Chapter 214: Once you've thought it through, then you can make your decision.

"Master Wang, are there any other options?"

The female driver's question left the viewers in the live broadcast room stunned.

They doubted if they had misheard or if the female driver had misspoken.

After a moment of silence in the barrage, comments started scrolling hastily.

"No way, with Dr. Rich Second-Generation's qualifications, do you still want other choices?"

"Big Bro on the list: I think I have a chance again!"

"The one who just offered to give herself up for a video, come out quickly, I'll pick you up, we're starting soon, don't waste a second...drooling."

"Right, there's also the one offering 10T resources, hurry..."

"She's just asking if there are other options, not that she has already made a choice, why are you all in a rush?"

As for the doubts of the viewers in the barrage, the female driver Sister Gan didn't offer an explanation.

She indeed also looked forward to the second option.

After all, which girl doesn't like a rich second-generation?

Isn't there a saying: I would rather cry in a BMW than laugh on a bicycle.

How many couples argue after marriage over various trivial matters, mainly due to financial issues?

It all boils down to not having enough money.

Although money isn't everything, not having it is a big problem.

She just wanted to see if there were any other choices.

Wang Yue smiled faintly and said lightly, "Hehe, of course, destiny is ever-changing.

Any small change you make can lead to a different fate."

"If you don't want to choose either of the first two options, you can focus on your career."

"After this, go all out and promote yourself. Your popularity will rise to a new level."

"Your career will also experience a major breakthrough.

Seize this opportunity, and you'll make loads of money."

"And with money, you can find yourself a girlfriend and a boyfriend, living a happy and fulfilling life as a trio."

"But if you want to get married, it's not allowed in our country.

You'll have to go abroad."

The female driver Sister Gan widened her eyes, her mouth forming an "O" shape, clearly very surprised.

But you can still see the look of longing on her face.

She wanted to say: Can this really be true?

Can you really have both a boyfriend and a girlfriend?

No, no, can you really become a rich second generation?

The viewers in the livestream room could tell what she was thinking just by her expression.

The barrage of comments started rolling in.

"I used to think marrying a rich second generation was the best choice, but now there's an even better one - being a rich second generation yourself and having both a boyfriend and a girlfriend.

What kind of fairy-like experience is this?"

"If it were me, I would also choose the last option...

Three people can do difficult yoga poses together, drooling."

"In our country, there are already fewer women to begin with, so sis, why compete for a girlfriend?

Find a few more boyfriends, I don't mind being one of them..."

"To be honest, one shouldn't play around too much in life, of course I'm not being sour, I'm not jealous at all, really..."


Wang Yue smiled slightly, looking at the screen where Dare Sister was, and calmly said:

"Destined one, you now know about the different futures that lie ahead, are you able to make a choice now?"

After the livestream on YY, Dare Sister, the female driver, was caught in a dilemma, truly torn this time.

Both the second and third futures seemed quite appealing.

Although both had some minor drawbacks, they were not a big issue.

The second option, although it may bring more offspring, rewards a billion for each; this is not about giving birth to children, it's clearly about making money...

As for the third option, it's mainly curiosity about what kind of experience it would be...

No, it's curiosity about how much money one can earn.

"I choose..."

The bold sister driver stopped halfway through, then looked at Wang Yue on the screen and asked:

"Master Wang, I want to ask, if I don't choose the first fate, what will happen to the eldest brother on the leaderboard in the future?"

Wang Yue pondered for a moment, then spoke up:

"He will still be caught in the end."

"He will be sentenced to 18 years because life has lost its hope, and he will give up on himself in there."

"Not actively laboring to reduce his sentence, but rather getting into fights and violence, injuring others, leading to an increase in penalties."

"In the end, he will spend a total of 25 years in prison, by the time he's released, he will be in his twilight years."

"Due to his prison experience, unable to find a job, he can only return to his old hometown, but his parents are no longer there, his brothers also ignore him, he can only farm a little to make a living and spend the rest of his life."

Upon hearing this, the viewers in the live stream fell silent.

Oh boy, one misstep leads to eternal regret.

If the eldest brother didn't have the audacity to embezzle public funds, he wouldn't have ended up like this.

It can only be said that he brought it upon himself.

In the future, one should not act on impulse while watching live streams.

Act according to one's capabilities!

If there's extra food, then be generous with the tips; if not, then dine for free, not a big deal.

I dine for free and I'm happy!

Of course, there are also netizens who sympathize with Big Brother Bǎng and hope that Sister Daring the Female Driver will carefully consider the first option.

After all, Big Brother Bǎng sincerely cares for her.

Sister Daring the Female Driver was about to speak when she suddenly heard another phone ringing placed on the table.

It was her private number, not labeled with a contact name; just a strange number displayed.

She was about to hang up when she remembered Wang Yue just mentioned that Big Brother Bǎng would call her.

She then looked at Wang Yue, wanting to confirm.

She hadn't even spoken yet when Wang Yue nodded lightly and said:

"You're right, this is indeed that top brother's phone number."

"If you've thought it through, then you can make your choice."