Chapter 289: Do good people die young, their misfortune lasting a thousand years?

The fans in the live-stream room were all dumbfounded!

Who would've thought that at this moment, the body retriever Jiang Da'an could still argue cunningly, and even act like he was the one who had been wronged.

Most importantly, what he said didn't sound inappropriate at all!

In a storm with thunder and rain, breaking a taboo, with the river flowing fast, the danger level increased, so raising the price is not unreasonable...

And you say he forced someone's daughter? Do you have any evidence?

If there's no evidence, then it's defamation!

If it weren't for the fans in the live stream room, who had unwavering faith in Wang Yue's abilities, they might have really been led astray by the body retriever Jiang Da'an!

The fans had no choice but to admire Jiang Da'an's adaptability!

Subsequently, they mockingly commented in the barrage:

"Damn, you're so good at arguing, why don't you join a debate competition, it's a waste for your mouth!!!"

"If you're not on the next season of 'Weird Ideas,' I'm not watching..."

"Truly, when the water is clear, there are no fish; when people are lowly, they are invincible.

People without boundaries are the most awesome!!!"

"You're so shameless, does your family know?"

"Your face is thicker than a city wall, bullets can't even penetrate it..."

"Sorry, I'm new here, but what he said is fine, right?

He traded it with his life, even if they want more money, it's not excessive!"

There were also some new water friends who didn't know Wang Yue's abilities and thought what the corpse fisherman Jiang Da'an said was right!

But they were quickly pulled aside for a private meeting by other water friends.

At this moment, a playful smile appeared on Wang Yue's lips, and then he sneered at the corpse fisherman Jiang Da'an:

"Oh, really?

Do you have a clear conscience?"

"But it's true.

That person has nothing to do with you. Whether he's dead or alive, it's none of your business.

You must have a clear conscience."

"In that case, let's talk about something that would make you feel guilty!"

The corners of the corpse fisherman's mouth kept twitching...

Still talking?

Isn't this over yet?

Wang Yue ignored his changing expressions and continued:

"When we arrived at the scene, looking at the rushing river, you wanted to back out."

"But since you've taken advantage of the situation, if you didn't bring up the child, you were afraid the family would retaliate against you."

"So you quickly had someone call your dad to come back."

"And you slowly got into the water, but only dared to search near the shore, not daring to go far."

"When your dad arrived in a panic, he found you already in the water, almost going crazy."

"He always told you to remember the taboo of being a corpse fisherman, because it could cost your life, but you dared to break it!!!"

"He directly shouted at you to come up immediately, but you pretended to be righteous, refusing to help them bring up the child!"

"The surrounding onlookers applauded and praised your character."

"Only the family knew what happened and looked at you with disgust, finding you repulsive."

"If it weren't for the sake of their daughter's reputation, they would have exposed you."

By this time, the water friends in the live broadcast room were almost sick to their stomachs.

They cried out, "Heaven! Earth! Please take him away!"

How could there be such hypocritical and shameless people?

Some people who didn't know the truth believed him...

And even thought he was a good person, praising his character???

This is simply infuriating!!!

They really wanted to help those onlookers, to clear the crap from their eyes.

The water friends expressed their displeasure and once again launched an attack on the corpse fisherman Jiang Da'an in the barrage.

Wang Yue glanced at the barrage, ignored it, and continued slowly:

"Even your dad didn't expect you to say such things."

"You totally stunned him, and then he was furious."

"If you weren't in the water at that time, your dad would have torn you to pieces."

In the end, your dad had no choice but to go into the water as well.

Being quite the seasoned veteran, he quickly located the possible spot where the child might be lingering based on his experience.

Then the two of you swam together to beneath the bridge, and proceeded to dive down together, starting to search separately underwater.

A few minutes later, your dad found the child and called you over to help.

Because the child was wedged under debris by a stone pillar.

You went over and both dived underwater again.

After much effort, you finally managed to extricate the child.

But at that moment, due to the vigorous activity at home earlier, lack of warm-up before diving, and spending so long underwater, your foot suddenly cramped up!

In a panic, you ended up inadvertently strangling your dad, both of you struggling in the water, ultimately succeeding in rendering him unconscious.

And you, stepping on his body, surfaced, while he forever remained in the water.

Yet you later altered the tale, claiming that due to breaking a taboo, you encountered a corpse transformation, and your dad, in his attempt to save you, was left forever in the water, a tragic story indeed.

Your dad never imagined, even till the end, why he, who had spent a lifetime retrieving corpses, would end up being the one left in the water…

Hearing this, the online audience fully comprehended the situation.

It turned out the whole incident was like this. Was his own father actually killed by him???

The next moment, the barrage of comments exploded.

"Damn, this really is a messed-up item; previously thought his dad died trying to save him, turns out he was killed by his own hands...

@CorpseRetriever: Professional corpse retriever for thirty years, won't you have nightmares tonight?"

"I wonder if his dad regrets not shooting him directly into the toilet back then..."

"Won't committing patricide bring down lightning upon him?

Or is he not blood-related?

Otherwise, why such a convoluted situation?"

"Sigh, truly good people do not live long, calamities persist for millennia, yet he's still alive while his dad is dead... it's unjust!"

"Hey, they said there'd be great horror if the taboo of the corpse retriever is violated.

Why haven't we heard anything about that?"

"Isn't it terrifying enough that people are dead?"

On the barrage, the majority of viewers were lamenting why it wasn't CorpseRetriever Jiang Da'an who died.

Some viewers were curious, asking why there was no mention of the great horror when breaking the taboo.

Why didn't Master Wang just say it???

"Master Wang, please tell us, was the sudden foot cramp back then caused by that so-called great horror???"