Chapter 2:Soul #0987087687358709

Stephen P.O.V

My house was only 35 minutes away from school by car, I would like to be able to walk to school sometimes but we were living in Nolensville so I would come to school with my dad most of the time and on rare occasions when my dad wasn't available my mom would drive me but like I said it was so rare I could count on my fingers the number of time it happened this year now that I think about it how the fuck will I go to my house now I can't walk for 6 hours to go there, well ill need to take a taxi and use the money my mother put in the cookie jar for emergency. I'm so dumb I could just take an Uber I thought before taking my phone out of my bag since it was the first time I would use Uber I read the instructions given on the front page

Open and log into the Uber app on your device Type your destination into the "Where to?" section Select the type of vehicle you would like at the bottom of the screen. Tap "request" and then confirm the pickup location Wait for your request to be accepted by a driver and check the estimated time of arrival Just wait for your driver to arrive. You can check their location on the in-app map and you will be notified when they are close to the pickup location that's look easy enough I thought

The pick-up place was set in front of the public library 2 streets away from where I was I had to wait for 15 minutes before my Uber driver arrived when I looked at the Uber app it said that my driver was there so I started looking around to see if I could spot it maybe it was the fact that I was looking around to search for something but she spotted me before I spot her she stop her car right beside me roll down her window and asked me

''Are you waiting for your Uber young man?'' she said

''Yes I am thank you... hum, do I sit at the back or...?'' I asked her

''Usually, people sit in the back but you can sit in front if you want'' she answered me

''Thank you'' I said with a smile before opening the door and sitting on the passenger seat

'' So Nolensville right! we should be there in 45 minutes because of the traffic by the way why aren't you at school are you skipping class?'' she said with a questioning tone

''Exams are over and since my dad is Coaching baseball at my school I just asked him if I could go home early and he agreed '' I said looking at the city through the window

''My daughter must have finished her exams too she told me that today was their last day of examination what school are you going to?'' she said trying to continue our conversation not that I minded with a 45-minute car drive silence would only make the ride boring

''Hillsboro high school'' I said

'' No way the world sure is small my daughter is also studying there she transferred there this year to play volleyball hehe are you playing baseball since your dad is the Coach there you must have soaked in baseball since you were young right?''

''No I don't play but I do help my father sometimes I like baseball I just...well never mind, so your daughter is on the volleyball team I saw them play earlier they were really good one of the girls said they were going to the state championship this is impressive'' I said changing the subject from my fear of playing baseball

'' Yes this girl didn't just start playing volleyball this year but got to the state championships I still can't believe this well she always had been like this she started something and became instantly good at it ... wonder where she takes that from because it sure ain't coming from me'' she said before bursting in laughter

''That's an enviable ability your daughter has '' I said trying to sound not as jealous as I really was feeling right now

''Indeed'' she said, maybe she felt how I was feeling but the car fell into a weird silence I didn't know if I should say something or not but I didn't have to wonder that long since we were 5 minutes away from my home. My home was a gorgeous home built by the father of my mother we had access to private wooded walking trails, benches, and a serene landscape! Surrounded by nature, the adjacent woods are owned by the subdivision and are not to be built on, but to be enjoyed as nature intended. 2 bedrooms and 2 full bathrooms on the main level, including a generous spa-like primary suite on its own wing of the home. Modern, yet timelessly appointed. A flex space at the entryway which my mother uses as her office.

''My house is right there at the end of the road I don't have money on me but I'll go get it inside my home I won't take long'' I said to her pointing her to the house on the left side of the road

''No problem I can wait for a little'' she said stopping her car in our driveway

I stepped out of the car and grabbed my keys from my bag I didn't take the time to take off my shoes since I didn't want to make her wait more than necessary I soon spotted the cookie jar with the money and took the amount needed before putting it back into place and walking back to our driveway

''Thank you for the ride'' I said handing her the money through the window

'' It was a pleasure I wish you a good summer vacation young man'' she said before leaving in the same direction we had come from 

Being home alone like this on a school day was weird I didn't know what to do so I did the only thing that was putting my mind at ease every time I was doing it (not masturbation you dirty-minded people) I was talking about watching shohei ohtani when he was still with the Angels, of course, I was still watching him even with the Dodgers but there weren't enough highlights or exciting games to watch yet I put my shoes in the closet before taking my bag and going to my room since I wouldn't need my bag for school supply anymore I decided to empty my backpack from all useless material maybe ill need it somewhere this summer better prepare in advance than being in a hurry and doing this last minute

