Stat sheet so far:

Innate Skills - Fenrir's Hunger, Non Deorum Opus


Devoured -


Monsters :


Goblins - 134/1000

Skills : Thick skin, Goblin Speech, Goblin Fertility


Kobolds - 105/1000

Skills: Kobold Claws, Heightened sense of smell, Minor night vision


Frog shooters - 73/100

Skills: Frog Thighs (+100% to jumping), Spear Tongue 


War Shadows - 34/100

Skills: Shadow Flesh, Featureless Mask


Killer Ants - 112/1000

Skills : Compound Eyes, Chitinous Exoskeleton, Fight Feromones


Needle rabbits - 46/100

Skills : Fast twitch (+20% strength/speed), Logomorpho Acoustics


Purple Moths - 22/100

Skills: Poison Powder, Flight Coordination (+30% Dexterity)


Blue Papilio - 3/10

Skills: Healing Powder




Sapients :


Humans - 6/10

Skills : Human Blood (+10% growth speed to all stats)


Dwarves - 1/10

Skills : Dwarven Strength (+50% growth speed to strength and constitution)




Bosses :

Red Shadows - 1/10

Skills : Red Blood (Evolved version of Black Blood -

"The Red Shadow's only purpuse is to kill. Everything else is irrelevant, including air"

-Air isn't needed anymore as long as one has Magic remaining within the body. The Lungs and the heart regenerate if destroyed.




Developmental abilities - None

Magic - None




Level 1

Base Stats : 

Power - 635 (C)

Endurance - 704 (B)

Dexterity - 680 (C)

Agility - 652 (C)

Magic - 921(S)




Stats with modifiers: 

Power § 900

Endurnce § 1300

Agility § 1600 (when jumping)

Dexterity § 1200



Time elapsed since arrival in the world of Danmachi - 13 days