Author Note, no chap sry

I'm getting fed up with Danmachi, I need something new for a while, but I will still update Depthless.

I'm starting a Quest in Avatar the Last Airbender (basically what I do with this book when I let you choose stuff, but you/the readers have much more freedom in what you choose to do. There will basically be complete freedom -as long as you chase power-)

The main character (you) will be a Ring. A literal ghost in a ring and you will have random people wear the ring, which you will influence/control until they die somehow (they probably will). You (the ring) will gain abilities based on what the hosts do, and you get to keep those traits/perks which the next host will then be able to use.

I'm just telling y'all in case you wanna join. Anything can happen, the Ring can end up with a 90 year old beggar or the Fire Lord, it's all dice.

It's probably going to be called - "ATLA-The One Ring"

(It's inspired by - DC-The One Ring written by Stewart92)

That's all, oh, and I don't wanna sound like a beggar myself, but for 5 bucks I can definitely be convinced to drop whatever I'm doing and write a danmachi chap.

See ya on

The One Ring.