Chapter 196 Entering the Villa

After the police arrived at the scene, they cordoned off the scene.

Then they started to divide the work.

Someone conducted an on-site investigation, and the forensic doctor who came with him wanted to identify the body as soon as possible.

But looking at the minced meat on the ground, he was also confused.

Damn, how did this happen?

Why was it blown up so much?

What should I do now? ? ?

Well, let's pick up two pieces of minced meat and go back for DNA identification!

Some people began to ask the people around them about the situation.

Wang Yue and Zhu Shaohua were witnesses, and the police asked them in detail about the situation at the time.

When they learned that the other party suddenly exploded by himself, the two police officers were stunned.


"You said he was driving a small electric donkey by himself, and then it suddenly exploded?"

After getting Wang Yue and the others' affirmative answer, the two police officers who asked were confused.

They still couldn't believe it in their hearts. This shouldn't be the case.

I have only heard of small electric donkeys spontaneously combusting and exploding.

I have never heard of people riding small electric donkeys exploding by themselves, and then the small electric donkey is still fine.

Do you think you are acting in a fantasy movie?

But they did not find any traces of bombs at the scene.

This made them feel overwhelmed.

They had no idea where to start the investigation.

There was really no clue at all.

After learning a few more situations from Wang Yue and the others, they found that there was no useful information at all.

"Thank you for your cooperation.

If there is any need in the future, we will ask for your cooperation again."

"Okay, no problem!"

"I will definitely cooperate actively."

After learning the situation from Wang Yue and the others and taking notes, the two police officers left.

Then they went to retrieve the surveillance video at that time.

They found that the picture was exactly the same as what Wang Yue and the others said.

This made everyone's face extremely solemn, and everyone in the monitoring room was silent.

One minute later, a police officer broke the silence. "

What do you think about this?"

"Everyone, tell me something."

Then the other policemen who followed him started talking at once.

"It feels like watching a science fiction movie.

It's impossible to tell how he died."

"From the footage, he seemed to rush towards those people with a purpose.

Could it be that he swallowed some new type of bomb in advance, but he didn't control the time well and it exploded in advance?"

"So it was a premeditated terrorist attack?" "Not necessarily.

It's also possible that he offended someone, but we haven't figured out how he was killed yet."

"Could it be that he was attacked by some laser cannon or something, and was directly blown into pieces, so there was no trace of the bomb at the scene."

"Uh , did you see the laser in the video?"

... In the monitoring room, every policeman expressed his opinion.

In the end, they all agreed that this was no longer an ordinary criminal case.

It was simply a supernatural event! ! !

They decided to report the matter to the higher-ups to handle it.

... In the capital, Long Er and his friends had just met with Longtou.

Finally, it was decided that Long Er and Long Wu would go to Pengcheng to contact Wang Yue. "

Hahaha, Long Er, don't forget what Longtou said, you have to ask him to tell you a fortune."

"See if it's really that magical."

"Long Wu, remember to record the video and send it to everyone to watch."

"See what secrets our Long Er has..."

Long Er looked at Long San with a dark face, his back teeth almost broken.

Just now, she strongly recommended him to go in front of Longtou.

Now she is showing off here again, he can't wait to fight her for eight hundred rounds.

Then Long Er seemed to think of something, a smile appeared on his face, and he said lightly: "Okay, okay..."

Then he took out his mobile phone and took a photo of Long San... . . . She took a photo of her.

This operation made Long San confused. "Why are you taking pictures of me?"

"You are not going to do anything bad to my photos, are you?"

"I didn't expect you to be so perverted."

Long Er looked at her with a smile, and said lightly:

"I heard that the master can tell fortunes by just looking at the photos."

"Since you like gossip so much, I will take a photo for you and ask him to tell fortunes.

Let us also eat your gossip.

Don't thank me, hehe."

Long San's face changed drastically after hearing this, and he was about to snatch the phone and delete the photo.

At this time, Long Er's phone rang.

After he answered the call, the other party quickly told him what happened.

"Okay, I know!"

After saying that, he hung up the phone. After the call was hung up, his phone received a video.

After watching the video, Long Er's face was gloomy.

Seeing his expression, the others asked: "What's going on?"

"Just now, Pengcheng reported that a security guard inexplicably blew himself up and was torn to pieces."

"You can also take a look."

After saying that, he handed the phone to them.

After watching the video, the hot-tempered Long Wu was even more furious, and his aura was released.

"It should be that someone left a stream of energy in the body of this security guard and then detonated it."

"Well, it seems that some people don't follow the rules and jump out to make trouble again."

"Humph, if he dares to jump out to make trouble, then chop off his hand..."

"Look, there is also the fortune teller in this video, could this be related to him?"

This made the others quiet down.

If Wang Yue is such a vicious person, it is not good news for them.

At this time, Long Er said:

"Whether it is related or not, we will know after we go over and investigate it clearly."

"No matter who it is, if he breaks the rules, he must pay the price he deserves."

"I originally wanted to go there tomorrow, but now it seems that I have to leave today."

"Now that this incident has happened, for the sake of safety, Long San, you should go with us.

"Long San also knew the seriousness of the matter, so he nodded.

... Wang Yue's side.

After cooperating with the police investigation, he returned to the villa.

But at this time, there was a person in the villa who could not be driven away or persuaded.

He was Wang Teng, who stayed to work in order to repay the money for the headband. Wang Teng was wearing a garlic headband and tinkering in the kitchen.

Because the takeaway Wang Yue ordered was gone, Wang Teng said that he would give it to him and guaranteed that Wang Yue would have a delicious meal.

Wang Yue couldn't get rid of him, so he didn't care and made up his mind to let him leave after the meal.

Then he went upstairs to his room.

At this time, a beggar-like man had quietly entered the villa yard...