Chapter 140 The ancestor of the Qiu family got up in the middle of the night and ran away carrying the coffin?

Wang Yue was sleeping soundly when he suddenly heard a lot of noise outside.

There were a lot of footsteps, and they sounded very anxious.

Someone was shouting something, as if he was asking everyone to get up because something big had happened.

He didn't have the habit of sleeping naked in other people's houses, so he got up and opened the door to go out.

The lights were already on outside.

As soon as he came out, he saw that these people were all rushing to one place.

He stopped one person and asked, "What happened?"

"Why are you running over there without sleeping?"

The man who was stopped looked like he was still not awake and was a little irritable after getting up.

He was about to get angry, but suddenly he found that the person in front of him seemed to be the guest brought back by Sister Qiu Ya.

During the day, the clan leader and others went to greet him.

Uh, a distinguished guest, can't offend!

So he explained, "I don't know the specific situation.

Someone just called me and said that the clan leader called all the clan members to gather."

"I was half asleep, and I seemed to hear that something big had happened, something was missing, and everyone was asked to go find it together."

At this time, Qiu Ya ran over from a distance. The girl was still wearing pajamas.

She was obviously in a hurry and had no time to change.

Seeing her running over, Wang Yue wondered if she would be hurt by the shaking.

It must be very hard, right?

Subconsciously, he wanted to reach out and help her hold on.

She came to Wang Yue, supported her knees with her hands, bent over and said breathlessly:


"Brother Wang Yue, hurry...

hurry up..."

"Come with me quickly, my ancestor got up in the middle of the night and ran away with a coffin!"

Wang Yue swallowed and suddenly felt a little dry in the mouth because he didn't drink some water in the middle of the night.

From his angle, he just saw...

cough cough...

Suppressing his restlessness, Wang Yue said:

"What's going on?"

"Explain it clearly!"

"Can a dead person run away with a coffin?"

Qiuya also calmed down at this time, raised her head, and just met Wang Yue's eyes. She looked down again, oh...

her heartbeat began to beat faster, her little face became hot, and she looked like she could squeeze water out of it... "

Brother Wang Yue, do you think it looks good?"

Qiuya blinked her big eyes at Wang Yue and suddenly said.


"Well, the moon is so big and white tonight..."

"No, tell me what's going on?"

Wang Yue's reaction made Qiu Ya laugh. After laughing for a while, he stood up and said slowly:

"Well, it's like this, Brother Wang Yue." "Some tribe members were so excited that they couldn't sleep tonight, so they planned to go to the ancestral tomb first to loosen the soil, and then we could open the museum directly when we arrived in the daytime."

"As a result, when we got there, we found that the tomb had been dug up, and the ancestor's coffin was gone."

"He realized the seriousness of the matter and ran back to inform everyone."

"After my father knew about this, he immediately asked everyone to gather and prepare to go into the mountains to look for it together."

"Now everyone is gathering at the square, Brother Wang Yue, come with me."

Qiu Ya told the whole story in one breath. Wang Yue finally understood that the ancestor's coffin was missing.

No wonder everyone was so anxious.

If the coffin was gone, there would be no way to open the coffin to break the curse.

It would be strange if they were not anxious! However, everyone agreed to open the museum to break the curse during the day, and the coffin disappeared at night.

It looks like someone is causing trouble! Then Wang Yue went over with Qiu Ya.

He wanted to see who was causing trouble and what was the purpose.

After Wang Yue and Qiu Ya left, a figure walked out from the dark corner behind the house.

Looking at the backs of Wang Yue and Qiu Ya, Qiu Ya was still teasing Wang Yue.

His fists were clenched until they turned white.

He said coldly:

"A pair of dogs and bitches!"

"Now that the coffins are gone, I want to see how you break the curse."

"And I have a surprise for you!"


The Qiu family can only fall into my hands." Then he put on his signature smile again and walked out of the darkness.

When Wang Yue and Qiu Ya came to the square, it was already full of people.

Qiu Yushan stood on the stage with a gloomy face, like a volcano about to erupt. He was hugging his wife, imagining that after the curse was broken, he would go from the living room to the balcony, then to the kitchen, bedroom, bathroom, go on a picnic in the wild with his wife, charter a special plane to the sky, and go to the Maldives to dive underwater...

As a result, before he finished imagining, someone rushed to tell him that the ancestor's tomb had been dug up and the coffin inside was missing.

This was simply a direct death of his beautiful dream that had not yet begun, which was a billion times more serious than the revenge for his father's murder.

Now if he knew who did it, he would definitely grind the other party to ashes. Some core family members beside him also had ugly faces, and they all looked like they wanted to eat people.

They finally saw hope, but it was destroyed in less than a few hours!

How could they not hate it!

Some impatient people have already gone into the mountains to search.

They believe that if they find the tomb robber, they will definitely eat his flesh and drink his blood...

Wang Yue followed Qiu Ya to Qiu Yushan, "Dad, Brother Wang Yue is here."

Qiu Yushan looked at Wang Yue and greeted him:

"Master Wang, you are here."

"Xiao Ya should have told you everything, right?"

The others also looked over and greeted Wang Yue.

Wang Yue nodded in response.

"Yes, Qiu Ya told me on the way here."

"I didn't expect this to happen!"

Qiu Yushan was also holding back a nameless anger and said a few words to Wang Yue.

He turned around and stood in front of the stage, saying loudly:

"Today was supposed to be a happy day, because we already know how to solve the family's genetic problem."

"As long as we open our ancestor's tomb, we will have a chance to solve it."

"But now, the ancestor's tomb has been robbed and the coffin is gone."

"This tomb robber doesn't want our entire family to have an easy life.

He wants our men to suffer the pain of short-lived genitals and the women to be unable to experience the joy of being a woman."

"This person's intentions are so sinister and his methods are so despicable that they are absolutely unforgivable!"

"Next, we will not only find our ancestor's coffin, but also...

We must find this person, make him live a life worse than death, and make him regret coming into this world."

Qiu Yushan's voice was full of anger, and it spread throughout the square.

The people below were furious, and hundreds of people were excited, wishing to cut this person into pieces!

At this time, someone below said:

"Chief, the ancestor's tomb has been here for thousands of years without any problem. Today, an outsider came and the tomb was robbed.

Is there any connection between them?"