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"Yes, the Startooth Mountains are rich in deposits of precious gems and minerals, but that's not my primary interest. This, right here, is." Florin declared, picking up the jewel and turning it over in his hand.

"This jewel possesses all the qualities of an azuri, but with a capacity to store energy that's seven times greater. It even seems to have a mind of its own."

Silax was perplexed.

"How did you discover this? How could a human find such a thing when the dark-elves, the owners of that land, haven't?"

"Who says that they haven't?" Florin countered.

Silax's eyebrow arched. He knew it was impossible for Florin to have stumbled upon the jewel without the dark-elves being aware. The real question was why the larger elven society was oblivious to the existence of such gems.

"First, you should know that I'm not the only human aware of these jewels. Many others are racing to secure mining licenses in the Startooth Mountains." Florin explained.