Chapter 127 How about you, Master, also help me calculate the fatal

Jia Jiu originally felt a little familiar, and now after hearing what Rong Momo said, he took out his mobile phone and opened the information.

Looking at Wang Yue on the screen, and then looking at Wang Yue in front of him.

Jia Jiu laughed strangely.

"What a coincidence, it's the same person!" "Hehehehe..."

"It's really a piece of cake to find it without any effort."

"Boy, I heard that you are very good at fortune-telling.

You told this guy named Ma that his wife's soul was replaced and then hurt my junior sister."

"You told that little internet celebrity that she would be killed and ruined my boss's good deeds."

"Then have you told yourself a fortune to see how you will die today?"

After Jia Jiu finished speaking, he looked at Wang Yue with a playful look, wanting to see if he would kneel down and beg for mercy. Rong Momo also laughed hehehe.

What an unexpected gain, and I can also get a villa.

Boss Ma shouted at the side:

"Master Wang, thank you for coming to save me, but this man is very powerful!"

"He kicked the iron door of my house open directly, and there was a dent on the door." "Master, if you are not sure, then run quickly, don't worry about me."

After hearing this, his wife grabbed his face and cursed:

"Master, are you mentally ill?"

"What should we do if he runs away?"

"Are you hoping that I will die so that you can find a little one?"

Boss Ma was so angry that he slapped her directly, "Shut up, you idiot!"

Feng Yanping was stunned by his slap, and then sat on the ground crying and making a fuss, scolding Boss Ma for not being a man. Boss Ma ignored her, turned his head and looked at Wang Yue, and said:

"Master Wang, you don't have to worry about her, if you are not sure, run quickly, and help me call the police."

Wang Yue glanced at him and smiled. Then he walked straight over.

This made Lin Yi, who was following behind, almost peed.

Ah~ Master Wang, at this time, we should run first, and then call the police and let the police uncle handle it.

Although he thought so in his heart, but seeing that Wang Yue had already walked over, he had no choice but to follow.

Jia Jiu also felt a little familiar at first, and now after hearing what Rong Momo said, he took out his mobile phone and opened the information.

Looking at Wang Yue on the screen, and then looking at Wang Yue in front of him.

Jia Jiu laughed strangely. "

What a coincidence, it's the same person!" "Hehehehe..."

"It's really a piece of cake to find it without any effort."

"Boy, I heard that you are very good at fortune-telling.

You told this guy named Ma that his wife's soul was replaced and then hurt my junior sister."

"You told that little internet celebrity that she would be killed and ruined my boss's good deeds."

"Then have you told yourself a fortune to see how you will die today?"

After Jia Jiu finished speaking, he looked at Wang Yue with a playful look, wanting to see if he would kneel down and beg for mercy. Rong Momo also laughed hehehe.

What an unexpected gain, and I can also get a villa.

Boss Ma shouted at the side:

"Master Wang, thank you for coming to save me, but this man is very powerful!"

"He kicked the iron door of my house open directly, and there was a dent on the door." "Master, if you are not sure, then run quickly, don't worry about me."

After hearing this, his wife grabbed his face and cursed:

"Master, are you mentally ill?"

"What should we do if he runs away?"

"Are you hoping that I will die so that you can find a little one?"

Boss Ma was so angry that he slapped her directly, "Shut up, you idiot!"

Feng Yanping was stunned by his slap, and then sat on the ground crying and making a fuss, scolding Boss Ma for not being a man. Boss Ma ignored her, turned his head and looked at Wang Yue, and said:

"Master Wang, you don't have to worry about her, if you are not sure, run quickly, and help me call the police."

Wang Yue glanced at him and smiled.

Then he walked straight over.

This made Lin Yi, who was following behind, almost peed.

Ah~ Master Wang, at this time, we should run first, and then call the police and let the police uncle handle it.

Although he thought so in his heart, but seeing that Wang Yue had already walked over, he had no choice but to follow.

