Chapter 188 The birth scared the midwife to death

"How do you prove that you are a real fortune teller?"

After Wang Teng finished speaking, Zhu Shaohua was a little angry.

Damn, why is this person so stubborn? Doesn't he understand what others say?

So many people have proved it, how else do you want to prove it? ? ?

If it weren't for Wang Teng's fierce look, Zhu Shaohua would have directly scolded him.

But Wang Teng's appearance is indeed quite scary, he can only look at Wang Yue and see how Wang Yue will deal with it.

Those onlookers who recognized Wang Yue also pointed fingers at Wang Teng. "

Where does this guy get the courage?

He actually dares to ask Master Wang to prove it?"

"How does he want to prove it?

Let Master Wang tell his fortune for him? Hahaha..."

"Fuck, this might be his routine.

He questions Master Wang in public and then asks Master Wang to tell his fortune for him.

What a talent! Why didn't I think of it just now?

I missed the opportunity to ask the master to tell my fortune..."

"I watched Master Wang tell fortunes for people on the Internet before, but I wasn't satisfied with it.

I didn't expect that I could continue watching it in real life.

Wife, hurry up and move the benches and melon seeds..."

... Knowing that Wang Teng's head is all muscles, Wang Yue didn't get angry. Instead, he looked at him with a smile and said lightly:

"How do you want me to prove it?"

"And what if I proved it? What if I didn't prove it?"

"The profession of fortune-telling cannot be verified, and I don't have any professional certificates."

"What to do?"

After Wang Yue finished speaking, everyone around him laughed. "

Hahaha, it turns out that Master Wang was operating without a license before.

Please help me tell my fortune and shut me up, otherwise I will report him during the next live broadcast."

"Hahaha, Master Wang actually has a certificate for fortune-telling now.

Learn about the various professional certificates.

I will give him a 10% discount."

"It turns out that Master Wang has this side. Love it.

Master Wang, I can have an ice-cold drink today.

Come to my house for a drink."

... Zhu Shaohua was also amused by Wang Yue's words, and echoed from the side: "Yeah, Master Wang, so what if he has been certified?

So what if he hasn't been certified?"

Wang Teng felt that Wang Yue was playing a trick on him, and the people around him started to make a noise, which made his already dark face darker.

He thought for a while, and then said in a deep voice:

"If you can prove that you are a real fortune teller and have nothing to do with this murder case, then I will apologize to you."

"And I promise to do something for you without breaking the law."

"If you can't prove it, then sorry, I can only do it, tie you up, and wait for the police to investigate the case."

Wang Yue looked at him, smiled slightly, and said slowly:


"Then how do you want me to prove it?" Wang Teng thought for a while, and then said:

"Since they say that you can know a person's past and future through face reading."

"Then you can tell me about my past through my face reading."

"There's no need to talk about the future.

I don't know what the future will be like. Even if you tell me, I don't know whether it's true or false."

"It's useless to tell me."

Wang Yue nodded and said:

"No problem!"


" Hearing Wang Yue suddenly stop, everyone who knew him laughed.

They all knew what was behind his but. But Wang Teng didn't know.

When he heard that Wang Yue couldn't win the argument, he thought that Wang Yue was up to something again, and his two big thick eyebrows were about to be twisted together.

The fortune tellers I met before were not so troublesome.

He must be fake, so he found all kinds of excuses to shirk responsibility.

Thinking of this, Wang Teng had an ugly expression and said to Wang Yue coldly: "But what?"

"Do you want me to report my birth date?

If that's the case, I'm sorry, I don't know myself."

"Or do you want to say that I'm a child of great fortune, and my fate is vague and you can't figure it out for me, so you want to choose someone from the side to replace me?"

"If that's the case, then you'd better surrender as soon as possible!"

Hearing what Wang Teng said, everyone around laughed.

"Hahahaha, a child of great fortune?

Have you read too many novels?

With your condition, you're at most a supporting role..."

"I think he's probably just a villain, right?

The kind that gives experience to the protagonist."

"Hahaha, so funny..."

"Is there anyone who doesn't know his or her birth date?"

"You know what, I really don't know.

The dates on the ID cards are all random."

... Wang Yue was also amused by his words. The son of great fortune?

There are indeed such people, but sorry, you are not one.

Wang Yue smiled and shook his head, and said slowly:


"What I want to say is, but, as the saying goes, the divination will never go in vain."

"My divination fee is 3,000 yuan per divination.

Please pay first, thank you!"

After Wang Yue finished speaking, he opened the payment code on his mobile phone and turned the screen to Wang Teng.

The people around him burst into laughter. "Hahaha, the son of great fortune, pay!" "Master Wang said that the son of great fortune should not think of getting it for free."

"When Master Wang couldn't win the argument, I knew that he would definitely charge for it, hahaha."

... Wang Teng's face turned red instantly, half of it was angry and half of it was embarrassed.

Fortunately, his skin color was dark enough, so the redness was not very obvious and could not be seen.

He swore in his heart that after proving that the other party was a fake, he would definitely teach him a lesson.

Then he took out his mobile phone, scanned the code, and paid 3,000 yuan.

[3,000 yuan received through WeChat payment. ]

After the payment was successful, Wang Teng said to Wang Yue impatiently:

"Is it okay now?"

Wang Yue nodded and laughed:

"Hehe, it's okay!"

Then, regardless of Wang Teng's look of wanting to beat him up, he slowly said:

"Your name is Wang Teng.

When you were born, you had 10 cm long hair all over your body, but you didn't have a single hair on your head."

"Because we were born in a remote mountain village, we only invited a midwife to our home to help deliver the baby.

When you were born, everyone was shocked."

"I thought a monster was born."

"After shaving off the hair on your face, the midwife was so scared that she went crazy."

"She has delivered dozens of babies over the years, but she has never seen anyone like you."

"You are so ugly, just like a demon from hell..."

"She already had a heart disease, and you scared her so much that she couldn't breathe and died."

"Later, this matter spread in the village.

Everyone thought you were a monster, an ominous sign, and would kill the whole village."

"Everyone in the village asked your parents to give you to the mountain god.

To put it bluntly, they wanted to throw you into the mountains and let wild beasts eat you."