
Javab is a vast and verdant continent, teeming with an incredible array of plant and animal life. It is also known to be the home of some of the most formidable individuals in the world, including one particularly powerful and influential figure whose reputation preceded them. From the rolling hills and dense forests to the sparkling rivers and shimmering lakes. Not to mention the magnificent structures created by its people, which effortlessly blend into the natural landscape.

As the sun rose higher into the sky, its warm rays seeped into a dimly lit office. Inside the room, a woman stood, with her long, purple hair tied neatly into a ponytail. Dressed in a cool gray suit, she radiated an aura of professionalism. She stood in front of the window, gazing out at the sprawling campus grounds below. The view was breathtaking, causing her to be lost in thought as she took it all in. The silence in the room was broken only by the soft rustling of leaves outside, as a gentle breeze blew through the trees.

Her gentle eyes, the color of a purple sapphire, glided over the view below seemingly analyzing the students on the campus grounds. However, amid her viewing of the campus, she suddenly noticed a peculiar movement in the ceiling above her. A loud crash followed by a massive hole in the ceiling caught her attention. Her eyes widened in surprise as she instinctively leaped backward, displaying an elegant backflip. 

Regaining her composure, she entered a combat stance, her eyes fixed on the figure that had just burst through the roof. It was a tall man wearing black and red armor from the neck down. He had long, flowing white hair that went down his back, a piercing green right eye, and a large scar that ran through his left eye. 

As she observed him closely, she noticed that the man had four swords in his possession. Two were strapped to his back, while the other two were hanging from his sides. The swords looked ancient and dangerous, and the woman couldn't help but feel a sense of foreboding as she gazed at them.

A warning siren rang out throughout the campus, alerting students to take shelter and hide. Outside the window, mass panic could be seen as students made their way to the nearest safe zones designated by the University.

The Intruder turned towards her and with inhumane speed drew his sword, preparing to unleash a fatal blow. However, as he was about to strike her neck, the floor distorted, and the material from the floor was restructured, and transfigured into a wall between the assailant and the woman. 

The man erupted through the wall. Grabbing her face with his hand, he threw her through the office wall, and out into the campus Courtyard. Keeping her mind off of the pain, she managed to maneuver her body midair to land carefully on her feet as she skidded across the ground of the courtyard coming to a halt. Whilst the woman was rapidly analyzing her surroundings, she heard a pair of footsteps approaching her. Jolting her head in the direction of the sound, she saw before her a young student with long, crimson-red hair and red eyes, which were quivering in fear behind her.

The student's eyes met hers, and she could see the student's previously erratic expression brightening. Out of breath, the student panted and trudged towards her. "W-whats going on, Professor Makina?"

'Professor Makina' Takes hold of the student's shoulders and meets her gaze, replying in a commanding tone, "Arumi, you need to get to one of the safe zones now!"

Before their conversation could continue, she suddenly sensed something from the direction of her office and saw the man who had attacked her leap out of the building with the sword in his hand engulfed in vivid red flame.

She Calmed her beating heart, and with a clear mind she began to deliberate, 'I have to get Arumi out of here, but there's no way I can guarantee her safety while I fight. I have to use it on her…'

The world around her slowed down, she perceived everything around her from the earth below her to the gasses in the air, as blue lines of code that she could manipulate. Blue-colored code signified natural or native existences in the world. she moved towards the lines of code that Arumi was composed of. 'I can only do this ten times, so I have to pick the students who possess the most potential.' In her hand, a new line of code intertwined, appearing in a bright orange color. She touched Arumi and the line of code wriggled into her natural code like a parasite infecting a host. Slowly all of Arumi's code started to change line by line turning orange, the color of that which is artificially created through unnatural means.

She could feel warm blood running down her face as her nose began to bleed due to the amount of power she exerted. '9 more times… I can only do that 9 more times.' She refocused on the attacker, Her left hand gliding across a metal bench near her, which started to lose its form transmuting into a sword. Gripping the sword in her hand she entered a defensive stance, invisible lines of code swirling around her body like unseen armor. Arumi backed away running toward the school building rapidly, deftly dodging and weaving through obstacles.

The man who had attacked her appeared to be comprised of green lines of code, unlike any being she had laid eyes upon during her lifetime. 'This person… they are not like anything I have witnessed before. They might be dangerous…' 

Like a bolt of lightning, the man closed the large distance between the two of them in less than a second, giving her little time to think about anything else. She slashed upwards clashing with his flaming sword, sending sparks flying off to the side that flew across the concrete before dying out.

