Chapter 165 The whole story

"What on earth did she like about me?

What was her purpose?"

The viewers in the live room were equally curious.

"Yeah, the world is so big, why did she choose Wang Defa?

Is this just a coincidence?"

"I guess Wang Defa has some special characteristics, and they want to use him to practice some magical skill like collecting yang and replenishing yin."

"Wang Defa is a doctor.

Could it be that he did something to the old lady during his medical practice before, and this is revenge?"

"Is it possible that this was random, and the old lady was just testing who would save her, and whoever saved her would be tied with a red rope?"

... The viewers in the barrage made various guesses.

Wang Defa's mother saw that her son seemed to have suffered a great shock. Fearing that he would be upset, she quickly said, "Son, she is just an old shameless woman who wants to have sex with young girls."

"You must cheer up.

It's not worth it for such a vicious old woman."

Wang Defa seemed not to hear his mother's words.

He looked at Wang Yue on the screen and said, "Master, what do you think she is doing?"

Wang Yue said calmly, "The answer to all this is in her phone."

After Wang Yue finished speaking, Wang Defa's mother immediately snatched Chen Feng's phone.

Chen Feng wanted to take action, but finally put down her raised hand.

It's meaningless now, forget it!

At this moment, she seemed to have aged 10 years in an instant!

Wang Defa's first reaction was to scold his mother for her behavior.

But the words did not come out of his mouth.

He also wanted to know why this happened. After Wang Defa's mother got the phone, she couldn't open it because there was a lock screen password on it.

Wang Yue said at the right time:

"Password: 1314"

"After opening it, enter the album.

There is an album called Beloved."

"Open it and take a look."

Wang Defa's mother quickly operated. When she saw the photos in the album, she was stunned.

A photo of Wang Defa and a girl with twin ponytails appeared in front of her.

The girl was very beautiful and the two looked very close.

And the photo looked like the phone was taken again with the photo that had already been taken.

She looked at Wang Defa and asked puzzledly:

"Son, who is the girl in this photo?"

"When did you take this photo?

It looks a bit old."

The water friends in the live broadcast room also saw the photos on the screen, and suddenly they all felt that they understood what was going on.

"The truth has been revealed.

Wang Defa must have abandoned the girl in the photo, and the girl committed suicide for love.

The old lady is the girl's grandmother, so she deliberately took revenge for the girl."

"Could it be that the girl in the photo is the grandmother in front of you, who turned white overnight after being abandoned by Wang Defa, and aged 50 years in an instant, and then came to seek revenge on Wang Defa?"

"Why must Wang Defa have abandoned the girl?

Could it be that the girl had a terminal illness, and her biggest wish before she died was to marry Wang Defa, and her grandmother fulfilled her wish for her." "Fuck, are you all Di Renjie reincarnated?

Or is Bao Zheng online?"

... In the barrage, the netizens all turned into detectives, dissecting the truth.

Wang Defa took the phone handed over by his mother and looked at it, and was also stunned.

Uh, when did I take this photo?

I don't know this girl?

He said puzzledly:

"I don't know who the woman above is.

I don't remember taking such a photo."

"I don't know what's going on either."

"The person above should not be me."

At this time, Wang Yue said:

"The person above is indeed not you."

"It's the husband of this matchmaker!"

"And the girl above is exactly what the matchmaker looked like when she was young."

Everyone in the live broadcast room was stunned!!!

So Wang Defa was targeted because he looked like someone's husband when he was young?

I didn't expect that there are two identical people in the world, and they are not twins! Wang Defa didn't react for a while.

How come her husband looks exactly like me? ? ?

Could it be that my grandfather abandoned her when he was young and chose to be with my grandmother.

Then I look like my grandfather?

That's not right.

Everyone in the village said that my father looks like my grandfather.

He was simply carved out of a template.

He looked at his father, and his face shape was different from his.

So what is going on? ? ?

Ignoring their shock, Wang Yue continued: "Her husband died early, and before he died, he told her that he was sorry for abandoning her so early in this life."

"I must find her in the next life, marry her, and make it up to her!"

"She has been waiting for this sentence." "Until she went to the hospital with a cold and saw you."

"She thought it was her husband who came back to find her, but you didn't know her."

"That's why I carefully planned all this, just to marry you."

Hearing this, everyone in the live broadcast room fell silent.

Then the comments quickly started to refresh again.

"This is a sad story, but after all, Wang Defa is not your husband.

You are harming such a young man for your own selfish desires.

Isn't it bad?"

"It's not easy for an old lady to be in love with him. Otherwise, Wang Defa, you should be with someone else."

"Looking like someone is sometimes really distressing.

Last week, someone misidentified me and beat me three times in one day, saying that I stole his wife.

I am really more wronged than Dou E." "Hahaha, @上楼, is it possible that he just wanted to beat you?"

... Wang Defa was very excited at this time, "How can this be???"

"I'm not really her husband!"

"How can you force me to tie a red rope just because I look like her?"

Wang Yue shook his head and said slowly: "In fact, you are indeed the reincarnation of her previous husband."

"It's just that the queue for reincarnation was too long at that time, and she was old when you were born."

"And you don't have any memory of your previous life, so your previous life and this life are two unrelated lives."

Wang Yue's words directly shocked Wang Defa. Before he spoke, his mother got anxious first.

"Master, are you mistaken?

They just look alike, how can they be his reincarnation?"

"Don't say that!"

Chen Feng was very excited.

When she saw Wang Defa before, she thought it was her husband who came back. Now that the master said so, it must be right. After all, she has experienced the master's ability.

It was like a sparrow pecking at a cow's butt, and the sparrow ate the cow's butt.

She looked at Wang Defa excitedly, tears welling up in her eyes, and she choked up and called out:
