Chapter 232, Master Wang, are there any other options?

Since there is no blood relation with Xiaoying, it seems fine to be together.

But Xiaoying is only trying to atone for her parents, or does she really have romantic feelings for me...

After some contemplation, Fatty decided to ask Wang Yue on the screen:

"Master Wang, my sister Xiaoying..."

"Do you want to know what kind of feelings your sister has for you in the end?"

Fatty was first puzzled, then nodded.

After some thought, Wang Yue spoke:

"As for what kind of feelings she has for you in the end, even she doesn't understand it herself."

"After all, you have always protected her like a brother from childhood to adulthood, so her feelings towards you are like those between family members."

"Knowing that her own parents and grandfather killed your biological parents, she feels guilty towards you."

"When she was most helpless and on the brink of collapse, you were always there to comfort her.

Although she decided to atone for her parents, in the process of being together, she couldn't simply treat you as a brother anymore."

"You are also very good to her, so she doesn't resist marrying you.

Maybe there is some romantic affection between you too."

The viewers in the live stream reassured Fatty after listening.

"Whether it's familial or romantic love, as the saying goes, familiarity breeds fondness.

Isn't it true that between spouses, love at the beginning often develops into familial love in the end?

Even if her feelings towards you are familial, you've just cut a corner of over a dozen years..."

"Damn, @above commenter, impressive analysis, I'd give it 82 points, and I'll give you the remaining 18 points in the form of '666'..."

"@DespairingFatty also dreams of becoming thinner.

Fatty, don't hesitate, there's no better option than this. If there is, I'll let my girlfriend play with you guys for three days..."


At this point, after some inner turmoil, Fatty turned to Wang Yue and said:

"Master Wang, are there any other options?"

It's not that he doesn't want to choose this option, he just simply wants to know if there are better choices available.

Upon hearing Fatty's words, the viewers in the live stream were somewhat surprised.

From Fatty's expression just now, they could tell that he was smitten.

But the fat guy asked, "Are there any other options?"

How so?

Are you deliberately giving the author a chance with water words?

Upon hearing the fat guy's question, Wang Yue smiled slightly and said slowly:

"Hehe, of course there is!"

"Another option, you take your sister and leave this house now, turn off your phones, and spend a crazy day outside, so that no one can find you."

"That way, they won't be able to find you tomorrow, and they won't be able to carry out that plan."

"And the wild ghost inside the bronze statue definitely doesn't want to miss the once-in-a-century opportunity tomorrow when the celestial dog eats the moon to break free.

He will definitely target your grandfather who has no blood ties with you."

"Activate the backup plan, use your father who has no blood ties with you as a substitute for you, transferring all his blood and male characteristics to your mother who has no blood ties with him."

"Your father who has no blood ties with you will be gutted and have his little 'gigi' cut off and attached to his own wife by his own father.

Although the effect of his despairing soul may not be as powerful as yours, it can still be absorbed by the wild ghost.

The wild ghost can only give it a try to break free."

Of course, the wild ghost's outcome can only be failure, unable to break free, and your mother who has no blood ties to you would see the changes on her body, couldn't bear it, and cut them off herself."

"In the end, it all ends in tragedy!"

"Your grandfather who has no blood ties with you just saw hope, but immediately turned into despair.

Where can he bear it?

He went straight to fight, and in the fight, both perished, in a very horrific way."

"The man had his 'gigi' torn off, his eyeballs gouged out... the woman had her neck bitten off..."

The viewers in the live stream room were thrilled to hear this...

Wang Yue continued, "By the time you come back from your day of play, everything will be over."

"Your sister, seeing that scene, will also be devastated, but with your company, she will slowly recover and start a new life."

"She will just think you are her brother, and she will meet other boys, be with other boys."

"And you, due to your weight problem, will meet women who will all look down on you, until at 40 years old, you marry a girl 8 years older than you, have a daughter after marriage, but your relationship has always been difficult, and you eventually divorce, the child is not close to you, and is given to the woman."

"As for that bronze statue, you can tie it to a lightning rod, and when it rains and thunders, it will be struck to pieces by lightning."

"Or you can bring it to me, and I will destroy it for you."

After hearing this, the viewers in the live stream room all felt very satisfied, and shouted in the comment section:

"Don't say anything else, this is the kind of ending that someone who has lost all sense of morality should have, this must be chosen..."

"@The desperate fat man also dreams of being slim. If you're a man, you have to choose this, being shot or getting a life sentence is too easy for them, only this kind of outcome is their due..."

"Yes, yes, this is the only way to vent our frustration. They must experience what true despair is."

"Although I didn't end up with your sister in the end, it's a bit confusing, but if you choose this option, I'm willing to introduce my sister to you..."

"Other than this option, if you choose something else, I will look down on you. If you want me to respect you, you must choose this..."


The online friends had forgotten that they had also forced the fat man to choose the first option in the previous plan.

The fat man clenched his fists at this moment.

When he heard the fates that awaited them, he almost shouted with excitement: serves you right...

You animals deserve this fate!!!

However, upon hearing that his own younger sister Xiao Ying would marry someone else, he felt an inexplicable unease in his heart.

He also heard that his love life had always been unlucky, marrying a woman eight years his senior at the age of 40, and their relationship has always been strained?

Although he had a daughter, they didn't get along well either?

Isn't my life too tragic???

He had initially intended to choose the second option without hesitation, but now he found himself torn.

The first option, although the punishment for those animals would be lighter, would lead to a better outcome for himself, and he could be with Xiao Ying and have children.

The second option would mean a heavier punishment for those animals, but no Xiao Ying...

In the live stream chat room, the viewers watched anxiously as he fell into silence.

After pondering for a moment, he lifted his head and turned to Wang Yue on the screen, asking:

"Master Wang, are there any other options?"