The two of them were locked in a constant exchange of blows, each with enough force to topple buildings and rend earth. The ground under their feet shook violently and each exchange of their swords resounded throughout the campus like explosions. Anything caught in the path of their blades was decimated unconditionally.

The man retreated backward a few meters in a single jump. He sheathed his sword and glared with intense anger and hatred at her.

As she examined his code once more with her Developer's Eye, which was what she used to observe how the world around her was comprised of code, she noticed the colors changing before her very eyes. The dark hues of the code were slowly transforming, taking on a deep crimson red that she had never seen in person before. It was the color of mythical creatures and legends, a hue that sent a chill down her spine.

Suddenly, without warning, a massive black and red dragon appeared right before her very eyes, its enormous frame towering over the nearby campus buildings. Its scales glistened and shimmered in the bright sunlight, casting an ominous shadow across the campus grounds. The dragon's wings were massive, spanning out to an incredible size, and it was surveying the area with a sense of authority and power. Despite its fearsome appearance, the creature also had a sense of awe-inspiring majesty, as if it had just stepped out of a fairy tale.

Her eyes widened with shock, her previous assessment of this being's strength was far removed from what she was sensing now. 'This thing will be able to decimate this entire continent of Javab!' She gave up on beating the creature in a head-on battle because it had stopped holding back. She was thinking about only one thing: ' The kids! I need to save the kids!'

She located where her kids were using non-invasive pieces of code she had placed on them to triangulate their location. She turned and ran in the same direction that Arumi had gone at a blazing-fast speed, the world a blur around her. 

In front of her, the wall of the school building appeared, which was in the way of the shortest path to her destination. As she was about to collide with the wall, the wall began to dismantle itself creating a pathway for her to run through.

She continued to run, not looking back at what the creature outside was doing. With each passing moment, the ground beneath her feet seemed to grow more unstable, as if it could collapse at any time. The vibrations from the violent shaking reverberated through the empty corridors of the campus building, intensifying the sense of danger and urgency. Her footsteps echoed loudly as she hurriedly made their way through the deserted hallways.

Seeing that she had arrived at the kids' location she burst through the doors of the shelter. Inside there was a large multitude of students huddling together, with a few students at the vanguard. 

Seeing Professor Makina burst through the door, a young man with messy white hair and forest green eyes stepped forth, his grip tightened around the sword at his side. "Professor Makina, we have accounted for almost all of the students." Next to him, Arumi stood quivering without uttering a word.

From the side, four more people approached. There was a pair of twin sisters with purple hair and purple sapphire eyes, the only thing that differentiated them was the length of their hair and the attire they were wearing. Standing next to the twins was a somewhat younger boy who had the same hair and eyes as the twins. Standing off to the side was a girl with silver hair and eyes the color of molten lava.

The twin with straight long hair spoke out first, her voice laced with anxiousness, "Mom, what's going on outside? Is the campus under attack?"

Before their conversation progressed further, the doors opened once more and four more students made their way into the shelter. The first one was a blonde, young man with emerald green eyes. The second one was a young woman who had a very rare natural green hair color and amethyst-colored eyes. The third one was a young man with black hair and crimson-red eyes. The fourth one was a young man with chestnut brown hair and deep blue eyes.

The young lady with green hair was the first to speak up after noticing Mrs. Makina, her voice was cold and unfeeling yet her body language made her seem worried. "We finished looking around the campus for stragglers everyone should be here. What exactly is happening?"

In a serious and commanding tone with despair hidden beneath Mrs. Makina spoke to the students gathered around her, "We are currently under attack from a mythical creature of legend. I don't think that my power alone will be able to defeat it…"

The atmosphere in the room grew tense none of the students uttered a word.

She walked over to the twins and the boy and embraced them, whispering into their ears she said, "My children, you've grown up so well. No matter how difficult the hardships we faced were you always stayed by my side… I truly didn't deserve to have such wonderful children…" Her voice was soft and gentle but it had immense sorrow hidden underneath.

Time slowed and a world came into view as lines of code once again. She produced 3 more pieces of the orange code and attached them to her three children. The tears streamed down her face as she let go of her children. She started to walk around to each of the the other students surrounding her who had yet to receive the orange code from her and attached a piece of it to them. One by one their code changed from blue to orange signifying the process was complete. She returned to embrace her kids one last time before the flow of time returned to normal.

'No matter what happens now they will be able to live out the rest of their lives.' She stepped away from her children and wiped the tears from her face. With her commanding tone, she Ordered the students, "None of you are to follow me. Understood?"

The Young man with the white hair and the Young woman with the green hair seemed to want to object to this but held back their thoughts, their expressions a mix of bitterness and regret.

