Chapter 155 ID: Deep Love

After seeing Wang Yue's reply, Fan Jian jumped up from the toilet in excitement.

As a result, he lost his grip and dropped his phone.

Fortunately, the phone case was big enough and it didn't sink.


"What the hell, I just bought a new phone yesterday!!!"

"Fortunately no one saw it, and it's waterproof..."

He quickly picked it up, quickly took out a few pieces of paper to wipe it, and then notified everyone in the group that Master Wang would be online soon.

He had just sent it out when Wang Yue started the live broadcast.

Fans who received the notification and those who watched Wang Yue's homepage rushed into the live broadcast room at the first time.

As soon as they came in, the barrage of comments kept on refreshing.

"Master Wang, you are finally here.

Do you know?

I have waited so long that the flowers have withered, my hair has turned white, and even the heavens have shed tears..."

"People say that a day without seeing you feels like three years have passed.

It has not even been a day yet, but it feels like centuries have passed..."

"My husband is finally here.

It has only been a day, but why does he look so handsome again?

I love you, my husband!"

"@Upstairs, I suspect you are driving, but I have no evidence."

"He is finally here.

If he doesn't come again, I will have hemorrhoids!"

"Aunt, the background environment of Master Wang has changed.

Is he in some rich woman's house?

Is it because I was too...

last night?"

"Aunt, that makes sense..."

"Aunt, that makes sense +9999..."

... Jingcheng Long Er and the others also saw Wang Yue online.

Although they were separated by a screen, Wang Yue, after his breakthrough, gave them a sense of transcendence.

At this moment, everyone was very surprised.

Long Er looked at the others and smiled: "How about it?

Try to grab a spot later?"

The others nodded. "

Okay, then let's grab a spot and give it a try." "But who's going to do the math?"

"Long Er, you do it!"

"Long San, you don't believe it, you do it!" "Fuck!!!

Long Wu was just disdainful, Long Wu, come on.

"After Wang Yue's breakthrough, they felt that he was very unfathomable, so they were trying to shirk responsibility.

No one wanted their secrets to be exposed, especially in front of them!

At this time, Long Er suddenly said:

"Who will go?

Let's play rock-paper-scissors later.

Let's grab the quota first.

It's not easy to grab the quota of this Master Wang!"

The others thought about it and it was right. It was useless to discuss who would go before grabbing it.

"How can our national-level network not be able to grab it than them?"

"Are you underestimating us?

Or are you overestimating them?"

"Haha, then okay, then let Long Wu grab it!" "Fuck!!!

You old man, you are setting a trap for me, right?"

... Wang Yue looked at the netizens on the barrage and smiled slightly, then said:

"Hello everyone!"

"I was delayed today by something, so I went online late.

Thank you for your support."

"Then let's not talk nonsense, start grabbing red envelopes now and confirm today's quota!"

After Wang Yue finished speaking, he sent out a red envelope.

Netizens who had been ready to go were already poking at the screen before they even saw the red envelopes.

The moment Wang Yue sent them out, the red envelopes were gone in seconds.

There was another cry of grief on the barrage:

"Fuck, my hand speed is so fast that even my girlfriend can't stand it, but I can't even get this small spot?"

"In order to get this spot, I practiced poking 8 elderly phones and broke my fingers just now, but I still didn't get it.

Oh, heaven...oh, there any justice???"

"Isn't it nice to eat melons quietly?

Why do you have to fight for a spot?

We eat other people's melons and leave them with nothing."

... Long Er and others in Beijing were all staring at each other.

"No, Long Wu, is it because your hand speed is not good, or your phone is not good, or your character is not good, or is it really because our country's professional-level network is not good?"

"Even so you can't beat others?"

Long Wu was a little embarrassed, "How should I know, who knew these people were so exaggerated, I just clicked in, and it was gone!"

"What should I do now?"

"What else can we do?

We can only go for the interview in person." "That's the only way.

Who's going?"

"Draw lots, rock-paper-scissors..."

... Wang Yue saw that the quota had been assigned, so he said:

"Haha, those who didn't get it don't be discouraged, maybe our fate will come next time."

"Okay, now let's welcome the first destined person today, his ID is:


After Wang Yue finished speaking, he saw Yiwangqingshen's application for a live broadcast, and he agreed immediately.

The live broadcast was approved, and a man and a woman appeared on the screen on the other side.

The man was a little fat, with a flat head, a little dark skin, a smile on his face, and white teeth.

He looked in a very good mood.

The girl next to him had a melon-seed face, a 7-point appearance, a pale face, and did not look very good mentally.

And from the background, they should be at home.

The house is well decorated and looks like they have good living conditions!

As soon as the boy got on the microphone, he said happily:

"Hello, Master Wang!"

"Hello, netizens!"

"My name is Guo Degang, and I am very happy to get the master's place today."

As soon as he finished speaking, the barrage was full of comments:

You are too happy too early, do you think the master's place can be grabbed randomly? Seeing this in the barrage, he was dumbfounded, and his heart was even more up and down. Sloppy! ! !

The water friends in the live broadcast room laughed when they saw his reaction. However, Guo Degang quickly adjusted himself in his heart, and then said to the camera:

"Don't be afraid, I am in good health, I have never committed a crime, and I don't have any bad records.

What am I afraid of."

"I am full of confidence and not panicking at all!"

After that, he paid all the divination money directly.

[A deep love rewarded Huazi X1]

Seeing the gift special effects rising in the barrage, other water friends also followed suit.

[Lao Huangniu Bupi Huang rewarded Huazi X1]

[Brahma Fanhai rewarded Huazi X10][saobia rewarded Huazi X10]

[love to eat cabbage and potatoes rewarded Huazi X10]

[everyone makes a fortune rewarded Xiaoxin X100]

... The whole screen was filled with gift effects.

Wang Yue saw that Guo Degang was in a good mood, so he smiled and said, "Hello, my destined person!"

"Don't listen to what they say, I'm not that scary?"

"Okay, now tell me what you want to calculate?"

Guo Degang also smiled and said to Wang Yue, "Master Wang, actually, it's not me who's calculating today, it's my girlfriend who's calculating!"