Chapter 244: Two Options for You

After Gao Yaiguo finished speaking, he anxiously looked at Wang Yue, waiting for his response.

Wang Yue pondered for a moment, then spoke up:

"You can destroy the jade Buddha now to prevent the theft of fortune and luck."

"However, the other side will sense this."

"They are unsure whether you discovered the clue and destroyed the jade Buddha deliberately, or if it was an accidental destruction."

"So, your younger uncle will come to investigate the situation, and then send you two jade Buddhas as a test."

"Since you are aware of their conspiracy, you naturally will not wear them."

"This way, they will no longer be able to absorb fortune and luck, and will naturally become cautious.

Because your younger uncle has acquired a substantial portion of your fortune and luck, even if you launch a fierce counterattack later, both sides will suffer losses."

"Your younger uncle will everywhere accuse you of losing your mind, gratuitously harming his business, unable to see him prosper."

"However, outsiders do not know the specifics and think you are suffering setbacks in business, combined with jealousy towards your younger uncle's success, leading you to harm others while not benefiting yourself."

"They will talk behind your back, ruining your reputation."

"Your wife also does not understand why you are doing this and wants a divorce from you."

"No matter how you explain it, this situation sounds like a fantasy, and nobody believes it."

"In the end, you choose to divorce, preparing to confront the other side to the bitter end.

However, under the temptation of the daughter of the wealthy in Hong Kong, your younger uncle hires someone to stage a car accident, crushing and killing you repeatedly."

"His own fate does not change either. He eventually has his fortune transferred after having a child with the daughter of the wealthy in Hong Kong and dies at the hands of a woman."

The daughter of the wealthy family from Xiangjiang returned to her family to further help the family business.

Gao Yaguo fell silent after hearing this. He had just been thinking of destroying the jade Buddha, then dealing with his own younger brother's business first.

He would bankrupt the other party, take back the houses, cars, and money he had given him before, making the other person live a life worse than death.

Then, after the company had recovered, he would target that conglomerate in Xiangjiang. Did he really see no way out? And in the end, he would only end up as the villain, meeting a tragic death.

The ultimate winner would still be that conglomerate from Xiangjiang.

The thought left him feeling somewhat unwilling.

Was his only option to strike first, to have someone else killed?

He found himself at a loss for a moment... The bystanders around, who had no idea that destroying the jade Buddha and sabotaging the other party's fortune would lead to such a tragic ending, whispered amongst themselves:

"Shouldn't we just let our boss figure it out, reveal the scheme after causing trouble for the other side, then run the company well without further conflicts?"

"Isn't that too frustrating? Just letting those two off the hook like that, it's hard to accept... And that despicable woman ended up being the biggest beneficiary in the end!"

"What else can be done?

Haven't you heard what Master Wang said? If the boss retaliates, both sides will lose, reputations will be ruined, and families will be torn apart..."

"Maybe we should go with my plan after all. I'll lure the boss's younger brother out, take care of him, and help the boss seek revenge..."

"Is there really no other way?"

"Don't worry, Master Wang is so powerful, he will definitely have a solution, I believe..."


At this moment, Gao Yaguo suddenly said to Wang Yue:

"Master, what if I pretend not to notice their conspiracy, not act against them first, choose to hide for a while, accumulate strength, and then deliver a fatal blow to them, how would that be?"

"To prevent them from acting recklessly, I can strengthen the security forces first, or arrange for family members to go on vacation abroad, while I operate in secret?"

After Gao Yaguo finished speaking, the onlookers were impressed.

Yes, this should work, indeed worthy of a boss, the plan devised is top-notch...

Thumbs up for you.

Wang Yue just smiled slightly and said calmly:

"It can be done."

"But when they can no longer absorb blessings and luck over there, that Miss Xiangjiang will immediately have a child with your younger brother.

The reason she hasn't made a move yet is because she wants to have a child when your younger brother's luck is at its peak."

"Since she can no longer absorb, she will carry out her own plan."

"At that point, you can crush your younger brother's company, he will also fall into various debts, go bankrupt, and eventually seek women in alleys, get robbed, and be killed...because he's too poor..."

"And that woman will return to Xiangjiang with the child. You will have lost some blessings and luck, making it difficult to take action against that group over there."

Gao Yaguo frowned, clearly not the outcome he wanted to see.

He wanted both of them to pay a painful price.

Then he looked at Wang Yue, wanting to see if he had any good ideas.

"Master, what should I do?"

Wang Yue pondered for 2 seconds, then spoke up:

"I can give you two choices!"

Gao Yaoguo's eyes lit up, eagerly asking:

"Master, what choices?"

Wang Yue said slowly:

"First, I can take action for you, causing the opponent to suffer from a backlash of luck."

"So, before you even start to fight back, the other party will be plagued with all kinds of bad luck - the company will struggle to operate, various debts will pile up, and before it goes bankrupt, they will resort to deceiving loan sharks, borrowing money they can't repay and ending up being beaten to death."

"The daughter of the Hong Kong tycoon will also bear a child with no luck, inheriting her father's skills in wining, dining, gambling, and whoring, eventually causing trouble for their family.

Due to this cause and effect, the opponent's group will also be affected, suffering heavy losses."

"The woman, because of the trouble she brings, will be expelled from the family, falling into running a bus business.

Her previous status will attract attention to her driving skills, making her business thrive."

"In the end, news will reach the ears of that family, and for the sake of their reputation, they will have her discretely eliminated."

"However, if you choose this option, afterwards, you will need to acquire your younger brother's company to keep it running and prevent bankruptcy."

"Also, choosing this method will require me to take 3 drops of your essence blood, making you weak for 3 months, but the impact will not be significant."

"Additionally, the part of luck that was taken from you by your younger brother will also be lost."

Upon hearing this proposal, the onlookers, especially the gossiping girls, seemed very excited.

"Exactly, it should be like this, this is the proper ending those two people deserve!"

"Master Wang's move is decisive and precise.

I applaud this plan, and if it were me, I would definitely choose this without hesitation."

"Although I also think they had it coming, I can't help but feel it might be a bit too harsh, too cruel..."

"I never expected you to be such a saintly hypocrite, saying such things when they're about to eliminate you.

If you're not ruthless, you can't stand strong!"


Gao Yaguo was also deeply moved by this method, as it not only resolved the issue of his own good fortune and luck no longer being stolen.

It also brought the fitting punishment to his leeching younger brother-in-law.

Most satisfyingly, it made that despicable woman and her family pay a heavy price as well.

As for himself, he would have to give up his previously stolen good fortune and luck, as well as three drops of blood that serve an unknown purpose.

The master mentioned weakness for three months, which wouldn't be a significant impact.

However, he didn't immediately choose this plan, as he recalled Wang Yue had just given him two options.

So he asked Wang Yue:

"Master, what is the second option?"