As she turned around and began to walk out of the safe room, her footsteps reverberated throughout the building, creating a rhythmic tapping that echoed throughout the empty halls. Her eyes, which were once a resplendent purple, began to glow with an otherworldly blue light, illuminating the darkness around her.

In her hand, strings of intricate code began to take shape, transfiguring into a spear that glinted menacingly in the light. The spear seemed to pulsate with an abnormal electric energy, sending arcs of blue lightning that crackled and danced in all directions. The black and blue substance that comprised the spear was in a state of fluctuation, its shape and form akin to water, ebbing and flowing mysteriously.

As she held the spear, the same material began to permeate across her body, melding itself into a suit of armor that seemed to be molded uniquely to her figure. The armor, which was crafted from the same black and blue substance as the spear, had a contradictory nature to it - it seemed to be rigid, as strong as steel, but at the same time, flowing as though it was suspended in a vacuum. 

As she stepped outside of the building, her eyes were drawn to the sight of a dragon hovering far above the school building. Its massive body was covered in large obsidian-colored scales, each one perfectly formed like sharp edges and glistening in the sunlight. 

The dragon's underbelly was a stark contrast to its dark scales, consisting of plates that were a deep, blood-red color. These scales were smaller in size but still were perfectly formed, giving the dragon a menacing appearance.

Suddenly, she got into a crouching position, as if she were a spring being compressed, ready to launch into the air. With a burst of energy, she was propelled upward, the ground beneath her feet cracking and shattering like glass, sending up clouds of dust and debris that engulfed the ground below. Her ascent was swift and powerful, and she rose high into the sky overshadowing the dragon.

As she reached the peak of her jump, she rotated her body, harnessing the momentum of her movement to propel the spear forward with incredible force. The sound of the spear cutting through the air echoed throughout the nearby campus, creating a deafening sonic boom that reverberated across the landscape.

With pinpoint accuracy, the spear found its target, piercing the left wing of the dragon with a resounding thud. The force of the impact was so great that it pulled the wing along with the spear's momentum, causing the dragon to lose control and crash into the ground with tremendous force. The impact was so powerful that it destroyed the land beneath the dragon, causing a crater to form underneath it. 

As she descended towards the ground, the dragon raised itself off of the ground and turned its head towards her. Its piercing gaze locked onto her as she landed with a loud thud. Suddenly, a deep, audible hum filled the air, reverberating across a 20-mile radius, before abruptly falling silent. The dragon then released a massive beam of energy, consisting of pure mana, directly towards her. She deftly dodged out of the way, continuing to do so as the dragon turned its head towards her, Shifting the beam of mana in an attempt to hit her. The power behind the beam was immense, and the force of it was enough to cause the ground to shake and trees to sway violently. Anything caught in the beam disappeared, reduced to atoms.

The attacker, seeing as utilizing the form of a dragon was ineffective transformed into a human once again. Taking hold of the two swords on their back the man ran towards her, closing the distance in a matter of seconds. Before she could react, the man swung both swords, catching her between them as if she were a piece of paper between scissors.

As the swords made contact with the flowing black armor, they were repulsed, unable to make contact. Seeing as this was the case the man instead performed a front kick which sent her flying backward toward the campus building exploding through a wall with her momentum.

From outside she suddenly heard a Deep distorted voice resound throughout the area. "IT IS TIME TO END THIS." Dashing through the gaping hole in the wall the man swung his blade with inhumane accuracy at her neck.

Sparks flew as the blade was countered with a weapon constructed from code. Getting off the ground she reassumed a fighting stance. As the man rained down blows she parried, each causing her to struggle under the power of each blow. 

Suddenly the man jumped backward and from the ground where he was standing, spikes of earth protruded from the ground. His sword began to glow a deep blue color and his eyes followed suit and similarly turned blue. He gave a completely different aura compared to before.

Her body was paralyzed, leaving her completely immobile. As her eyes scanned the scene before her, she knew that there was no escaping the imminent danger that was about to befall her. She frantically began to concoct a plan, her mind working at lightning speed. She quickly started to assemble lines of code, carefully crafting a complex symbol made up of concentric circles that she then started to place on herself. Despite her pounding heart and trembling hands, she remained focused on her task, while continuing to wield a sword with one hand.

She stood rooted in one spot as he made multiple lighting fast passes at her using the sword. All she was able to do was, block the incoming attacks with her blade as she continued fabricating the symbol. 

Finishing right in the nick of time, she bent backward to avoid a slash to the head, instead, it grazed her face slightly leaving a cut down her left cheek. 