After taking care of this I opened my computer and clicked on a website that in my favorite list, the site was a streaming platform where you could watch live games or old games, of course, this wasn't the official MLB website so it wasn't legal and ads would pop up every two or 3 minutes that was exhausting and annoying to close to ads every time they popped up but since it was free I couldn't complain I choose one of my favorite game of his against the white sox I do not know how many time I watch this game but seeing this match always put me in a good mood it is a pity that this Angels team wasn't able to go all the way even with a team that they had

I was watching the 4th inning when another ad popped up I put my hand on my mouse to control the cursor and tried to close the ad but every 5 seconds the ad would pop back up 


What a load of bullshit I thought while closing the ad again. But it kept coming back after the 15th time I just got tired of it and thought if I clicked on it maybe it would just open another page and stop popping up on the game I was watching so I just clicked on it as soon as I did my screen turn into a hypnosis spiral illusion before I could fathom what the fuck had happened I heard the word ''SLEEP'' coming from my computer speaker and bam my head hit my keyboard not that I realize it I was already asleep 

I ''woke up'' in a daze well waking up was I big word since I couldn't feel my body and neither did I recognize the place I was standing at right now I was sitting on a chair in what seemed to be an office but everything was white except for a black card that was resting in the middle of the desk in front of me before I could ask myself more questions a robotic voice sounded in the room

(CONGRATULATION! Soul #0987087687358709 you have been chosen to try a new Gatcha system the universe made)

''WHAT THE FUCK! Who are you? where are you? show yourself!'' I shouted 

(Soul #0987087687358709 I am here to assist you while receiving the system)

''That doesn't answer my question''

(Information will be sent directly into your brain as the system integrates into your soul you may feel lightheadedness and dizziness, brace yourself Soul #0987087687358709)

'' What the fuck is this bullshit hey you said you are here to ass... URRGGHH'' I felt that my head was about to burst open. I don't know how much time had passed but eventually, my headache subsided enough for me to think clearly again 

Reviewing the information that magically appeared in my head I was Godsmack, I must be dreaming I thought there was no way this was real after all from the information I had this system would link itself to your strongest desire and help you in achieving your goal for me it seems my dreams had always been baseball since the system now had a name ' Baseball Gatcha system' the fact that my dreams weren't a shock to me I always knew that I wanted to play but I just never had the courage to what if I'm mediocre what if I'm not good enough to make it a career wouldn't it hurt me ... so I choose to just never tried as to never be disappointed, a coward choice I know

No, what shocked me was the ability of this system, apparently, I will be giving a starter gift pack in which there is 1 template from a famous player 2 physical skills and 2 free wheel spins also every year on my birthday I would get to spin the wheel for free baseball-related activity would give me points that I could use to spin the wheel they were 3 kinds of wheels the Normal/Professional/Legend wheels if I want to use my points and spin the wheels I just need to close my eyes and wish to use it for it to appear on my mind and it seems I couldn't use it now and had to wait for my soul to get back in my body, make sense if the powerups are there to help me my body will probably be the one gaining the most benefit... I was still shocked not knowing if I was really dreaming or not everything just felt so real but before I could delve deeper into this matter I heard this annoying robotic voice again.

(Integration of the system in Soul #0987087687358709 is a success Congratulations! Soul #0987087687358709 will return to its body in 3.2.1)

I woke up from this 'weird dream' with my face on my keyboard I didn't know how long I was there but with how sore my all body was I assumed it must have been a while, the first thing I was to get up from my desk my computer was still running but the game had ended so I must have been there at least for two hours 

I walked toward the bathroom reviewing what information I had in my head damn it, this might just be real I thought when I realize that I really had all the knowledge I had seen in my 'dream' feeling the soreness of my body I decide to take a bath this should help I thought before starting the water to fill the bathtub I really wanted to close my eyes and accept the starter pack and spin the wheels but a voice in the back of my head was nagging me ''what if this is just a dream, what if it's just a dream'' like a broken records, the truth is I was just scared that it would crash my newfound hopes