Chapter 162 ID: A Thousand Miles of Marriage

"Okay, now let's welcome the second destined person today, his ID is:

Thousand Miles of Marriage Ties Together." Wang Yue finished speaking, and the microphone connection was successful! Suddenly, a face appeared on the screen.

A sunny and handsome young man appeared on the screen.

The young man looked 25-26 years old, with short side-parted hair, regular facial features, a plump nose, and a charming smile at the corners of his mouth.

He wore a white shirt on the upper body and jeans on the lower body.

As soon as he appeared, he smiled and greeted the screen and introduced himself. "Master Wang, hello!"

"Hello, brothers and sisters in the live broadcast room!"

"Hehe, Master Wang, it seems that we are destined to be together, because my last name is also Wang, my name is Wang Defa."

As soon as he finished speaking, the water friends in the live broadcast room also responded one after another.

"Hello, hello, this name is very unique." "Hello, hello, is the English name what the fuck?"

"What do you think will happen to him with this ID?"

"Why waste this brain cell?

If you have this time, why not just move a bench, prepare some melon seeds, and wait for the melon to eat?"

... At this time, the viewers in the live broadcast room all recovered from the horror scene just now, and the barrage became cheerful.

Wang Yue also smiled slightly and responded:

"Hello, this destined person!"

"What are you going to count?"

When Wang Yue said this, he had already used the skill [See Clearly] to understand the other party's fate.

After reading it, Wang Yue frowned and thought, um~

There are still people like this now?

When Wang Defa heard Wang Yue's question, he did not answer directly.

Instead, he chuckled and said, "Honestly, Master Wang."

"I feel great when I see the master telling fortunes for others."

"But now that it's my turn, I'm a little nervous, because I don't know if I will suddenly have some bad omen."

"Haha, I'm starting to back off."

Wang Defa's words made the netizens in the live broadcast room laugh."

Hahaha, that's right.

Others ask for money to tell fortunes, but Master Wang tells fortunes with bad omens."

"Hahaha, that's so funny.

If you know that, then you still dare to grab the spot.

Hurry up and give it to me.

My name is Yang Wei, who am I afraid of?" "Master:

You're talking as if it's a bad omen to connect with me. Don't you know that you'll die faster if you don't connect with me?" "Brother, what are you afraid of?

I wear it every day.

Am I afraid?"

"@Upstairs, I don't believe it unless you show it to me, dog head."

... Wang Defa's words also made Wang Yue laugh helplessly.

This destined person has a bad omen, and I can't do anything about it.

God is my witness, it's not me who made them have a bad omen.

Then Wang Yue slowly said:

"Haha, do you want to give up?"

"It doesn't matter, you can choose for yourself."

"Getting the spot is fate, whether to do the fortune telling or not is voluntary!"

Some of the water friends in the live broadcast room were spamming the screen, asking him to give up the spot quickly.

They were not afraid, so let them do the fortune telling.

Wang Defa shook his head, then grinned and said, "Give up!"

"That's impossible!!!"

"I've been waiting for several days and finally got a spot. How can I give up?"

"I was just a little nervous just now.

It was just a joke to ease my nervousness." Wang Yue nodded, smiled slightly and said, "Haha, are you still nervous now?"

"Do you want me to give you another 3 minutes so that we can watch a short movie and relax together?"

Wang Defa quickly said, "No, no..."

"Master Wang, it's like this."

"I'm a medical student.

A year ago, I saved a person on the road." "Later, we met by chance many times.

We met on the street, we met when shopping in the mall, and we met when traveling.

The most coincidental thing is that we actually live in the same community..."

"I didn't expect that our fate would begin like this!"

"She loves me very much, and I love her too."

"It's just that my family members don't agree with us being together.

They want to break us up, and they say that our horoscopes are incompatible."

"But we were able to meet, know each other, and fall in love in this vast sea of ​​people.

This is the fate destined by God, how can we be incompatible."

"So I came to the master, to ask him to help us take a look and choose an auspicious day for us to get married."

Hearing this, the viewers in the live broadcast room all smelled a big melon. They posted on the barrage:

"Saved a person?

I guess it's a man!


"Fuck, detective, @上楼, what you said since Guo Degang just now is very sophisticated, and I also feel that the truth you said."

"A marriage without the blessing of family is not a happy marriage, forget it!"

"Does anyone still believe in horoscopes these days?

My mother said that my wife's horoscope is unlucky for her, and if we get married, she will die!

Who believes this?

I directly got married with my wife.

Even though my mother has been dead for several years, I don't believe that it was my wife who killed me."

... Wang Yue already knew the whole story from the trajectory of his fate.

He smiled and said, "Haha, the real reason your family opposes you being together is because she is older than you, right?"

Wang Defa frowned.

He looked at Wang Yue on the screen and said slowly:

"They did mention this reason."

"However, Master, as the saying goes, a woman three years older than her husband will bring him wealth.

Isn't sister-brother love normal now?" "Don't people nowadays say:

age is not a problem, height is not a distance, region is not a difference, weight is not a pressure, and gender is not a problem?"

The viewers in the live broadcast room also agreed.

That's right, love is the only thing now.

Wang Yue smiled and shook his head, saying lightly:

"It's true that a woman three years older than her husband can hold gold bricks!"

"But you held 16 gold bricks at once, your parents must be under a lot of pressure!" The comments suddenly became quiet.

What the hell, what does that mean?

16 gold bricks?

How much is that?

Then the netizens who reacted laughed. "Fuck, it's already 16 gold bricks, it can still be called a sister-brother relationship?

If you got married earlier, she would be your grandmother!"

"What the hell is a sister-brother relationship, brother, do you have any misunderstanding about sister-brother relationships?"

"Hahaha, if it's any parent, they would object, right?"

"Good old lady, the old lady has a minimum living allowance, the old lady has not much to do, and you can find someone else if the old lady is gone!


"Good auntie, auntie has not much to do and has social security, she has sons and daughters to take care of her in her old age, and she can also buy you a supercar, auntie is in good health, auntie practices dancing in the square, good auntie, you are the treasure in auntie's palm!"

Looking at the mocking content on the barrage, Wang Defa said unhappily: "Humph, you don't understand what love is!" At this time, Wang Yue suddenly said: "Besides, you don't really love her and are with her voluntarily."