Chapter 252: "You asked me if I still knew anything else."

After you consumed the genius treasure inside, your spiritual wisdom was awakened, and you embarked on the path of cultivation.

As you made progress in your training, you triggered a bloodline awakening, transforming into a three-tailed spirit fox with the innate skill of enchanting all living beings.

At that moment, you encountered the hunter who had previously pursued you.

Remembering how close you were to being killed and skinned by him before, you decided to seek revenge using your enchanting powers to lure him to his demise.

Confidently standing before him, nose upturned, you unleashed your enchanting abilities, compelling him to slap himself.

You didn't intend to end him swiftly, preferring to torment him before delivering the final blow!

However, your skill was still underdeveloped, only slightly affecting his thoughts.

Being a seasoned hunter and butcher with a strong killer instinct, he remained unaffected by your influence.

As it was your first time utilizing the power of enchanting all living beings and struggling to control it, you experienced a backlash, rendering your attempts futile.

The hunter effortlessly seized you, pleased with his luck that a foolish little fox had fallen into his trap, appearing weak and easy prey.

Upon hearing this tale, Manager Pang, Xia Yutong, and the other four spirits in the room all gazed strangely at the young fox demon, Su Xiaomei.

They wondered, aren't foxes supposed to be cunning?

Why does this sound so foolish?

Charging in without understanding your abilities properly?

I suspect you are a fake fox...

But since you were caught, how did you manage to survive?


Their gossiping hearts have already begun to burn fiercely...

The little fox demon felt a bit embarrassed by their scrutiny.

That was a thing of the past.

At that time, she didn't have a good understanding of her abilities, so she ended up a little worse for wear.

But how did this person in front of her know? She hadn't told anyone about that embarrassing incident for fear of being ridiculed by other foxes of her kind.

She looked at Wang Yue with confusion and asked, "Who are you exactly?

How do you know about this?

Are you... the reincarnation of that hunter?"

When she mentioned the hunter, a hint of animosity crossed her face, clearly indicating the profound impact the hunter had on her memories.

Wang Yue smiled faintly and said slowly, "Heh, I'm just an ordinary fortune teller.

As for how I knew, it was from reading your facial expressions."

"If you don't want to tell me more, I won't push it."

Su Xiaomei, the little fox demon, thought to herself...

You can tell all that from facial expressions? Are you kidding me?

No, are you trying to deceive a demon?

Do you really need so many excuses not to say?

At this point, Wang Yue continued, "But that time, the hunter didn't kill you because you were completely white and had three tails, which was a completely new breed, overturning his expectations.

He saw the potential and planned to capture some male foxes to breed with you, producing high-quality foxes to sell."

"However, capturing male foxes was not easy, so he thought, since you were a mutant anyway, any local mongrel should do."

"He then bought some fertility drugs for animals, injected them into your body, and gave some to the dogs too, hoping you would conceive quickly and give birth to more mutant foxes..."

"Feeling the abnormalities in your body and seeing those dogs with red eyes, drooling incessantly, and sticking out their tongues, you felt utterly hopeless."

Hearing this, the onlookers Manager Pang and Xia Yuantong, along with four ghosts, widened their eyes...

Oh my gosh, is this game so intense?

The image automatically popped up in their minds, and they all turned to look at Su Xiaomei, the little fox demon, up and down...

They wondered, back then, she was still in her fox form, so they weren't sure if transforming into a human had any impact?

After transforming into human form, will the previous injuries automatically heal?

The little fox demon Su Xiaomei was stirred up by some bad memories, her face turning pale, then red.

The aura around her was becoming more and more violent...

as if it was about to explode at any moment, uncontrollable and ready to burst!

The onlookers were scared and kept retreating, fearing that the next moment Su Xiaomei, the fox demon, would go on a killing spree...

Meanwhile, Wang Yue remained calm, facing Su Xiaomei's demonic energy with a carefree expression.

It was as if a gust of wind blew past him.

At that moment, the ice-cold Su Xiaomei said:

"That human deserves to die..."

"He paid a painful price for it too!"

"If you are associated with him, I will make you wish you were dead..."

Wang Yue's lips slightly curled upwards, he smiled faintly, and slowly said:

"Hehe, I have no connection with him.

You did make him pay a painful price; he certainly brought it upon himself."

"At that time, when you were on the brink of despair, the potential for survival allowed you to tap into another ability, illusion magic.

So, you quickly used the power of illusion to influence those few out-of-control dogs."

"Although your illusion power was still weak at that time, it was enough to influence those dogs.

You made those out-of-control dogs think that the hunter was the most noble and sexy female dog in the world..."

"So, those out-of-control dogs barked and rushed towards the hunter."

"They knocked the hunter down, initiating a brutal round of biting, fighting, and...

you know..."

"The hunter experienced an unimaginably cruel ordeal and was eventually bitten to death by his own dogs!"

"And you couldn't hold on any longer, the effects of the medicine took over.

You battled the out-of-control dogs until dawn, exhausting them to death..."

"Finally, with a weary body, you returned to that feng shui treasure land, embarking on a long period of secluded cultivation!"

After Wang Yue finished speaking, the onlookers, including Manager Pang and Xia Yutong, were left in shock with their mouths gaping open.

Four ghosts even had their jaws drop to the ground, their eyes popping out...

They had initially thought that the little fox demon would be bullied and then find an opportunity to escape.

Never did they expect the situation to unfold like this!!!

This was simply unheard of, unseen before...

Wasn't the hunter butcher too pitiful?

Being harmed by the dog she raised herself!

And Su Xiaomei was truly a fox demon, her physical strength was incredible.

In the end, she exhausted several dogs to death!

Indeed, the ancients did not deceive me!

Fox spirits really can drain people dry, no, these dogs can be drained dry too...

At this moment, the young fox demon Su Xiaomei had a fierce look on her face.

Her pair of blue eyes stared fixedly at Wang Yue, roaring:

"You say you have no connection with that hunter and butcher?"

"If there's no connection, why do you know so much about it?"

"What is he to you?"

"Or are you his reincarnation?"

After Su Xiaomei, the young fox demon, finished speaking, three tails suddenly sprouted from her backside, swirling in the air.