Chapter 4: Mother's are the best!

Catherine Rose P.O.V ( Mother of Stephen )

My husband called me this afternoon and told me what happened to our son I knew this girl was nothing good but I didn't knew she would do something like this how much does she need peoples attention do to this kind of things. Sigh, I had warned Stephen before but being a teenager and finally getting attention from a lady made him blind to all the obvious signs this girl was making and I knew that if I tried to push my opinion of this girl on my son he would rebel and things would've got worse. I knew he would grow after an incident like this I just hope he didn't take it too hard even if Dan said he looked alright I knew better

And I knew why my husband let our son go back to our house but I wasn't feeling great knowing Stephen was alone all afternoon the only thing on my mind was ' Your son is alone at home probably depressed and sad ' I knew my son well I'm pretty sure he was alright my logical sense was saying so but the mother inside of me was screaming for me to go home as soon as possible and pamper him, unfortunately, I had a lesson to give at 3h30 and it will last until 5h30 I won't be home before 6 

After the last students left the classroom I took my bag and left right away usually I would stop but the bookstore to see if they are any new releases but not today I started my car and made a beeline toward home 40 minutes later I pulled into our driveway stop my car and took my keys out of my purse before I realize that my son was home I didn't need to unlock the door.

I stepped out of the car and started walking toward the door once inside the house I shouted to let my son know I was there 


5 seconds later there was still no response from my son, I was about to get upstairs to see if he was in his room when I heard a shout coming from our basement

'' I'M DOWNSTAIRS MOM '' my son yelled 

Sigh, couldn't you have answered me right away making your mother worry like that I thought taking off my high heels and putting on my slippers I took the stairs leading to our basement finally able to relax knowing my son wasn't in danger it got me thinking 'why would Stephen be downstairs there's nothing there except the gym and Dan's office' well he called this an office but it's more a men den if you ask me the only thing he do in there is watching baseball films and drinking beer (giggles) I can only blame myself for falling in love with this man I thought finally arriving at the bottom of the stairs

the first place I looked was Dan's office maybe he was looking at a baseball game again I really should have pushed him to play when he was younger I knew he was scared but I also knew how much he loved this sport maybe the fact that his dad always coached elite teams made him develop an inferiority complex well it won't do any good if I continue to think about the reasons why Stephen didn't play baseball 

Dan's office was plunged into darkness so Stephen was clearly not there ...

'' Stephen where are you? '' I asked

'' In the gym Mom! '' responded Stephen in a tired voice now that I was closed I could hear exhaustion coming from his voice, when I walked into the gym my son was lying on the floor with his clothes soaked in sweat even from this distance I could see his muscles spasming every now and then I was so shocked to see this scene that I stood there looking at my son with my mouth wide open 

''Mom I think .... I will need help, I can't move'' said Stephen which finally made me come back to my sense

'' What did you do to end up in this state?'' I asked him taking a step toward him 

''Isn't it obvious... I worked out of course'' said Stephen looking at me weirdly

''Don't look at me like that it's me who should be looking at you like that, since when do you work out? You know Stephen this girl...'' I was about to say that it was not his fault and that this girl had a problem but before I could finish what I was saying Stephen cut me short

''Mom, I know what you are going to say, and yes this girl is messed up in the head it's not my fault blah blah blah, but the truth is I should have known better you even warned me and I just dismissed it like you didn't know what you were talking about sigh I'm sorry, I decide to change myself I won't be the victim of an incident like this ever again'' said Stephen to me 

I didn't know what to say since when was my son so mature the only thing I was seeing in his eyes right now was determination .. shouldn't he be devastated, sad, and depressed why was this young man in front of me was so foreign to me this can't be my son right I thought this Stephen right now was exuding confidence and an air of self-assurance, with a little more muscle and shorter hair he would look just like his dad when he left to play for the Nashville Sounds full of self-confidence and full of hope for the future, I really hope it isn't just a flash in the pan and that he will keep this mental state as long as possible

''MOOOOOOMM'' shouted Stephen successfully getting me out of my thoughts

''Sorry I was lost in thoughts'' I said to him with a wry smile

'' Yes I could see that hehe, anyway are you planning to help me or will you leave your son on this cold hard floor until dad is home... oh shit don't do that I just remember that Dad asked me to tell you that he will be home late today because he will be the interim coach for the junior team until they find a new coach'' said my son

'' HUMPH of course he wouldn't tell me this himself good thing he bought himself a futon for his office... why are you murmuring to yourself with your eyes closed like that? '' I asked my son when I looked back at him 

''I am praying for Dad hahaha'' joked my son

'' Hahahaha you also learned to be funny well this day is full of surprises, anyway what do you want me to do now to help you silly child'' I asked him with a playful smile