He was irritated by Wang Yue's attitude and decided to let him die slowly in fear.

Rong Momo also had a grim smile on her face and said, "You probably don't know how powerful my senior brother is.

In this world, the person who can kill him is probably not born yet, hahaha."

Before Wang Yue could speak, Feng Yanping, who had just been pointed at by Jia Jiu, was already shouting frantically, "No, no, he made a mistake, why did he want to chop us, you should chop him first."

"Yes, whoever made a mistake, you chop him!"

"Go chop him!"

"Qiuqiu, let me go!"

Feng Yanping had already had a mental breakdown, pointing at Wang Yue and asking him to chop him, and crying for him to let her go. Boss Ma sighed in his heart, how could this idiot not be able to tell the situation!

It is said that big breasts mean no brains, and yours are not big, why are you so brainless!

In this situation, only Master Wang can save us, but you want to offend him to death! Aren't you digging your own grave?

But he was too lazy to scold him now.

This person was dumber than a pig, and it was useless to scold him.

He turned to Wang Yue and said, "Master Wang, don't agree to him.

He's such a person."

"Even if you are right, as long as he doesn't admit it and says he is wrong, we can't do anything to him."

"Whether it is right or wrong is up to him." "He just wants to slowly torture us to death," Lin Yi, who was next to Wang Yue, felt the urge to urinate and clamped her legs tightly together.

She was even trembling slightly because of fear.

She also felt that Boss Ma was right and couldn't agree to it.

Just as she was about to ask Wang Yue not to agree to the other party, she heard Wang Yue say, "Okay!"

"If the calculation is not accurate, I will do as you say."

"But, in the same way, for each one you get right, I also want a part of your body."

When Feng Yanping heard Wang Yue agree, the strongest reaction was that she kept crying and shouting.

"I don't want it, I don't agree!" Boss Ma was also stunned for a moment, and then his face turned pale.

I have analyzed it so clearly, why don't you listen?

Alas, Master Wang is too confident in himself, but now it is not up to you to decide whether the calculation is correct or not!

Lin Yi held the sofa, feeling a little weak in the legs.

She had already imagined the scene of her hands, feet, and breasts being cut off.

Jia Jiu was stunned by Wang Yue's look, and his heart forgot to beat.

He felt that his life and death were controlled by someone.

But he felt it carefully, and he did not feel the martial arts atmosphere from Wang Yue. This made him a little angry and embarrassed.

He was actually scared by an ordinary person.

So he said coldly:

"Okay, no problem!"

"Then let's get started quickly.

Don't worry.

My dismemberment technique is professional.

I guarantee that I will cut 100 knives before letting them die."

"You can count slowly and count more."

But he was cursing in his heart, idiot, I will let you watch others die slowly one by one, and then kill you.

Be afraid, tremble!

Wang Yue ignored him and began to speak slowly:

"Three days ago, you went to help a family arrange a ghost marriage, and found that the other party had a beautiful niece."

"So you killed his niece and threw them into the grave together."

"You also spit on the dead man's face and told him that it was buy one get one free, and he didn't need to thank me."

"I almost didn't come back to life because of the anger." Jia Jiu was stunned.

You can even tell the fortune by spitting on the dead man's face?

He felt creepy!

But when he thought that Wang Yue was just an ordinary person who was a little better at fortune-telling, he felt relieved.

Then he said with a surprised expression: "Oh, what should I do, he actually got it right!"


Boss Ma and the others breathed a sigh of relief.

They didn't expect the other party to admit that he got it right! Just as he was relieved, he heard Jia Jiu continue:

"But I don't want to chop my sister's body, nor do I want to chop my own body!"

"What should I do?"

"How about chopping yours!"

"Who told you to calculate so accurately? You said that if you calculated wrong, you would chop them first.

This calculation is too accurate, so I can only chop you!"

After Jia Jiu finished speaking, he looked at Wang Yue with a playful look on his face, and he chuckled.
