Chapter 179 Don't worry, I will definitely meet your requirements

Compared to Zhu Shaohua's excitement and anticipation, Zhou Yuting was full of disdain.

Humph, playing tricks!

Something that others can't investigate?

Can you investigate it?

I want to see what you can say.

After Zhou Yuting complained in her heart, she said with a smile:

"Haha, okay!"

"Master Wang, then you tell me."

"It's best if it's something I still remember, so that I can verify it.

Otherwise, if it's something I don't remember, I can't tell the difference between true and false."

Wang Yue smiled, and then slowly said: "Don't worry, I will definitely meet your requirements."

"When you were in college, your figure was still relatively thin and your development was not so good."

"Sometimes when changing clothes in the dormitory, roommates in the same dormitory would take off their clothes and change clothes openly."

"Looking at them being thin where they should be thin, fat where they should be fat, and curvy where they should be curvy, you are extremely envious in your heart, and at the same time a little inferior."

"So every time you take your clothes to the bathroom to change."

Hearing this, Zhu Shaohua looked up and down at his wife repeatedly.

He really couldn't imagine that his wife, who had such a good figure, was very thin before?

Zhou Yuting felt a little uncomfortable being stared at by Zhu Shaohua and couldn't help but roll her eyes at him.

At the same time, she was a little surprised. She was indeed very thin before, and looked like she had no flesh and was just bones.

However, the roommates who were assigned to the same room all had slim waists and curvy bodies.

But this can be investigated, right?

She thought, could it be that Wang Yue found his college roommates and knew all these things through them?

Zhou Yuting didn't say anything, wanting to see what else Wang Yue could say.

Wang Yue didn't stop either, and continued: "Once, when you were chatting with your roommates, you couldn't help but ask them how they developed so well."

"They smiled and told you that it was all thanks to their boyfriends, and they even told you the specific methods and processes in detail."

"You didn't have a boyfriend at that time. Although you had a boyfriend in high school, at most they just held hands.

You were so inexperienced that you made a scene."

Zhu Shaohua winked at Zhou Yuting and had a lewd smile.

Zhou Yuting was so angry that she grabbed his...

thigh and twisted it hard. He almost cried out in pain.

"From this day on, every time you take a shower, you should give yourself a massage."

"You think, it's all massage anyway, whether your boyfriend does it or you do it yourself, it's all the same."

"For a month, there was no effect, so you suspected that the strength was not enough, so you increased the strength."

"The effect was indeed obvious later!"

"It's just that the tissue was damaged, inflamed, and swollen because of excessive force!!!"

"I secretly went to the hospital to see a doctor for this.

If I hadn't gone in time, I would have almost had suppuration and almost had it cut off."

"It took a week of anti-inflammatory drugs to get better."

"You should remember this, right?" "Besides, other people shouldn't be able to find out about this kind of thing, hehe..."

Zhu Shaohua laughed so hard that tears came out.


I'm laughing…

I'm dying of laughter…"

"No, no, I can't laugh anymore.

I'll get a stitch in the side if I laugh any more."

"But I didn't expect that you, my dear, would have such an experience.

It's… it's… it's so…

so fun, hahahaha…"

"No wonder you react so strongly when I give you a massage.

It seems that time left a trauma on you… hahahaha…"

Zhou Yuting didn't care about him.

At this moment, she stared with her eyes wide open, her mouth turned into an O shape, and looked at Wang Yue in disbelief.

Her roommates didn't know about this! How did Wang Yue know?

Was it the doctor at that time?

But that's not right.

I didn't tell the doctor at that time that the swelling was caused by me.

She thought it was my boyfriend's masterpiece and asked us not to be too crazy.

How did he know so clearly? ? ?

Can't he really see it from his face?

But, this is too much, right? ? ?

She suddenly felt like she was seen naked, and her body shuddered unconsciously. Then he said to Wang Yue:

"Master Wang, can you tell all this from your face?"


" Wang Yue smiled slightly, did not give a direct answer, and said lightly:

"What do you think?"

Zhou Yuting:

Wang Yue continued:

"Also, during the summer vacation of your sophomore year, you wanted to earn some tuition and living expenses by yourself."

"So you started a part-time job outside." "Because you have loved the musical instrument - the flute since you were a child, you went to help others play the flute during the summer vacation, and you earned 30,000 yuan in just two months."

"Because of your high level, the client gave you a red envelope in the end."

Zhu Shaohua, who was still smiling, had a frozen expression on his face. Helping people play the flute, and earning 30,000 yuan in two months? ? ?

His fingers were trembling as he pointed at Zhou Yuting, "Wife, could you do such a thing."

He knew his wife's skills...

But then he thought, that's not right, when we first met, she didn't have any skills at all, she didn't know anything, she had to practice with me.

Why did the master say that her skills were so good when she was in college?

Was she pretending before?

No wonder she improved so quickly later, it turned out that her skills were already perfect before, she couldn't have been pretending...

Thinking of this, his face was extremely ugly.

Zhou Yuting was also furious with his attitude.

Wang Yue hurriedly said:

"Well, don't get excited, you misunderstood!"

"It's not what you think, there's no such plot as you think."

"Every penny your wife earns is clean, she just found a temporary job in a musical instrument training class."

"Because the teacher asked for leave for something, she played for the teacher for a class.

Unexpectedly, the students liked her, so she continued to teach for two months."

"Later, a student's parent gave her a red envelope to express his gratitude because his child made great progress."

"That's all, haha."

Zhu Shaohua was dumbfounded!!!

So it was the flute...

I knew it...

Then he looked at his wife's angry expression, and suddenly he felt bad. Master, you have caused me so much trouble!!!

Why didn't you make it clear just now, and let me misunderstand you.

He approached Zhou Yuting with a playful smile and said:


Wife, I mean, I just wanted to ask, how can you do such a hard thing."

"This makes me feel bad.

To earn 30,000 yuan in two months, you must have to work overtime every day, right?"

"Why didn't I meet you earlier, so that you wouldn't have to work so hard."

Zhu Shaohua was full of desire to survive. Unfortunately, Zhou Yuting didn't buy it.

She said unhappily:

"Hmph, go away.

I'll break the flute when I go back and won't play it anymore."

Zhu Shaohua felt a chill rushing from the soles of his feet to the top of his head, and cold sweat broke out.

At this time, Wang Yue continued:

"By the way, there was one more time…" . . . . .