Chapter 177 Is this the legendary stomach stone?

Then Wang Yue used the skill [See Clearly] to look at the other party.

In an instant, the other party's fate trajectory was clearly presented in front of him.

Zhu Shaohua, 32 years old this year, is not a cultivator.

He was weak and sickly when he was a child.

He accidentally swallowed the ancestral jade bead in his family.

His parents didn't know and thought they lost it when they moved.

Since then, his health has gradually improved and he rarely gets sick.

The jade bead was not pulled out later and is still in his body.

Because of the jade bead, he even has a special sense of jade.

He started a jade business and his business is getting bigger and bigger.

The trace of spiritual energy that Wang Yue felt just now was emitted by the jade bead.

In Wang Yue's eyes, the jade bead is now stuck to his stomach.

Wang Yue thought with a bit of evil taste, is this the legendary gastric stone?

Zhu Shaohua came to Wang Yue, excitedly took his hand, and said excitedly:

"Master Wang, it's really you."

"Do you live here too?"

"I live here too, in Villa 16."

"You don't know, I was just watching your live broadcast, and I tried to grab a spot several times before but failed."

"I didn't expect to become a neighbor of the master, I'm so excited.

By the way, Master Wang, do you tell fortunes offline?"

Wang Yue smiled awkwardly, and then pulled his hand out inconspicuously, his hands were sweaty at this time.

I didn't expect retribution to come so quickly.

Before, I shook Xiao Ma's hands and they were all oily, but this time it was my turn to be shaken and sweaty.

Thinking of the questions that Zhu Shaohua wanted to tell, Wang Yue also found it funny. Looking at him and laughing:

"Haha, since we are destined, I will tell you a fortune."

"Let's go to your house and sit for a while." "Let's talk slowly!"

"Okay, okay, thank you Master, then I will bother Master Wang."

Zhu Shaohua responded excitedly.

Suddenly, he looked at his empty hands and said a little embarrassedly:

"Master Wang, look at me, I didn't bring anything either.

How about you wait a moment, I'll go back and get something and come back."

Wang Yue waved his hand and said lightly: "Haha, no need to be so polite, let's go and talk inside."

Just as the two were about to enter the villa, a female voice came from behind, "Hubby~" "Huff, huuff..."

"I told you to wait...

wait for me..."

"How can you be so fast..."

"I can't keep up with you."

The woman had fair skin and a full figure.

She was wearing yoga pants on her lower body, which tightly wrapped her perfect peach buttocks, showing the perfect shape. She was wearing a sportswear on her upper body, which was also soaked with sweat.

At this time, she supported her knees with her hands, bent over, panting, and said to Zhu Shaohua with a little complaint.

You can see that the fullness trembles with her big breath.

Zhu Shaohua then remembered that he came out with his wife, and he slapped his forehead with one hand.

He said embarrassedly:

"Oh, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, honey."

"Look at me, I was so excited just now that I even forgot about my wife, hehe..."

His wife Zhou Yuting rolled her eyes at him charmingly, pouted and said:

"Hmph, I see you don't take me seriously at all."

Zhu Shaohua apologized quickly.

Then Zhou Yuting looked at Wang Yue next to her and asked, "Husband, who is this?" Zhu Shaohua quickly introduced.

"Wife, this is Master Wang.

I have been following the master's live broadcast on Douyin."

"Let me tell you, the master is very accurate in fortune-telling online, and the master's quota is hard to grab.

I have tried several times but failed to grab it."

"I didn't expect to find out today that Master Wang is our neighbor, so I was so excited just now."

"Master Wang, this is my wife, Zhou Yuting." Zhou Yuting frowned slightly when she heard her husband say this.

She knew that as her husband's business grew bigger and bigger, there would always be all kinds of scammers around him.

There was a master who first collected all kinds of information about her husband, and then told her husband's fortune, saying that he would have a big disaster at the age of 30.

If he didn't handle it well, he would die young.

He was stunned and finally spent tens of millions of dollars to avoid disaster.

Later, the police came to the door and found out that it was a scammer.

Because there were too many scammers, others called the police.

After the police caught him, they found out that her husband was also one of the victims.

There is also a fraud gang.

My husband's car was waiting for the traffic light, and they actually threw an old lady onto the windshield of his car.

They also scattered some vegetables on the ground to create a car accident scene. Fortunately, there was a dashcam in the car, otherwise there would be no surveillance nearby, and they couldn't explain this.

Moreover, I have lived in this villa area for so long, and I have never seen these 6 villas occupied.

Could it be that the scammers are now starting to invest money, renting a villa, creating an encounter, first deceiving my silly husband's trust, and then defrauding him of his money?

She couldn't help but be wary of Wang Yue, but she still smiled and said, "Hello, Master Wang!"

"Master, you look so young!"

"My husband can praise you so much, it seems that you are very capable."

Zhu Shaohua didn't hear the hidden meaning of her words, and hurriedly said, "Yes, yes, wife, you don't know that the master can tell a person's past and future destiny at a glance on the Internet."

"He has helped many people change their destiny, which is awesome!"

"I want the master to tell my fortune, and the master agreed.

We are just about to go to the house to discuss it in detail."

Zhou Yuting looked at her husband speechlessly, thinking, this silly husband, can he know a person's past and future at a glance?

You believe this?

Do you think he is a god?

They must be in the same group, united to cut the leeks of netizens!

But she didn't say it, but smiled and said, "Really?"

"Then I have to try the master's skills too!" Wang Yue also looked at her with a smile, knowing that she didn't believe it, but it didn't matter.

I'll just slap her in the face with my strength later! Then he smiled faintly:


"Then let's go inside and do it first, don't stand outside!"

Zhu Shaohua quickly responded:

"Yes, yes, yes, come in and sit down and chat!"

Then the three of them went into the villa. Wang Yue asked them to sit down, and then gave each of them a bottle of water.

"Thank you, Master!"

"Master, the decoration here is great!"

"This layout, this pattern, is there anything particular about it?"

"I'll find someone to redecorate it according to Master's later."

As soon as Zhu Shaohua sat down, he flattered him.

Zhou Yuting rolled her eyes.

Isn't our layout the same as the one you asked a Feng Shui master to look at?

Wang Yue smiled and said, "Haha, I just moved in, so I don't have any particular requirements!"

"Okay, what do you want?"

"Tell me!"