Chapter 152 Breaking the Curse

Wang Yue looked at the scene inside the coffin with a heavy face.

Others only saw a pair of ordinary large scissors and steel nails.

In Wang Yue's eyes, these were two murder weapons, and they were wrapped with a layer of dark curse power.

If someone reached out to take them directly, they would be killed instantly by the curse power.

Through the curse power, Wang Yue also saw a terrifying figure, a woman with half of her face covered by hair.

The half of the face that was exposed was so beautiful that one's soul would be hooked away with just one look. And the half of the face hidden under the hair seemed to have worms crawling under the skin, and even the eyes that were covered were white pupils. Half fairy, half devil, it looked extremely terrifying.

Wang Yue knew that this was the person who cursed the ancestor of the Qiu family. And the other party was also a cultivator, and his realm was higher than the current Wang Yue.

And in order to break the curse, the curse power on the two murder weapons must be eliminated without damaging the remains of the ancestor of the Qiu family.

Seeing that Wang Yue did not speak, he stared at the lower body of the ancestor of the Qiu family in the coffin.

Qiu Yushan called out again:

"Master Wang?"

Wang Yue came back to his senses and said:

"These are two murder weapons, both of which are full of curse power.

If you want to break the curse, you have to eliminate the curse power."

"This is very difficult, and I am not sure at the moment."

Hearing Wang Yue say this, the Qiu family panicked.


Master can't do it?"

"Then won't we continue to suffer from the curse?"

"Master, Qiuqiu, please think of a way and help us."

"Master, is there really no way?

Even if we have to sacrifice our lives!"

... The Qiu family talked at once.

Qiu Ya was not studying the 3D holographic projector.

She came to Wang Yue, took out the "holy water" just now, and said:

"Brother Wang Yue, can this holy water eliminate the curse power?"

Others seemed to see hope and said:

"Yes, yes, the talisman on the coffin just now can be eliminated by this holy water, so this curse power should be able to be eliminated as well, right?"

Wang Yue shook his head.

The spell just now and the curse power are completely two different levels.

And the holy water just now was just ordinary holy water, which cannot eliminate the curse power.

Of course, if the merit points are enough, it can be exchanged for higher-level holy water.

But this is not enough.

Seeing Wang Yue shaking his head, everyone's face was full of disappointment. At this time, Wang Yue slowly said: "Although I can't eliminate the curse power directly, I can use other methods to break the curse."

"Bring Yuan Hua and Qiu Dahai here.

"Qiu Family: ???

Their faces were full of question marks. Could they remove the power of the curse? Would they need a blood sacrifice?

Or were they born to resist the curse? Although they didn't understand, someone quickly picked them up and threw them in front of Wang Yue.

"Master Wang, what are you going to do with them?"

Yuan Hua and Qiu Dahai were so shocked that they saw stars, but they woke up instantly after hearing this.

Use them to break the curse?

Qiu Dahai got up, knelt on the ground, and kept begging for mercy.

"Patriarch, I was wrong, let me go!"

"I am willing to spend the rest of my life to atone for my sins."

"Master Wang, please, let me go!"

The Qiu family members thought he was too noisy and kicked him over.

Wang Yue ignored him and said slowly: "Although I can't directly remove the curse now, I can transfer the power of the curse." "As long as the curse is transferred to someone who is not related to you, your curse will be broken."

Yuan Hua and Qiu Dahai's heads buzzed. The thought of getting shorter every year was even more uncomfortable than killing them directly.

And everyone in the Qiu family was ecstatic. Yuan Hua looked crazy and shouted, "I will never let you succeed even if I die."

After that, he slapped his head with his palm, wanting to commit suicide. "Immobilize~"

Wang Yue cast an immobilization spell on the two of them.

Yuan Hua's palm stopped 1 cm in front of his forehead, and he was horrified to find that he could not move, and kept shouting.

The Qiu family was shocked by Wang Yue's method again.

At the same time, they secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, they did not die, otherwise if they died, they did not know whether it would affect the transfer of the curse.

Next, Wang Yue took out a small white flower and a black wooden stick from the bag again.

Then he said to the Qiu family:

"This is called grafting. The curse of the Qiu family ancestor will be transferred to the two of them through these two magic tools."

"I will first take a drop of blood from each of you and drop it on the white flower."

"Your blood and blood are of the same origin as the Qiu family ancestor.

In this way, the power of the curse can be absorbed onto the white flower, and then the power of the curse can be injected into the two of them through the black wooden stick."

After Wang Yue finished speaking, a core member directly pulled out a small dagger and cut his wrist.

Blood flowed down instantly, scaring everyone else.

"Master Wang, take mine, I have a lot of blood."

Watching his operation, Wang Yue was amused.

"Are you going to cut your wrist and commit suicide?"

"And this is ordinary blood, it's useless!"


The man was dumbfounded, and everyone else laughed.

"Fuck, you are still laughing, why don't you help me bandage it!"

Then Wang Yue took a drop of blood from each of them, and everyone looked pale, as if they had a serious illness.

Then Wang Yue controlled the red flower to move above the cursed power.

The cursed power on the two weapons thought it was the Qiu family ancestor, and part of it flowed into the blood-red flower. Wang Yue then controlled the blood-red flower to rise.

The two weapons were also taken away from the Qiu family ancestor's body by the cursed power.When it rose to the middle of the air, the curse power seemed to sense something was wrong and wanted to return to the Qiu family ancestor.

At this time, Wang Yue quickly injected the curse power into Yuan Hua's body through the black wooden stick. "




Yuan Hua enjoyed the same treatment as the Qiu family ancestor.

He was cut off by the large scissors, and a 50-centimeter-long steel nail was also inserted into his body.

He was fixed and unable to struggle, and could only scream...

Wang Yue gave him a quick death, and at the same time sent Qiu Dahai on his way, so that they could keep each other company on the road to the underworld.

At this time, all the Qiu family members felt relaxed, and the male members even felt a jump.

They looked at Wang Yue and asked nervously, "Master Wang, is the curse broken?"

Wang Yue smiled and nodded, and said, "Yes, it's broken!"

After getting Wang Yue's affirmative answer, everyone excitedly burst into crazy cheers, screams, and cries...


This damn curse is finally broken!"

"Yes, from now on our descendants will no longer have to be tortured by this damn curse!"

"Oh Yeah, I can finally be a normal woman!" "Woo woo woo...

I finally don't have to get shorter anymore!"

This sentence seemed to remind everyone, and all the male tribesmen looked at Wang Yue with fiery eyes.

They remembered that Wang Yue said that he had medicine that could help them recover.

"Master Wang, don't you have that medicine?

I wonder..."