Chapter 292 Shock!!! What on earth does he want to do?

"Hehe, you might not know, but every step of your process of killing and disposing of the body has been recorded!"

In the live streaming room, the onlookers could all sense that a big piece of gossip was unfolding.

They were instantly thrilled.

Just moments ago, they had been vexed by the arrogance of the body fisherman Jiang Da'an, who flaunted his lack of evidence.

Now, hearing Wang Yue claim that someone had filmed his entire criminal process, he would have no room for sophistry.

For a moment, cheers erupted from the barrage of onlookers on the screen.

"Oh my, it's all been recorded directly, haha, don't know why, but suddenly feeling so much better!"

"@Body fisherman: Three decades of professional body fishing, let's see how you'll argue this time???"

"Master Wang has spoken. If he can still argue his way out this time, I'll eat 100 catties of shit on live stream... Won't end until it's finished."

"@Upstairs, always here to trick for food and drink!!!"

"Who exactly is the spy, filming such crucial evidence, heavy rewards await..."

"Hahaha, look at the body fisherman's expression right now, looks like he just ate poop, too enjoyable..."


The onlookers who were just so frustrated a moment ago were now ecstatic.

As for the body disposal man Jiang Da'an, his face changed drastically as he listened to Wang Yue's words.

He could hardly believe his ears.



He was certain there was no one else around when he committed the act.

It must be a trick to deceive him.

Although he kept consoling himself, reassuring that there couldn't be any evidence, that it was a deceit.

Yet, his nerves were on edge... after all, Wang Yue's skills were too extraordinary.

He wasn't sure if it was real or fake.

Facing the camera, he said:

"I don't know what you're talking about!"

"Don't try to frame me."

"I won't admit to it..."

Everyone in the live streaming room could hear Jiang Da'an's voice tinged with a hint of trembling.

They all mocked him in the barrage.

At the same time, they were also waiting for Wang Yue to present evidence to completely discredit him.

At this moment, Wang Yue sneered and said:

"Since I said so, there must be evidence."

"That woman told you at the time that she had videos of every moment you were intimate."

"After you killed her, you didn't find any related videos, thinking she was lying and ignored it."

"Actually, she wasn't lying.

She secretly recorded every one of your intimate moments."

"Of course, the video of you committing murder was no exception; all of it was clearly recorded, after all, you always did it in that fixed room..."


Corpse salvager Jiang Da'an's body was trembling slightly at this point.

He had carefully checked every corner of the room at the time and found no hidden cameras or anything.

Where did things go wrong?

How did she shoot the videos?

In the end, no matter how hard he tried, Corpse salvager Jiang Da'an couldn't figure out how that woman had recorded them???

Then, with a pale face, he kept saying to the camera:

"It's impossible, impossible..."

"You must be lying to me!"

"There are no videos at all!!!"

However, Wang Yue just smiled slightly, then continued:

"Nothing is impossible!"

"And those videos, your good brother has already enjoyed them!"

"Every time you two were intimate, he was watching the live broadcast from another location!"

"Even, he mocked you in the videos, saying you were a useless waste.

If it weren't for your lucky fate and having a good dad to teach you a special skill, you would be nothing, just a useless waste..."

When Jiang Da'an heard Wang Yue say this, his head buzzed, and he was stunned!!!

The onlookers in the live broadcast room were all stunned too!

What the heck is going on???

The good brother knew all along???

And he endured his wife's intimate conversations with other men???

What kind of special hobby is this?

To make such incomprehensible moves?

Is there some special hidden agenda?

For a moment, the onlookers seemed to catch a whiff of an even juicier piece of gossip, and they started commenting in the barrage:

"Damn, there's a conspiracy, definitely a conspiracy.

At first, I felt sorry for that poor guy, but now I am shook.

None of these people are simple characters!!!"

"I don't even know what to say, it's more mind-boggling than a suspense movie.

Can't tell who's the villain and who's the victim... "

"What kind of twisted mentality is this? Watching his own wife being livestreamed with someone else???

If it were me, I'd have charged in and cut down that pair of cheaters..."

"Pardon my lack of culture, but seriously, a plot twist with just a 'damn' line ruling the world??? This is just too incredulous..."

"So, the ultimate big boss turns out to be that poor guy???"


The barrage on the screen kept exploding with comments from the viewers, not showing any signs of stopping.

At that moment, the body recovery man, Jiang Da'an, also snapped out of his confusion, realizing that there must be a conspiracy at play.

Turning to Wang Yue on the screen, he asked:

"Are you saying Old Li knew about this all along?"

"What does he want to achieve???"

Wang Yue cracked a tantalizing smile and calmly said:

"Of course, he wants the money!"

"After being with you for half a month, he noticed something off about his wife..."

"Not only did her cosmetics, bags, and clothes increase, but every time they had deep conversations, he felt something was different..."

"So, one time, he secretly followed his wife to see what she was up to recently?"

"He discovered her secret with you. He was so angry that he almost charged over to end it all with both of you!"

"However, he held back because he thought of another way – to treat you as an ATM.

You have money, don't you?

So, he turned all your money into his own."

"He waited outside, intercepted his wife after she separated from you."

"His wife was caught off guard, panicked and tried to explain to her husband..."

"But in the end, he dragged her to a secluded place and gave her a good beating..."

"Then, her husband said: Take 70% of the money she got from you and give it to him, otherwise he will expose her to her family, ruining her reputation..."

At the same time, a mini camera was installed in the air conditioning of the house where you have your secret rendezvous, to capture evidence!

This is to prevent you from refusing to pay in the future, and can be used to threaten you."

"That's also why that woman's appetite kept growing, because she had to share the money..."

"Just three days ago, your good buddy, in order to buy a car, asked his wife to get two to three hundred thousand from you, unexpectedly you didn't agree and even killed his wife."

"He was in the car outside, witnessing everything, and when you disposed of the body, he was there watching from a distance, recording everything."

"Using his wife's phone to send messages, he also acted along with you, not revealing the truth, in order to drain all your assets..."

"But just as he was about to execute his plan, he met an accident!"
