Chapter 230 Desperate Fat Uncle?

Another, and the biggest reason actually, is that the wild ghost wants to use you to escape from confinement!

Fatty was scared by Wang Yue's words, his expression turning into a meme.

At the same time, that chubby face was once again filled with question marks??

After a brief moment of confusion, Fatty hurriedly said:

"Master Wang, what on earth is going on?"

"How is that wild ghost going to escape using me?"

"Even if you kill me, I won't help him!"

The gossip-loving hearts of the viewers in the livestream room were also stirred up, all frantically asking questions.

Curious to know the specific situation.

Wang Yue glanced at the fat man on the screen, revealing a strange expression on his face.

He thought to himself, "Is it really just a coincidence with your ID?"

Then he slowly spoke,

"Because you were born on a positive year, positive month, positive day, and positive time, people with this kind of birth chart, after experiencing great joy and great sorrow, ultimately fall into despair.

The soul after a futile death is an absolute tonic for him."

"After absorbing your desperate soul, he can escape from the trapped bronze statue."

"This is why he wants your family to treat you well first, to let you experience a life of great joy and happiness."

"When you discover the truth of everything, you will experience great sorrow, and finally fall into despair.

At that time, your grandfather, who is not related by blood, will cut you open and stuff the bronze statue into your belly, allowing the deity inside to perform so-called magic, which is actually the wild ghost inside absorbing your desperate soul."

Upon hearing Wang Yue say this, the viewers in the livestream room were no longer calm.

"This is simply too brutal!!!

You can imagine, if the fat man didn't know in advance and was betrayed by his closest relative, who wanted to kill him, it would be truly desperate.

The most desperate thing is probably being cut open by the person you called 'grandfather' all your life, right?"

"I remember a netizen earlier said, envying the fat man for having a good family, sarcastically asking why it wasn't him kidnapped by human traffickers instead?

Come out, fat man needs you to share his despair, dog-head.

"Oh my god... do you guys remember the fat man's ID? Desperate Fat Grandpa???

Indeed, in the end, he couldn't escape the fate foretold by this ID..."

The next world's richest person is me: Scared me to death, turns out this ID can still be used like this, scared me into immediately changing my ID...

Wealth rolling in: Thought I was changing fast enough, didn't expect someone was faster than me...

Just 26CM: Luckily, luckily, still time to change now...

Damn, you guys are all so sly, wait for me, I'll change too...


The atmosphere of the barrage on the screen was all thrown off, viewers silently changed their original IDs.

Fatty also saw the contents on the barrage at this time.

The corners of his plump mouth twitched continuously, while his eyes, narrowed to just a slit, kept twitching.

He really wanted to ask, is it still time for me to change my ID now?

Is this really so bizarre?

I just wanted to express my desperation for losing weight, and you're making me desperate about life as a whole?

Fatty furrowed his brows into a knot, now that he knew the truth of the matter, he didn't seem that desperate inside??

Afterward, Fatty said to Wang Yue on the screen:

"Master Wang, honestly, knowing the truth of the matter, I do have feelings of sadness, sorrow, and anger."

"But it seems like I haven't reached the degree of great grief and despair yet..."

Viewers admired Fatty's attitude, quite optimistic!

They all supported him to face life with a smile.

Wang Yue then smiled faintly and said:

"I told you, when you know all the truths, you will experience great grief, and ultimately, despair."

Fatty looked puzzled, could there be something else that would make me sadder? More despairing?

Wang Yue noticed his confusion and continued:

"As I mentioned before, your biological parents never forgot about you.

After you were kidnapped by traffickers, they have been searching for you."

"And when you were 4 years old, they actually found you.

At that time, you were playing outside, and your biological mother saw you, feeling a mother-son connection, she felt you were her child."

"So she approached your non-biological mother to understand the situation."

"At first, your non-biological mother was also shocked, never expecting that your biological mother would find her way to you."

But the nervousness was quickly masked by her, she firmly denied, saying that you are her biological child.

Your biological mother wanted to verify the birthmark on your buttocks, but your foster mother disagreed.

The two struggled, frightening you into crying loudly.

Your biological mother was afraid of scaring you and let go of her hand, while your foster mother quickly carried you back home.

And your biological parents also followed behind, arriving at your doorstep.

Hearing this, Fatty tried hard to remember, but he couldn't recall what happened when he was a child.

His brow furrowed even more tightly.

If his biological parents had come looking for him, why didn't they take him back?

What happened after that?

He dared not think...

But at this moment, the inexplicable sense of foreboding in his heart grew even stronger...

Wang Yue didn't stop there, continuing to speak:

"When your foster mother returned home, she immediately told the family about what had just happened outside, and mentioned that your biological parents were right outside.

After hearing your foster mother's words, everyone became worried that your biological parents would involve the police."

"At that moment, your non-blood-related grandfather hurriedly went to ask the wild ghost inside the bronze statue what to do."

"The wild ghost was overjoyed to hear this, as he had been worried that you wouldn't be sad enough at the time.

Now, such a perfect pawn had been offered voluntarily."

"So, he instructed your non-blood-related grandfather to bring in your biological parents, then to kill them.

The entire process had to be recorded, and their flesh turned into delicacies for you to consume, all of which needed to be recorded as well."

"He also mentioned that if you were taken away by your biological parents, his granddaughter would also die!"

"It was because of your arrival that he had a granddaughter.

If you left, not only would he be unable to perform the magic to turn his granddaughter into a grandson, but his granddaughter would also die, leaving him without an heir."

"However, if the magic succeeded, then there would be no issue, as everything about you would then transfer to his granddaughter."

"The purpose of recording the killing of your biological parents was naturally to show you before performing the magic, driving you to mental collapse, thus increasing the chances of success."

"To prevent himself from being left without an heir, he decided to act in accordance with the will of the gods, as the gods surely couldn't be wrong."

"Afterward, he came out to your foster parents, recounting the divine instructions he had received.

Your foster parents didn't want their child to die, so they agreed to this plan."