Chapter 181: Is this considered a serious sequelae?

Zhou Yuting rolled her eyes at her husband. Look at your cocky look, are you proud of that?

You exhaust me every time...

That's just me, otherwise, if it was any other girl, she would have been scared away by you.

For such a long time, you're just like a tireless machine...

Wang Yue also smiled slightly, and then began to say:

"Haha, who said it doesn't matter?"

"You also know that you have a strong physique, and the survival rate of your descendants is 100%, and they are all strong as bulls."

"So every time no one is convinced by the other, when rushing to the high ground, either they fight each other, kill each other, and die or get injured before reaching the end."

"Or they go hand in hand, and the mighty army rushes towards Nuan Nuan, who is waiting to be married, and scares her into autism."

"Of course, there are also cases where a sneaky tuna successfully steals the tower, but soon others join forces to rush to the tower and smash it."

"Do you think you can still get pregnant in such a situation?"

Zhu Shaohua and his wife were both petrified...

Can it be like this? ? ?

No wonder I haven't been able to get pregnant for so long, it turns out that all my descendants are rebellious.

If I don't succeed, no one else can succeed? I didn't understand when I read novels before, why those who are at a higher level and more powerful are more difficult to get pregnant, I guess they all encounter such problems?

So, sometimes being too strong is not good, just be moderately strong...

Zhou Yuting suddenly launched a sneak attack on Zhu Shaohua. She circled his waist again.


He gasped in pain.

Then Zhou Yuting said angrily:

"Huh, I said you are so strong that there must be something wrong, but you didn't believe it."

"And you even humiliated me with your hospital examination certificate."

"What else do you have to say now?"

For a moment, Zhu Shaohua didn't know whether to cry or laugh.

It was worth being happy that his wife said he was too strong, but how could there be a problem...

He didn't dare to resist and could only keep laughing.

It was my fault that he was too strong?

Then Zhu Shaohua asked Wang Yue: "Master Wang, why is this happening?"

"I don't know what's wrong with me.

It's like I'm cheating.

Sometimes I feel helpless."

Wang Yue smiled and said:

"This has something to do with the jade bead you swallowed when you were a child."

"The bead is still in your stomach and has grown together with your stomach."

Zhu Shaohua was shocked and asked hurriedly:

"Master Wang, you mean I ate a bead when I was a child, and it's still in my stomach now?"

"Then I... am I going to get into trouble?" Zhu Shaohua was so scared by Wang Yue's words that he forgot about his strong physical fitness for a while.

He didn't think about it. If there was a problem, he would have died long ago.

Zhou Yuting was also a little nervous because of him.

There was a bead in her stomach, and she couldn't digest it or defecate it for so many years?

Isn't this really a problem?

Wang Yue looked at their nervous expressions, smiled slightly, and said slowly: "Don't be nervous!"

"This is actually luck. Thanks to it, you can live this long."

"When you were a child, you were weak and sickly.

Your parents thought you would never grow up."

"One time, you picked up a bead on the ground and thought it was something delicious, so you stuffed it into your mouth and swallowed it directly."

"This bead is an heirloom from your family.

It slowly began to nourish your body, and your physical fitness gradually improved."

"And the reason why you have a special sensitivity to good jade is also due to it."

Zhu Shaohua breathed a sigh of relief after hearing this.

It was so scary that I thought I was going to die.

So this is actually a good thing.

Not only has your physical fitness improved, but you also have a special sensitivity to jade, which is also brought by the jade bead?

He used to wonder why he had an indescribable feeling in his heart when he touched a good jade.

At that time, he thought he had some special characteristics.

Now it seems that the jade bead in his body has a sensitivity to the jade.

But he was still a little worried, and asked Wang Yue again:

"Master Wang, will there be any danger in the future?"

"Will it be like a time bomb, and I don't know when it will explode?"

"Or leave any serious sequelae?"

Wang Yue thought about it and said slowly: "If it explodes, then it won't!"

"In another 10 years, the energy of this bead will be exhausted and it will become an ordinary bead."

"Your ability to sense jade will disappear, and your physical fitness will no longer be strengthened."

"Because it has merged with your stomach, there is no big problem."

"As for the sequelae, in the next ten years, your physical fitness can be improved, and it will be more difficult to get pregnant.

Haha, I don't know if it is a serious sequelae?"

Zhu Shaohua was stunned.

For a moment, he didn't know if this was a sequelae?

Good physical fitness, that's definitely good! But it's definitely not okay to have a good body but can't make my wife pregnant.

And my wife can't stand it, and I'm not satisfied...

Zhou Yuting beside her also opened her mouth wide.

She recalled the scene of the battle between her husband and his physical fitness after they were strengthened again, and her whole body softened instantly.

Now she couldn't bear it anymore.

If her husband was strengthened again, wouldn't she be destroyed to death? Although it is said that women are like wolves in their thirties and tigers in their forties, if they meet a husband like her, they will probably become dead tigers, right?

Thinking of this, they both shook their heads frantically and said at the same time:

"No, no, it can't be improved anymore."

"No, no, don't let him improve anymore." Then they looked at each other, and Zhu Shaohua laughed.

Zhou Yuting rolled her eyes at him unhappily, hum, this abominable villain...

Then Zhu Shaohua's waist was attacked again.


Zhu Shaohua grimaced in pain.

Zhou Yuting even thought with evil fun, whether she could take out the beads in his stomach and eat them herself.

If her physical fitness improved, she would then take revenge on him and let him know what a juicer is day and night...

Wang Yue also laughed.

According to normal development, Zhu Shaohua's physical fitness will indeed be improved again, and then he will encounter an embarrassing situation.

In the past, he could at least vent his emotions, but later he couldn't vent them at all.

And his wife was also scared of his state. Every time she was full, she would take the initiative to let him go out to find food.

But he was a man with a strong sense of responsibility, so he didn't do it.

Because he couldn't vent his emotions, he gradually lost interest in this aspect.

At this time, Zhu Shaohua looked at Wang Yue and said, "Master Wang, do you have any way to make my wife pregnant?"

"What should I do?"