Chapter 186 Isn’t it too early for you to explode?

At this time, Wang Yue and Zhu Shaohua and his wife also came to the door.

Zhou Yuting walked in front, while Wang Yue and Zhu Shaohua were still chatting in the back.

The security guard didn't see Wang Yue and Zhu Shaohua, but saw Zhou Yuting first. Although she hadn't come to the front, the security guard had already seen Zhou Yuting's perfect curves outlined by yoga pants.

He suddenly felt a burning sensation in his lower abdomen and a dry mouthful of saliva. Sitting on the electric donkey, he swallowed a big mouthful of saliva.

If he could have a good and in-depth communication with such an owner, he would be willing to live ten years less.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but speed up the accelerator and wanted to go up and show his courtesy first.

Wang Yue and Zhu Shaohua were chatting and laughing in the back.

Because now it is known that jade contains spiritual energy, Zhu Shaohua himself is in the jade business. So Wang Yue talked to him about the situation of jade.

Zhu Shaohua said that he still had a few pieces of imperial jade at home, and if Wang Yue needed it, he would send one over. Wang Yue also wanted to see if all jade contained spiritual energy, and whether the better the jade, the higher the spiritual energy inside.

So he told Zhu Shaohua to send a piece of imperial jade and other kinds of jade tomorrow.

"Master Wang, you don't have to send any more."

"Thank you so much today, Master.

Not only did you help us solve the problem of infertility for many years."

"You also gave us amulets and that magical control method, haha."

"Don't worry, I will send it to you as soon as the company sends a batch of jade."

When Wang Yue arrived at the door, he suddenly felt another breath of spiritual energy approaching them.

He was a little puzzled.

What was going on today?

Usually, he didn't meet any of them.

Why did they come one after another today? Was it a cultivator this time?

Or was there another person with jade containing spiritual energy?

Wang Yue raised his head and looked in the direction where he felt the spiritual energy.

A security guard riding a small electric donkey, with a pig-like face...

was coming towards them excitedly.

Wang Yue looked at the other person and didn't know him.

Could it be another fan? ? ?

The security guard was also stunned when he saw Wang Yue and Zhu Shaohua.

How could there be a man here?

The next second, he felt a sharp pain in his body, and then... "


Before Wang Yue used the skill

[See Clearly], the security guard exploded...

The car rushed directly towards them due to inertia.

This sudden scene scared everyone. "Ah~~~~~"


Zhou Yating screamed at a high decibel, her mind went blank, the blood on her face faded, and she collapsed to the ground, a stream of water spread under her, she was scared to pee...

Seeing the electric scooter coming at her, Zhou Yating wanted to hide, but her body was out of control.

She could only watch the electric stove crash into her.

Zhu Shaohua was also frightened by this scene and his legs went weak.

A living person exploded in front of him.

The visual impact made him vomit.

He was shaking all over, so when the electric stove rushed towards his wife, he didn't react at first.

He could only shout anxiously:

"Wife, get out of the way..."

The next second, he saw the electric stove crash into Zhou Yuting directly.

"Ah~ Wife..."

However, the A4 paper amulet with an apple painted on it that Wang Yue gave to Zhou Yuting flashed a white light.

Zhou Yuting didn't feel the pain of the electric stove hitting her body.

The electric stove fell 1 cm in front of her. She stared at all this blankly, and then glanced at the A4 paper.

She knew that the apple suddenly glowed, and then the electric scooter seemed to hit a layer of light curtain, and then stopped.

Zhu Shaohua then ran over and said anxiously:

"Wife...Wife, are you okay?"

"Are you injured?

Let me see..."

"Wife, talk, don't scare me."

Zhou Yuting looked up at Zhu Shaohua and said tremblingly:

"Old...old...husband, I...I...I'm fine!"

"Just now...

it was Master Wang's amulet that saved me."

Zhu Shaohua held her in his arms and kept comforting her that she was fine.

At the same time, he was more grateful to Wang Yue.

If it weren't for the amulet, his wife would definitely be injured.

Zhou Yuting lay in his arms and kept crying, venting her fear. ...

Wang Yue was also frightened by the explosion.

Damn it!!!

What's going on?

Is it the suicide squad? ? ?

Or terrorists?

Is this someone who installed a time bomb on his body to kill me?

But you blew it up too early, right?

...The takeaway deliveryman from the five-star hotel who was following the security guard was so scared that he kept screaming after seeing the security guard explode, and then turned around.

He didn't even want the takeaway meal anymore...

He ran away in a hurry...

He had never seen such a horrible scene in his life, and he would probably have nightmares in the future.

He swore that he would never deliver takeaways again in his life...

... At this time, the residents in the surrounding area came out to see what was going on.

After seeing the dead body, the timid ones screamed and ran back, locking the door. Then they called the police immediately.

The brave ones watched from a distance. They didn't know the situation yet, so they didn't dare to come over rashly, fearing that they would be in danger and would not have time to escape.

The property management also received a call from the owner and quickly sent someone to the scene to check the situation.

The security guards at the gate received a notice from the property management, and several people immediately ran towards the 6 villas in a hurry.

Under the tree outside the gate, the old beggar Yang Yongfan naturally felt that the bomb he had planted on the security guard had exploded.

A sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth. "Humph, you are also a waste."

"Since your location has been determined, I want to see who you are."

"You can still break through in this era.

It seems that you have a big secret.

I hope you won't let me down."

After seeing that the security guards had run over, he also stood up and walked towards the villa area.

His speed was getting faster and faster, and he disappeared into the gate of the community in an instant.