At that moment, her gaze met the eyes of her assailant, and he was startled to see that her eyes appeared to be emitting a luminous, captivating purple light. As their eyes locked, the world around him transformed into an eerie, surreal landscape, with the ground beneath him dissolving into an endless, inky sea of black liquid. Above him, a tumultuous sky roiled with dark, stormy clouds, and jagged bolts of dazzling purple lightning pierced through the turbulent atmosphere. The entire scene was otherworldly and mesmerizing, with a ghostly energy that seemed to emanate from the woman's piercing gaze.

Around her, hands rose out from the liquid clawing, grasping, struggling pulling themselves out of the endless sea of ink. Their movements were synchronized and precise, akin to a legion of undead assassins trained to kill without mercy. Each of the shadowy figures turned towards the attacker with an otherworldly focus, their eyes glowing with a dim, ominous light. It was as if the very darkness itself had risen against him in an inescapable wave.

As she watched on from the sideline, she suddenly felt a searing pain from her abdomen. A hot liquid started to flow uncontrollably from her mouth. Looking down slightly she saw a blade covered in crimson protruding from her armor. "U-Urgh… how d-did you get behind me…"

The sea of black liquid and the shadow assassins all faded out of existence like they were but a dream. The man was standing behind her and whispered into her ear "It isn't your fault, but a monster like you should not be allowed to exist…" He pulled out his sword and she fell to the ground. Unbeknownst to him the symbol made out of the script of code had already been transferred to him the moment he had run her through with his blade. 

Looking at the school campus he remarked to himself, "I should probably take care of this entire place while I'm at it. He began changing form and floated high into the sky.

The sky was awash with a warm golden light that radiated from a single point, casting an eerie glow over everything around it. There was a floating ring, seemingly suspended in mid-air. This ring was adorned with a multitude of eyes, each one staring intently at the world below. Attached to the ring were a pair of wings, which flapped gently in the breeze, causing the ring to sway back and forth. But the most intriguing aspect of this strange object was the ball of golden light that floated in its center, casting a brilliant glow in all directions.

As the being with the glowing orb of light floated in the sky, its brightness intensified with every passing moment. It seemed as though the Attack it was about to unleash was going to be catastrophic. However, just as it was about to release its power, the Black liquid began to flow from the symbol in its body, quickly encasing the floating entity.


The outside of the black liquid encasing started to crack open, revealing a blinding light that engulfed everything around it. In a split second, there was a deafening BOOM that reverberated across the land.

From a satellite view, the scene was unimaginable. The entire continent of Javab was being torn apart, engulfed in flames, and shrouded in smoke. The once-thriving cities and towns were reduced to rubble, and the vast landscapes were unrecognizable.

The aftermath of the Incident was devastating. No living creatures survived the cataclysmic event, and the entirety of the continent became an uninhabited wasteland, forever scarred by the power of the Attack.

163 years later, in Trizen, Tekuno.

In the heart of Trizen's bustling city center lies a serene park, where the sound of rustling leaves and chirping birds provide a welcome respite from the chaotic city life. As the sun sets on the horizon, a gentle breeze picks up, causing the lush foliage to sway gently in the twilight sky. Suddenly, amid the park, a small ball of orange light appears out of nowhere. It slowly begins to grow in size, gradually taking the form of a human being. As the light fades away, a woman dressed in an elegant white school uniform emerges, her long, flowing purple hair cascading down her back like a waterfall. Her eyes, a mesmerizing shade of purple sapphires, sparkle in the fading light, while her delicate facial features add to her ethereal beauty. She sat in the spot she appeared, seemingly in a daze, 'What am I doing here? Where in the world am I?? In fact, who am I ??? Hold on. Calm down. Come on, think, who am I…'

As she sat on the ground, lost in her thoughts, she suddenly heard the sound of footsteps approaching. Turning her head in the direction of the sound, she saw a man walking towards her. His face had a single, serious expression, and his piercing gaze was fixed on her. He had a head of black hair, with faint red accents on the ends of his locks. His blazing orange eyes shone like the fire of a hearth, and his face was somewhat chiseled. She then heard him talk to himself out loud, "I thought there was a disturbance with the mana in this park, but all I find is a strange girl sitting on the ground…" As he looks closer at her his eyes slightly widen for a split second before returning to their previous state of uninterest. "What is your name kid."

Without her having to think about it she instinctively answered the man, "Tokei Makina."

He then smiles and replies, "My name is Nanik Iman. I have a few questions to ask… Tokei or if you prefer me to be more formal, Miss Makina…"