Chapter 234 The Fat Guy's Choice

"How about it?

Can you make a decision now?"

Upon hearing Wang Yue's words, Fat Boy instinctively wanted to ask, "Are there any other choices?"

But before the words left his mouth, he realized he had already made a decision and didn't need to ask anymore.

With determination, Fat Boy faced Wang Yue on the screen and said, "Okay, I'm ready!

I'll choose the last option.

I'll go steal that video later and then disappear."

Although most of the viewers in the live stream room had long known he would choose the last option, they couldn't help but tease him when they heard him say it.

The atmosphere in the barrage changed instantly. "

Congratulations, you two finally become a couple! But that's not a big deal because the mother-in-law is quite something too...


"Nicely done, both the mother and daughter haven't missed a beat, just one more hurdle to overcome..."

"Damn, are you all graduates from the top universities?

Everyone's rhyming so well..."

"Gotta admit, Fat Boy, you've made the wisest choice.

Remember to livestream later and tell us how it feels to be in a mother-daughter duo...


"@Above, didn't you hear what Master Wang said?

At thirty, fierce as a tiger, at forty, strong as a wolf, at fifty, able to sit on the ground and suck in dirt.

Fat Boy might not even live to start the livestream, maybe he's sucked dry already... Hahaha..."

"Damn, there's some truth in that. Fat Boy, take it easy later, hahaha..."

... Fat Boy looked at the barrage on the screen and quickly said, "Don't get the wrong idea!"

"I'm just interested in the weight-loss method that Master Wang mentioned, and during the time I was losing weight, my sister took care of me.

It's absolutely not about getting a mother-daughter pair..."

"And when I return, I'll make the woman turn herself in, or I'll hand the evidence over to the police."

"So please don't think too much, it really isn't what you're thinking..."

Fat Boy's words not only failed to convince the viewers in the livestream room, but instead attracted even more of their twisted humor...

Fat Boy just rubbed his forehead and decided to ignore those jokers completely.

Then he looked at Wang Yue on the screen and said, "Master Wang, thank you for letting me know all this."

"I'm lucky to have grabbed your spot today, or else I'd really turn into a desperate fat man tomorrow."

The chubby man chuckled at himself, then continued, "Some people online say that those who grab the spot of a master never have good luck, but here I want to say one thing."

"I'm grateful to have grabbed your spot, giving me the chance to choose my own destiny!"

"Although it was pretty desperate when I first learned the truth, now it's all good, no more despair!"

"It's all thanks to you, Master Wang. I have nothing much to offer in return, so here are a few gifts!"

The chubby man finished speaking and directly sent a reward.

The desperate fat man also dreams of being thin and rewards the carnival X1

The desperate fat man also dreams of being thin and rewards the carnival X2


The desperate fat man also dreams of being thin and rewards the carnival X5

On the screen floated the special effects of the carnival gifts.

And as the fat man rewarded, other viewers in the live stream room also began to reward one after another.

["I, the violent monk, bestow the supreme gift cannon X1"]

["Stupid Oudoudou, reward a private jet X1"]

["Cute, cute, cute, cuteness overload, reward a Lamborghini X1"]

["The General of Shovel Shi rewards the dreamy castle X1"]

["Little bear blew up the balloon and rewards 999 lollipops"]

["The match-selling girl rewards happy water X99"]

["I, the super invincible cute fairy, reward happy water X99"]


Wang Yue smiled slightly and said, "Hehe, no need to reward, you just gave me a guajin just now, and I just calculated a divination for you, it's nothing special."

"Okay, let's end it here today, wish you smooth sailing ahead!"

The fat man wanted to say something else, but Wang Yue had already disconnected the call.

Even though the fat man had disconnected the call, the discussions about him on the barrage were still lively.

A viewer on the barrage asked:Master Wang, how is the chubby guy going to sneak into the room where the recorded video is kept?

Upon hearing this question, Wang Yue smiled faintly and said slowly:

"Well, that person with fate is quite a talent!"

"He first had a friend call his non-biological father, saying there was an urgent matter at work and he needed to come back to the office."

"Then his father hurried to the office."

"When his father arrived at the office, he found out there was no overtime work required, thought it was a prank, and went back grumbling."

"After that, he called his non-biological mother's friend, asking them to invite his mother to play mahjong together, saying his mom wasn't feeling well tonight and needed some company."

"So, his non-biological mother was also lured out."

After losing a whole night over this, my mood was definitely not good in the end...

After everyone else had left, he brazenly entered their room, found the hidden compartment behind the wardrobe, opened the safe, took the DVD recording, then simply vanished from home.

Hearing Wang Yue say this, the viewers in the live stream room couldn't help but admire the fat guy's cleverness.

Impressive, really couldn't tell, the fat guy could actually come up with such a method?

Not bad, not bad, seems like not only does he have fat, but also brains, and knows how to play the game, didn't just go in to steal directly.

Hearing Wang Yue and the viewers praise him, the fat guy tipped again, indicating he was still here, he heard it all.

[The Desperate Fat Lord Also Has Dreams of Being Thin - Carnival X1]

Then more viewers asked in the barrage:

"Master Wang, is it okay for the fat guy not to give this evidence to the police?"

"Master Wang, if the fat guy's sister knows that her mom also had an affair with the fat guy, can she handle it?"

"Master Wang, will the fat guy have children with both the mother and daughter in the future?"

"Master Wang, can the fat guy handle a two-on-one situation in the future?

Does he need help?"


Looking at the various questions in the barrage, Wang Yue smiled and shook his head.

This generation of people with fate has such a strong gossip spirit.

And some of the questions were really bizarre, what's the deal?

You're offering help like he needs it?

Wang Yue gave a faint smile, then casually said:

"Alright, that's it for today's livestream, everyone who's destined, see you again tomorrow!"

After saying that, he signed off directly!