Chapter 201 Close the door and release the dogs!

Feeling the momentum of Yang Yongfan, Wang Teng knew he was no match and was prepared to die.

Watching as Yang Yongfan prepared to unleash his strongest attack at any moment.

Even in death, he must hold back the opponent to let Master Wang escape.

Yang Yongfan looked at Wang Teng, a hint of a cold smile appeared on his lips, and he coldly said:

"Haha, do you think you can stop me?"

"If it weren't for fear of alerting the enemy, you would be drinking the potion of forgetfulness by now."

"None of you will leave alive today!"

Then he said to Wang Yue:

"If you know what's good for you, quickly reveal your secrets, otherwise, you'll know the true meaning of suffering!"

"And not only you will die, but your family, friends, even your dog at home will die."

"As long as you speak, I can spare the others."

Wang Teng couldn't stand the other's arrogance.

He roared directly:


"I think it's you who's going to die!"

Then he took a big step forward and charged.

Along the way, he shouted to Master Wang:

"Master Wang, run quickly, remember to pass the message to Xiao Hui."

And directly displayed his lifelong mastery against Yang Yongfan.

"Tiger's Charge Fist"

As the fist whistled through the air, a roar of a tiger resounded.

Yang Yongfan raised his hand directly, without displaying any moves, as if swatting a fly.

He slapped Wang Teng's face.

Before Wang Teng's attack could land on Yang Yongfan, he was sent flying out.


He hit the wall by the doorway.


This blow caused him considerable internal injuries, and he spit out a mouthful of blood.

His complexion turned pale, looking at Yang Yongfan in horror.

He didn't expect the opponent to be so powerful that he couldn't even resist a single move.

He felt that the opponent must have shown mercy by not directly crushing him, otherwise he would be dead by now.

Then he saw Wang Yue standing still and not running, involuntarily spitting out another mouthful of blood.

Damn, Master Wang, didn't I tell you to run?

Why are you still standing here, scared silly???

Ah, didn't run just now, now there's no chance to run.

However... with the strength of the opponent, even if we ran just now, we probably wouldn't get away.

Forget it, since we're all going to die, let me die in front of you.

At this moment, Yang Yongfan looked smugly at Wang Yue, and said lightly:

"See that?"

"I didn't even use one-tenth of my strength just now, otherwise he would be drinking the Mengpo Soup by now."

"So you guys can't escape at all, to avoid suffering, just quickly hand over your secrets."

At this moment, Wang Teng struggled to stand up from the ground.

Preparing to walk to Wang Yue's side and face the situation with him.

Then he heard Wang Yue say:

"Ha, no wonder you're so weak, I thought you hadn't eaten."

Wang Teng: (⊙﹏⊙), Master Wang, are you serious?

Is this weak to you?

Have you seen any weak person who can send a 180-pound person flying with a slap?

Or did you not see that I've already spit out two mouthfuls of blood?

Then seeing that Wang Yue didn't look at him, but at Yang Yongfan in front.

Hmm (⊙﹏⊙), okay, you really didn't see me spit out blood.

But let's not provoke him, okay?

Otherwise, we'll both end up suffering...

Yang Yongfan snorted coldly:

"Hmph, I want to see how long you can keep talking tough."

"Don't worry, I won't kill you first, I'll slowly torture that idiot first, then it'll be your turn."

Wang Teng stood still on the spot o_o ....

Master Wang, why are you torturing me if he's the one talking tough?

Sure enough, in the end, I quietly endured everything...

Wang Yue smiled faintly, then said:

"Wang Teng, close the door, release the dogs!"

Wang Teng felt like he was going to collapse,

Don't insult people like that!!!

He protested a bit aggrievedly:

"Master Wang, let me explain, just now I was a tiger, not a dog!"

"Mr. Tiger, didn't you hear a tiger's roar?"

Wang Yue turned his head in confusion to look at him.

Thinking to himself: I just asked you to close the door, didn't say you were a dog!

Is there some misunderstanding?

Seeing the gaze Wang Yue cast at him, Wang Teng thought he was unhappy with him.

He didn't follow his orders.

Well, I'm working for you, employees must have a work ethic...

Then he turned and closed the door.

When he turned back around, he had a ferocious look on his face. "

Woof woof woof woof..."

"Ow ow ow ow..."

"Boss, is this okay?"

"Do you want me to be more fierce?"

Wang Yue was completely bewildered by his sudden actions.

Damn, is this how you interpret "send the dogs out"?

Then he burst into laughter.


"Wang Teng, your ability to understand things is unbeatable!"

"Actually, I just wanted you to close the door."

"I didn't mean for you to act like a dog..."

It was only then that Wang Teng realized his misunderstanding, his face turning red with embarrassment, wishing he could disappear.

Damn it, impulsive!!!

He picked up the "Garlic Talisman" that had just fallen on the ground and put it back on his head.

Indeed, without this reminder from the Garlic Talisman, it was easier to do impulsive things.

Blame Master Wang, couldn't you have been clearer!

I thought you were closing the door for me... cough, I thought you mistook my previous martial arts shout for a dog's howl...

Yang Yongfan looked at Wang Teng speechlessly, wondering if I have damaged his brain just now?

No, even before the hit, he wasn't exactly normal.

Seeing that the door had been shut, Yang Yongfan smirked coldly and said,

"What's the matter?"

"Haven't you recognized reality yet?"

"Are you still planning a desperate struggle?"

"Well, then I'll show you what despair really means."

With that, he unleashed his full power again, ready to make Wang Yue lose his ability to resist.

Wang Teng has already arrived by Wang Yue's side, looking serious with a look of readiness to face death.

He was prepared to charge forward, even if it meant giving the opponent a taste of their own blood.

Wang Yue reached out to stop him, saying calmly, "You're injured, so stay here and rest. I'll take care of the next steps."

Chuckling, he added, "I'll show you what it really means to 'let slip the dogs of war!'"

Wang Teng was left bewildered...

What is he leaving to me???

Do you know how strong the opponent is?

Did you not see how I was completely defenseless against their attacks?

Master Wang, let's not be silly, okay?

Just as he was looking puzzled, Yang Yongfan sprang into action.

Wang Teng then saw Wang Yue take out something from his person and throw it at Yang Yongfan.

The speed was incredible, reaching Yang Yongfan in an instant.

Yang Yongfan was startled.

What on earth is this?

But then he showed disdain.

This type of concealed weapon, can it really harm me?...