Chapter 52: Fast Recovery

With his family's visit and support, Matthew felt a renewed sense of determination and hope. He was determined to recover faster and stronger than ever before. He began to attack his rehabilitation with a newfound intensity, pushing himself to his limits every day.

He started each day with a rigorous physiotherapy session, working on strengthening his ankle and improving his range of motion. He then moved on to light cardio exercises, gradually increasing his endurance and stamina.

Matthew also focused on his nutrition, fueling his body with a balanced diet rich in protein, complex carbohydrates, and healthy fats. He drank plenty of water and got plenty of rest, ensuring his body had the necessary resources to recover.

His hard work and dedication paid off, and Matthew's recovery progressed at an incredible pace. His ankle healed faster than expected, and he was soon able to start doing light training exercises, such as jogging and agility drills.