The Triarchy

Silax ordered the same thing Caelrith and Ail'wi were having; Elvenwood Stew, Sunseed and Oat Cakes, and Sunleaf Tea. The server took his order and left just as gracefully as he had arrived.

"Caelrith, you still haven't told me where you're moving to."

"Sorry about that. I had to wait till the preparations were complete. I'm moving to the residence dedicated for the Triarchs, as I've been appointed as a member."

Silax was amazed by Caelrith revelation. The Triarch were a group of three prominent elves who oversaw every aspect of the city.

The Triarchy was established forty years ago as a ruling system designed to foster harmony between the elven race and the human race. This was necessitated by the discovery of Artiyaem by humans.