'' Help me get up please and if you could pour me a cold bath that would help me recover faster... do we have ice Mom?'' said Stephen very seriously .. this child has given me more surprises today than his Dad in the span of a year (giggles)

''Yes, we do your father bought 4 bags of ice for his fishing trip last week we can use this, but are you sure you want to do this I know you've seen your Dad do it but it ain't easy you know?'' I asked him with great concern

''Yes I'm sure better suffer a little bit now than be unable to move tomorrow morning, maybe I trained myself a little bit too much hehe'' said my son laughing at his own circumstance 

'' If you don't mind me asking what did you do to end up in that state'' I asked him while helping him get up 

'' almost 4 hours of work out that's what I did'' he said grunting with every step he was taking

'' No wonder you look like this sigh I'll go fetch the ice for your bath and I won't let you alone so you might want to get yourself a swim trunk young man'' I said going toward the garage where the freezer was 

Stephen P.O.V

Climbing the stairs was another workout session altogether, men I really was this out of shape I thought I couldn't believe that working out for 4 hours put me on my knees like this my Dad could probably do twice as much and still be lively the next morning. The only reason I asked my mother to prepare an ice bath for me was that I still needed to train tomorrow I won't be doing what I've done today but I'll work on my stamina even with my skill working on my stamina can't be bad ill be able to train longer and harder since my skills doesn't affect my training

it took me two whole minutes to climb the stairs, arriving in my room I took off my clothes and searched for my swim trunk I finally found one that was fitting It looked like I had grown taller gain this year because these swim trunks could almost be called boxer now I could hear my mother taking care of the bath for me, honestly I was glad she came home early because I would probably have slept on the gym floor (giggles)

Not long after I was standing beside the bathtub and even without getting in I was feeling the cold coming out of it with a deep breath I steel my resolved and sank myself in one swift motion I knew what was waiting for me but... no I did not know a thing it took me 10 seconds before I could finally breathe and even then I was breathing like I had run 15 kilometers with asthma I could barely hear what my mother was saying 

''Hang in there Steph 10 minutes should be good for you who asked you to train for almost 4 hours '' scoffed my mother she was clearly worried about me and displeased about my behavior but she didn't say a thing I'm really grateful to have a Mom as wonderful as her to take my mind off the cold I was feeling I decide to talk to my Mom's and asked for her help I said I would surprise my Dad but it would be impossible to hide things to my Mother for all summer and I need an accomplice

'' M..M..Mom, I need to talk to you about something...first I need a haircut asap!'' which made her laugh '' Second, I will train all summer long and my goal is the tryouts for the baseball team and I don't want to tell Dad about it I want to surprise him and don't worry if I fail I won't aban ill just try again and again ... MOM ill play Baseball''

'' What do you need?'' said my mother with a big smile on her face I hadn't seen that smile since my aunt told my mother she was pregnant with twins

''Well I'll be 16 in two weeks so getting my license and a second-hand car would be great because I can't train here without Dad noticing something I'll need money for the batting cage I know that there's one at the sports center that looks decent and ill need equipment so we could go shopping together and use the fact that I grew again to buy what I need... oh and I do need new swim trunk as you can see hehe''

'' Sigh I'm going to tell you something I wasn't supposed to but your grandfather already bought a car for you. I told him he was spoiling you too much but seems like he did a good thing this time'' said my mother clearly exasperated by her father

'' Wait are you saying that the MERCEDES AMG G_Class SUV I saw him driving the other time is my future car... I knew it was him you guys tried to make me think I was going crazy HUMPH'' I said upset that they really did make me doubt myself if she hadn't told me this just now I would have still doubted myself

'' Well we couldn't really tell you that it was him you would have just asked more questions sorry for this honey'' my mother said kissing the top of my head 

'' HEHE grandpa is the best'' I said with stars in my eyes I remember talking to my grandfather last summer about cars and which one was my favorite clearly he took my words as gold

''HUMPH who is here taking care of you right now'' said my mother pinching my cheeks and twisting them a bit

'' ARRGH! ARRGH! ARRGH! MOM IS THE BEST MOM IS THE BEST'' my poor cheeks I thought

''Anyway, let us go shopping this Saturday I'll also book an appointment for your hair the same day let's make this a Son's-Mother's Day so your Dad won't ask too much now get out it has already been 14 minutes'' said my mother getting up and grabbing a clean towel for me to wipe myself 

'' Mom thank you really you're the best'' I said giving her a big wet hug

''AHH! get off me you ungrateful son '' yelled my mother surprise by my cold wet hug 

''Hehe the warmth of a mother is the best'' I said in a cheeky tone before sprinting toward my room and locking the door before my Mom could react