Chapter 246: Reverse the universe, overturn Yin and Yang!

Wang Yue said lightly, "No need, just bring me the jade Buddha."

Gao Yaoguo immediately handed over the jade Buddha he was holding.

Wang Yue took the jade Buddha. He had already discovered that there was spiritual energy hidden inside the jade Buddha.

When he absorbed the jade beads from Zhu Shaohua's body before, he suspected that all these jade stones might contain spiritual energy.

At that time, Zhu Shaohua even mentioned that there were a few pieces of Imperial Green at home and wanted to give him one.

Later, due to the incident with Yang Yongfan, the villa was also destroyed, and they never delivered it.

Now, by looking at the jade Buddha in front of him, he was mostly certain.

However, the amount of spiritual energy contained in this jade Buddha was far less than the jade beads from Zhu Shaohua's body at that time.

It seemed like he might have a chance to visit the raw stone market with Zhu Shaohua.

Putting aside his thoughts, Wang Yue activated the spiritual energy.

A trace of spiritual energy entered the jade Buddha and resonated with the original spiritual energy inside, immediately emitting a bright light. "

Reverse the universe, overturn Yin and Yang!"

As Wang Yue performed a small spell, the jade Buddha instantly shone brightly, then quickly disappeared. In Wang Yue's eyes, the word "reverse" appeared inside the jade Buddha.

Then Wang Yue casually added another small spell for strengthening the body.

The jade Buddha once again flashed with a green light.

The onlookers were all dumbfounded by Wang Yue's actions.

"Have you all figured it out? How can the jade Buddha still emit light?"

"I have no idea, if it weren't for Master Wang, I would have thought it was magic."

"Could Master Wang be a deity? What kind of spell was that just now?"

"Wow, Master Wang is amazing, he could definitely make me fly, right? I really want to try it with him..."


For a moment, the girls' eyes were sparkling.

If it weren't for the boss being here, they would have pounced again, asking Wang Yue to let them experience that sensation of flying.

Wang Yue felt several strange gazes, and when he looked over, he smiled helplessly.

He then handed the jade Buddha back to Gao Yaokuo and said:

"Alright, just take the jade Buddha back."

"After all the blessings and luck have returned, there's no need to discard it, as I added something to it that can improve health and wellness."

Gao Yaokuo was stunned by Wang Yue's recent actions; if he hadn't handed the jade Buddha over himself, he would have suspected that something had been rigged inside it.

Seeing Wang Yue handing over the jade Buddha, he quickly took it and felt a shock throughout his body the moment it touched his hand.

He felt as if something had returned to his body, a feeling so wonderful that it made him feel refreshed and invigorated.

Was this the so-called blessing, the return of luck?

Gao Yaokuo was overjoyed in an instant, thanking profusely:

"Thank you, Master!"

"For your kindness, I can never repay you.

If there's ever a need for my assistance in the future, just ask, and I will fulfill it for you."

Then he suddenly remembered something, the excitement on his face disappeared, and he said to Wang Yue:

"Master, should I also bring the jade Buddha on my son's body to you for treatment?"

"Will it continue to absorb my son's luck?"

Wang Yue shook his head and said slowly:

"No need, I have already destroyed the tricks they played on the jade Buddha, reversed them, and the missing luck will return to you again."

After receiving Wang Yue's reply, Gao Yaguo instantly breathed a sigh of relief.

Next up was the beginning of his revenge!

But before that, there was one thing to take care of.

Gao Yaguo reached out his right hand to Wang Yue and said:

"Master, you said earlier that choosing this option required a drop of my blood, I don't know the difference between blood and ordinary blood, you can take it yourself!"

Wang Yue smiled slightly, then said to the onlookers:

"Is there a bottle or cup around here?"

There was immediately chaos on the scene, with girls running to find bottles and cups.

Soon they ran back, some holding mineral water bottles, others holding thermos cups, and the most outrageous of all was a girl carrying a large water tank running over...

They all handed them to Wang Yue and said:

"Master Wang, use this..."

"Use this..."

Gao Yaguo looked at the large water tank and was filled with black lines on his face.

He was thinking to himself, "Even if I used up all the blood in my body, would it still not be enough?"

Sis, do you have a grudge against me?

Wang Yue also couldn't help but laugh, "Have you ever seen anyone use a bucket to collect blood like a water bottle?"

I bet even the butchers who slaughter pigs would shake their heads at this.

Then Wang Yue picked up the bucket-shaped water bottle in front of him.

This move almost scared Gao Yaguo into using all the emojis.

Master, are you drawing blood or draining it completely?

And the girl with the bucket-shaped water bottle was so excited as if she had just been chosen for a blind date.

The next moment, Wang Yue put the bucket-shaped water bottle aside and said with a smile, "Hehe, this won't do, it's too big for me to take away!"

The girl pouted and unhappily said, "Fine!"

Gao Yaguo also breathed a sigh of relief, that was terrifying!

In the end, Wang Yue chose a small bottle,

then he approached Gao Yaguo, grabbed his hand with his left hand, and made a light cut on Gao Yaguo's wrist with his right hand.

A deep cut immediately appeared on Gao Yaguo's wrist, almost giving him an emo style.

Fortunately, after taking a drop of essence blood, Wang Yue wiped it on the wound, and the wound immediately healed, no longer bleeding.

All of this was done in an instant, leaving the onlookers stunned.

What kind of magical operation is this again?

With this technology, will surgeons be out of a job in the future?

Such a deep wound doesn't even need stitches, just a wipe and it's healed?

And no scars yet!

Some girls were curious if they could also find a master to help heal their wounds if they have a cesarean section or episiotomy in the future, so that the wound would recover as good as new.

Just the thought of it made the girls a little excited!

Gaoyaguo's face turned pale due to the loss of blood, feeling a bit dizzy and weak, like he had been playing poker with a dozen girls all night...

Manager Pang hurried to assist, but Gaoyaguo gestured for him not to.

Gaoyaguo then turned to Wang Yue and said, "Master, are you here to look at houses today?"

"I've said it before, if you solve my problem, there will be a handsome reward!"

Afterwards, he turned to Manager Pang and said, "Manager Pang, take the master to see our several detached villas later.

Whichever one the master likes, it's yours, all procedures will be taken care of immediately!"

Manager Pang quickly agreed, "Of course, boss, rest assured, I will serve Master Wang well!"

Gaoyaguo nodded, then turned back to Wang Yue and said, "Master, I'm really sorry, I can't accompany you to view the houses today. I need to attend to some matters."

"If you have any requests, just tell Manager Pang, he will take care of it for you."

"After I finish these matters, I will pay a visit and we can relax with a drink together."

Wang Yue smiled slightly and said, "It's okay, go take care of your business!"

After making arrangements, Gao Yi left Gao Ya Country.

Meanwhile, Wang Yue followed Manager Pang and Xia Yutong to visit the villa!