Chapter 219 Say something you haven't told anyone before.

"Hehe, then I'll tell you something about your past that you haven't shared with anyone before, something not found online."

The old fortune teller listened with an indifferent expression.

He didn't really believe Wang Yue could reveal anything significant.

Skilled fortune tellers might glean some general insights about a person's past disasters or connections based on their appearance.

But to reveal detailed information was nearly impossible.

Plus, Wang Yue was just too young – what could he possibly know?

The old fortune teller remained skeptical, but the online viewers were ecstatic. "Here it comes, the big reveal!"

"Oh, I'm so excited I can't even sit still..." "Is it because there's juicy gossip in the middle? *smirking face*" "Be cautious, Master Wang.

Don't be too sensational, or the old man might have a heart attack, blame you, and get into trouble..."

"Can we eat unripe gossip? We need something spicy, something big!"

Wang Yue observed the old fortune teller's nonchalant demeanor and continued without hesitation, "Back when you were young, it was a time when no one had enough to eat."

"With many young children in your family and the adults busy working in the fields, the responsibility of caring for the younger ones fell on your shoulders."

"When you were ten, in order to have a little extra food every day, you tricked your brother a few years younger than you into going to the pond to catch fish."

Hearing this, the old fortune teller's expression suddenly changed.

But he quickly regained his composure, as if nothing had happened.

Yet, his mind was not as calm as his outward appearance suggested.

Why did this young man know about these things? Wang Yue continued narrating the story. "

You led him to the edge of the pond and, at first, he was hesitant to go in.

But when you mentioned the delicious grilled fish waiting for him, his mouth started watering."

"You then demonstrated by wading in yourself, reassuring him from the shore to come down."

"The desire for grilled fish overcame his fear, and he followed you into the water."

"Suddenly, you pointed to a big fish in the distance, telling him to catch it before it got away.

Believing you, he went after it." "This led him into deeper waters, struggling frantically and crying out for you to save him."

"Witnessing his distress, you panicked and ran to seek help from the adults."

But when they arrived, there was no sign of your younger brother on the surface of the water, he had already sunk to the bottom.

"When the adults retrieved your younger brother, it was too late!"

You told your family that he had gone to play in the water and accidentally fell in.

Initially, you wanted to save him, but the water was too deep, so you ran to call the adults.

With your brother's body in your arms, your parents were overcome with grief and anger, wanting to beat you for not watching over your brother.

However, those around prevented it, seeing you soaked and believing that you were trying your best to save him, but because you were still young, you couldn't.

They tried to persuade your parents, saying that you were also terrified, so don't beat you, lest you end up harming the older one too.

And so, you escaped a severe beating.

The viewers in the live broadcast room were stunned to hear this.

Damn, this is beyond absurd, completely outrageous!

Many viewers now looked at Tianji Lao Ren with different eyes.

Causing harm even to your own younger brother, this guy is simply a beast!

The barrage on the screen was exploding with comments.

"Damn, this old man seems decent, never thought he could be so heartless and cruel!"

"If his parents knew the truth, wouldn't they be devastated?"

"So many years have passed, can they still catch him?"

"I guess there's no evidence? Even if there is, he was only 10 at the time, how would it be judged? Is there a legal expert to explain?"

"Although I didn't experience that era, I think anyone with a shred of conscience wouldn't do such a thing, right?"


In the barrage, the vast majority of people were cursing him as a beast, heartless, scum...

Tianji Lao Ren was now horrified in his heart.

He never imagined that Wang Yue would know about something like this so vividly.

When Wang Yue mentioned how he deceived his brother to go to the pond to catch fish, he had a bad feeling, but he never expected it to be more exaggerated, detailing how he tricked his brother to go into the water, said clearly.

Even though many years have passed, he would never forget the scene of his brother struggling in the water back then.

He was sure that no one else saw it at the time, or he would probably have been beaten to death.

And he never told anyone about this incident.

How did he know in the first place?

The Old Sage's mind was racing frantically, trying to figure out where things had gone wrong.

Could it be from talking in his sleep before, accidentally letting something slip?

Or maybe it was from drinking too much at some point and spilling the beans???

He felt like he was going crazy, unable to pinpoint exactly where the problem lay.

Watching the barrage of criticism directed at him in the barrage of comments.

At this moment, he deeply regretted why he had to show off.

Forcing himself to calm down, even if he knew, so what?

He had no evidence! Nor could he possibly produce any.

After coming to terms with this, he wasn't so flustered anymore.

Then, facing Wang Yue on the screen, he sneered:

"Heh, my young friend, I don't think I ever offended you, did I?"

"Even if you had objections to our bet just now, you could have refused."

"There's no need to defame me like this, is there?"

"Or are you afraid I'll expose your scam, so you're making up lies to tarnish my reputation, hoping to win without a fight?"

"The story is quite plausible!

It's hard to tell if it's true or not."

"I don't know where you got the information that my younger brother drowned when we were kids, and then concocted this story to slander me, I must say, your mind is truly wicked, resorting to any means to win."

"For those who are still in the dark, they already believe what you're saying and are verbally attacking me."

"But I tell you, everything needs evidence. Without evidence, it's just a false accusation!"

"False accusation comes with consequences!"

After the Old Sage finished speaking, he thought he could deflect the criticism from the viewers onto Wang Yue.

To his surprise, right after he finished speaking, most of the viewers in the live chat started cursing even more.

"Damn, Master Wang slander you? You think highly of yourself!"

"If I didn't know Master's strengths and weaknesses so well, I almost fell for your scam.

Is it so hard to admit your guilt?"

"Only can say, when one has no shame, one has no fear. When one is utterly despicable, one is invincible.

Frustrating that we can't do anything about him without evidence, doesn't it make you angry?"

"What they said isn't wrong, it's a rule-of-law society now, everything needs evidence."


Only a few newcomers who didn't know Wang Yue thought the Old Sage made sense.

The old man Tianji looked at the content on the screen and was completely dumbfounded.

Do all the viewers in this world trust Wang Yue so much?

Do you just believe whatever others say?

If someone says poop is fragrant, are you brave enough to take a bite?

His face turned black, and he determined in his heart that as long as he stubbornly refused to admit it, no one could do anything to him.

Hmph, it's just a battle of words, who doesn't know how to do that?