Chapter 224 She is the virtuous and talented wife that you have sought for yourself!

"And the reason is related to the person who knows the secret between you and your daughter-in-law."

Wang Yue's words were like a heavy bomb thrown into the mind of the Fate Oracle, leaving him pale and shocked.

He slumped to the ground, feeling like his brain had been blown away, leaving only a buzzing noise.

I won't live past 65?

If it were someone else saying this, he would have scoffed at it for sure.

But he had already experienced Wang Yue's abilities, so if even Wang Yue said so, then there was no hope.

He struggled to swallow a mouthful of saliva and tremblingly asked:

"W-who is he... Who is it?"

Initially, he didn't want Wang Yue to reveal this person, fearing that his family would find out and find the person.

But now that this person was related to his life and death, he had to know who he was and why he wanted to harm him.

Wang Yue looked at the Fate Oracle on the screen, smiled slightly, and calmly said:

"She is the virtuous and talented wife that you found for yourself!"

Σ(っ °Д °;)っ

The Fate Oracle's pupils shrank suddenly, and he was dumbfounded.

He simply couldn't believe what he heard!

To think it was his own wife?

But why?

Shouldn't she have been furious a long time ago?

Why could she act so nonchalantly as if nothing had happened most of the time?

He couldn't fathom it.

No, she was just pretending to act as if nothing happened, but in reality, she wanted to harm me...

"N-no... it's impossible, h-how could she have known?"

Due to his extreme shock, the words that came out of the Fate Oracle's mouth inadvertently admitted his affair with his daughter-in-law.

The viewers in the live stream chat were also shocked by this revelation.

"Damn, this is like a sparrow eating a hawk – no one would believe it!

His wife knows, and she doesn't cry or make a scene?"

Dogs that bite don't bark, and tigers that eat people don't roar.

The person who smiles at you in the shadows and knows such things but doesn't speak out is often the most frightening because she's surely plotting how to kill you.

"I never expected it to be his wife who actually cut him while he was sleeping at night.

That's truly unexpected.

If it were me, I would definitely cut off his tools of crime while he's asleep..."

"@Upstairs, hurting people while also putting yourself in danger isn't worth it.

Haven't you heard what the Master said? The Celestial Soothsayer won't live past 65, it's related to his wife, who surely has bigger plans in mind.

It's just unknown how she plans to kill the old man..."

"I originally thought it was his son, like me, secretly installing surveillance cameras in the room to monitor every move of his wife, only to discover this secret..."

Seeing the look of horror on the Celestial Soothsayer's face, Wang Yue's lips curled slightly upwards, and he slowly said:

"Six months ago, when you and your daughter-in-law were arguing, your wife had just returned from buying groceries and heard the commotion, thinking your daughter-in-law was berating you for something involving her grandson."

"I thought I would go over there to help mediate and console your daughter-in-law. After all, what's done is done, and we must look forward."

"But as I approached the door, before I even knocked, I overheard your daughter-in-law inside calling you a pervert, accusing you of taking advantage of her while she slept, causing harm to her, and even killing your own son with no remorse..."

"Your explanation only made things worse for her. You claimed you entered the wrong room and saw her lying naked on the bed, too irresistible to resist.

You didn't expect to impregnate her in just one time... Of course, you didn't want your child to die; it was all the child's fate..."

"Those words suspended your wife's hand that was about to knock on the door.

She could hardly believe her ears."

She heard something?

Her own husband and daughter-in-law were secretly seeing each other, and that child turned out to be yours…

A surge of hot blood rushed to her brain, causing her to sway, almost losing her footing.

She was about to charge in and demand how could you do this, are you not afraid of divine retribution?

At the last moment, she held back, resolving not to let you get away with it so easily.

Then she left, her heart feeling as if it had been sliced with a knife.

The old fortuneteller also recalled the argument he had with his daughter-in-law half a year ago.

They had confirmed there was no one at home, only to discover that his wife was listening at the door when she returned from grocery shopping.

He opened his mouth, but in the end, he said nothing.

Now, all the cunning explanations and justifications seemed so pale and futile.

And the gossiping hearts of the viewers in the live stream room burned fiercely.

Continuously sending barrage messages asking.

"Weren't they planning revenge?

It's been half a year already, why haven't they made a move yet, the Oracle Elder is still alive and well, could it be that they're having second thoughts about it?"

"After all, the longer the marriage, the deeper the bond, and they have been together for more than just one day, it's been so many years... It's normal to hesitate."

"What kind of plan takes half a year to come up with?

If they don't act soon, that old man will kick the bucket first!"

"Could their plan be to wait until the old man is paralyzed, unable to move, and then torture him?"

"If that's the case, it would have been better to expose the truth back then, ruin his reputation, and then drive him out with nothing left."


Watching the comments from the viewers on the barrage, Wang Yue smiled faintly and then said:

"She didn't just sit idly, after learning about that incident, she was thinking about how to kill him without raising any suspicion on herself."

"In the end, she came up with a method, which was to poison him!"

Just as Wang Yue finished speaking, the Oracle Elder on the screen spoke loudly:

"It's impossible, I haven't felt any signs of poisoning, and she didn't even have the chance to poison me."

"We always shared meals, used bottled water, and she never prepared anything extra for me to eat or drink, how could she have poisoned me?"

The viewers were also puzzled, as the Oracle Elder didn't seem to show any signs of being poisoned.

And what kind of poison takes half a year to take effect?

Wang Yue continued:

"Because her way of poisoning is a bit special, it's not the typical way of poisoning food or water."

"But by poisoning your underwear!"

"Every day, she would wash your underwear separately and soak it in that poison."

"The toxins on the underwear you wear every day seep through your skin and into your body, becoming a slow-acting poison."

"This poison slowly erodes your heart, damages your bodily functions."

"And ultimately makes you appear to have died from a sudden heart attack!"