Chapter 275: But it will require a rather large price from you.

Otherwise, if all sorts of shells were bombarding, the civilians below might think it was some kind of terrorist attack going on."

Wang Yue thought about that scenario, it did seem a bit excessive.

Then he smiled slightly and continued:

"If you want to keep things quiet, then the only option is to spike the takeout ordered by the other side."

"He always orders from a restaurant called 'Homey Dining', you can start by controlling the people inside that restaurant."

"Then when the other side orders takeout, you can lace the food with a hefty dose of laxatives."

"After they finish eating and start feeling weak, that's your cue to go in and make the arrest."

"However, this method has a 10% failure rate."

"Because if the other side senses something wrong, they might run while in the process of relieving themselves, turning the street into a battlefield of projectile soldiers."

Long Wu's eyes lit up when he heard Wang Yue's plan to spike the other side's food.

This method is great!!!

Keeping things quiet...

However, when he heard about the 10% failure rate, his brows furrowed.

Although the failure rate doesn't seem high, there's still a risk.

And if he ends up fighting the other person while they're trying to escape, the excitement of that scene is just too tantalizing...

One misstep and he'd be drenched in it...

Then Long Wu, looking puzzled, asked:

"Master Wang, why use laxatives?"

"Wouldn't it be more direct and reliable to use poison or drugs instead?"

Wang Yue's lips curled upwards slightly, and he casually replied:

"Hehe, using other poisons may raise suspicions from the other side, as for why laxatives, it's because they are colorless and tasteless, not easily detectable, and even a silver needle cannot detect the presence of poison."

"So, laxatives are the best choice!"

(⊙﹏⊙)~ Okay.

Long Wu was conflicted. While this method was good, there was a 10% chance of failure.

He had no idea what consequences it might bring if he failed to capture him.

Then Long Wu turned to Wang Yue and asked, "Master Wang, is there no other method that is less risky and guarantees a 100% success rate?"

Wang Yue pondered for a moment before speaking, "There is, but..."

Wang Yue suddenly stopped midway, a look of conflict evident on his face.

Seeing Wang Yue hesitate to continue, Long Wu inquired, "Master Wang, but what?"

After much hesitation, Wang Yue finally said, "But this method is more complicated, and you will have to pay a certain price."

Long Wu felt the tension rising as he listened to Wang Yue's words.

The fact that Master Wang had this expression and spoke those words indicated that the price for this method was significant. It might even cost him his life!

Long Wu then looked at Wang Yue solemnly and declared, "Master Wang, tell me!

No matter how troublesome or costly, I am willing to accept it!!!"

As long as I can subdue the other party, even if it costs me my life, I won't furrow my brow in the slightest.


Wang Yue was slightly taken aback, who said you have to pay with your life?

"No need to sacrifice my life!"

"Just give up 80% of your savings, and I will step in to assist you."

"Whether you want to capture him alive or let him die, it's all good, and it won't cause too much commotion."

Long Wu was dumbfounded once again, his mouth twitching incessantly, staring at Wang Yue in disbelief...

So, Master Wang, the trouble you're referring to, is that trouble according to your own standards???

And the so-called hefty price is 80% of my savings?

That's quite a high price indeed...

After recovering from his stupor, Long Wu excitedly exclaimed:

"No problem!"

"As long as you subdue the other party, I'll give you all my savings."

"Shall we set off now?"

Long Wu didn't doubt Wang Yue's ability to either capture or kill the other party as he had investigated thoroughly.

He believed he was no match for Wang Yue.

As long as Wang Yue was willing to take action, dealing with that person would surely be no issue.

And what needed to be paid was just useless money lying in the bank account.

This was simply too cost-effective.

Seeing Long Wu's excitement, Wang Yue shook his head.

Then he calmly said:

"Not now, I have other matters to attend to today."

"I'll accompany you on this mission tomorrow."

"Don't worry, the other party won't escape, and the target they've been eyeing won't surface in the next few days, so no murders will happen."

Upon hearing Wang Yue's words, Long Wu didn't have much else to say.

"Alright Master Wang, I'll come pick you up early tomorrow morning and then we'll set off together," he said.

Wang Yue nodded and replied, "Okay."

Seeing Wang Yue's agreement, Long Wu said, "Since you're busy, Master Wang, I won't disturb you any longer."

"I'll take my leave then."

Wang Yue said lightly, "Alright, take care on your way out, I won't see you off."

"Um, Master Wang, please stay!"

After watching Long Wu leave the villa,

Wang Yue returned to the sofa in the living room, deep in thought.

He had his own considerations regarding dealing with the practitioner who controlled the flying head bandits.

Firstly, the souls within those flying head bandits, if all released, should earn him quite a lot of merit points.

And as for exposing and punishing evil, especially such a major one, would it also bring in a large amount of merit points?

This needed to be verified.

He was currently lacking in merit points, so it was worth taking action.

Finally, Wang Yue took out the materials he had exchanged before, along with the inner pill of the little fox demon and the blood of the Big Qi luck.

Earlier, he had not started crafting magical tools because Tang and the others had arrived.

But now that they had left and no one would disturb him, he could begin.

And on the side of Dragon Five, after leaving the villa, he returned to the former military base.

He didn't come back for long.

Dragons Two and Three also came back...

At this time, Dragon Two looked like he had undergone plastic surgery.

His whole face was swollen, with even a small piece of his lips appearing to be bitten off, and he limped as he walked.

Dragon Three also didn't walk very naturally, seeming a bit awkward.

Although there were no visible external injuries, she walked as if each step would tug at a wound, very awkwardly, with a slight frown on her face.

At this time, Dragon Two had a silly grin on his pig-like face as he leaned in next to Dragon Three.

And with unclear speech, he said:

"Dragon Three, how are you feeling, still hurting?"

"Do you want me to massage it for you?"

Dragon Three's face turned red with embarrassment, feeling an itching rage, ready to kick him straight away, but it seemed to involve the wound, making it too painful to lift her foot.

So she directly yelled at Dragon Two:

"Get lost..."

"Hehehe, alright, I'll leave, but I'll be back..."

Watching the two of them, Dragon Five shook his head.

Then he walked over and told them about the situation with that flying-head martial artist.