Douyin to change the customer service came to his mind again. Didi was stopped by the security guard at the gate.

Maybe it was a high-end villa area, and the quality of the security guards was also higher.

So there was no story of the security guard looking down on people and being slapped in the face by Wang Yue's pretense.

After the security guard inquired about the situation and confirmed that Wang Yue was the owner, he let the car go in.

However, the security guard looked at the Didi car that drove in and said, "It's really strange that someone who can afford this kind of villa actually takes a taxi?"

"Shouldn't luxury cars come with drivers?" "It was a close call.

Fortunately, I didn't have a bad attitude just now. Otherwise, if I was complained, I would probably be fired!"

"If I am fired, how can I realize my plan to get rich quickly!"

"I exercise every day.

When I see a female owner, I run over and salute with my unicorn arm, and then pretend to be casual, showing my eight-pack abs and strong chest muscles..."

"Isn't it just for one day, if I can be favored by a rich woman, then I don't have to work hard in the future..."

"So I can't be fired, otherwise where can I find such a good job?

I will come into contact with all kinds of rich women every day, and I must serve every rich woman with my heart."

After the security guard finished speaking, he showed his signature professional smile and continued to stand guard!

Didi sent Wang Yue to the door of his villa. After Wang Yue got off the car, he looked at the luxurious villa in front of him and was actually a little excited. After all, he has lived two lives, let alone such a luxurious villa. He didn't even have a house of his own before, and he rented a house! But soon he found something wrong!

Why does it seem like there is someone in the villa? ? ?

I looked at the house number again.

Sure enough, this was the villa awarded by the system!


"What's going on?"

"Is there a thief?"

"Or has the villa been occupied by someone else?"