
Silax couldn't believe that he had missed this. How had he not noticed that the back of the book had things written in them. 

'Did this just appear now that I became an Elite? I wouldn't know because I never checked the back. I mean there was no reason to, there was nothing to indicate that any information would be at the end of the book. I also had no reason to check the book ever since I returned from the ruined castle.'

The information at the back of the book covered two pages. Silax calmed himself and began to read the book.


Progenitors are original vampyres, the first of their kind. Reborn from the Ichor infused into their Esse.

This book is left behind for the fifth and final Progenitor.

Progenitors can create body doubles known has Ichor Clones.

This is done by separating a part of the Ichor which lies in their Esse.