Recruitment Part 2

As Tokei turned a corner into the lane of two narrow structures, she surveyed her surroundings. The air seemed to be thick with a mixture of dampness, reeking with a stench of urban decay. 

'This is the slums alright. It's a far cry from the central area of Hollia, but I'll have to put up with this if I'm to recruit Farthington', I noted as I reeled a bit.

Some time had passed since then, and I had wandered around the city checking the map intermittently. Thankfully, I observed that Farthington had remained stationary in an apartment for approximately twenty minutes. Consulting my three-dimensional map, I determined the location and deduced that the anomaly should be alone. Deciding it was time to approach and assess the situation, I set off toward the apartment.

Navigating through streets, weaving through a crowd eager for the new J-phone 7 at the Pear Store, and maneuvering various alleyways, Tokei finally arrived at the designated apartment building. The structure, constructed with red bricks and adorned with cream-colored casings around the windows, exhibited a somewhat abandoned appearance, accentuated by the vivid green vines clinging to its walls.

Upon entering the building, the gray doors emitted a noticeable creak, resonating through the main lobby. I checked my three-dimensional map again to confirm Farthington's location on the third floor. Progressing through the hallway, I reached the stairs, the sole means of traversing the building given the absence of an elevator in its presumably budget-conscious construction.

Ascending to the third floor, I strolled down a corridor characterized by a color palette of brown and cream, illuminated by the warm glow of yellow lights. Approaching the door marked by my map, I listened to see if he was still awake, but no obvious sounds of him being awake were heard. Due to this development, Tokei rapped on the door, the sound of the knocking echoing throughout the dreary apartment.

From outside I could hear the sound of a couch creaking and footsteps approaching the door. The door slowly creaked open and from the gap between the door and doorframe peered out a pair of emerald green eyes.

Farthington let out a depressing sigh, "I'll have the money ready by next week, I promise so please go away for now. I'm tired."

"I'm not your landlord…", but as she was about to continue, the door flew open. 

Farthington Stepped out, straightening his suit, "Ah, I see. What you heard previously was simply a part of my practice for method acting. I only rented out this room for the atmosphere It provided."

She responded with a very unconvinced "Right…" 

'He's obviously dirt poor. In that case, If I offer him a high enough salary he should accept the job…'

Farthington seemed to ponder for a moment, "I seem to recognize you… Have we, perchance, met elsewhere previously? What brings you to meet me?"

Trying to get to the reason for her visit, she once again starts speaking, "I'm here to recruit you for…"

"Ahhhh, so you're a recruiter! What a wonderous occasion!" says Farthington, slamming shut the door behind him. "So! What role am I being offered? I usually prefer to take roles in action movies with my extensive knowledge of swordplay-"

"I'm sorry, but I think there has been a misunderstanding. I am here to offer you a unique opportunity to join a covert special operations unit known as "Shadow Phoenix". My superior is keen on having you as part of this team." While I was saying this in an unfeeling tone, I couldn't help but feel frustrated that I had been sent to recruit a seemingly unreliable and unemployed bum.

His expression changed drastically, becoming serious in a matter of seconds. "I'm afraid I don't quite understand miss. Why would you want to recruit me as a member of the special operations unit?"

While what I wanted to say was, 'That's what I want to know!' what I actually ended up saying was, "The reason for my employer's interest in you is not something I would know about. I am simply here on his behalf."

Beginning to turn around, Farthington shook his head, "I feel that there is no need to let this conversation drag on any longer."

"100000 Aero," I said as he was putting his hand on the doorknob. 

He froze in his tracks, jolting his head in my direction. "What did you just say?! 100000 Aero! I must be mishearing things."

The reason why he was shocked was that 100000 Aero is a massive amount of currency in this world. To put it more into perspective, a luxury car would cost about 750 Aero and a mansion would cost around 20000 Aero. (1 Aero is equivalent to 100 dollars)

In Aruya, the currency system consists of three denominations: the Arin, Mira, and Aero. The exchange rate is such that 1 Aero is equivalent to 10 Mira, and 1 Mira is equivalent to 10 Arin. This currency system is widely accepted across both Mittelreich and Entwick countries, serving as a standard for international trade and transactions.

"You are not mishearing things. The annual salary you will receive for becoming a member of the Special Operation Unit is 100000 Aero. Depending on the missions you take on, you may earn even more Aero."

Farthington's eyes widened with excitement, his face beaming with a youthful energy, and his eyes sparkling with anticipation. "So, where exactly do I need to sign?"

'Well, one down, another to go.' 

"I'll get the necessary paperwork ready for your employment at the base. I'll need you to accompany me until I return there. I have one more potential candidate to visit," Tokei stated in a formal and professional manner, unlike her usual demeanor.

"Madam, may I inquire as to our departure time? I am fully prepared to leave." His voice took on a more formal tone, and his accent seemed to convey the air of an arrogant Erbium gentleman. (People that live in the continent of Erbium usually have British-sounding accents)

'Wait, doesn't he need to pack his things?' Confusedly I ask him, "Don't you need to pack your belongings before leaving?"

In a composed and unabashed manner, Farthington met my gaze and delivered his response, "My lady, at this moment, you are inspecting the entirety of my possessions."

'Great, so he's a Jobless vagrant with no possessions that I'm hiring to join a Spec Ops Unit… What has the world come to? Next time I see that pretentious boss of mine, I'ma give him a piece of my mind!'

Letting out a deep sigh of frustration, I gesture for Farthington to follow me. "Come on follow me."

As Farthington and I exited the run-down apartment building, we strolled purposefully toward the towering building where I had parked the Airblade.

As we made our way to the Airblade, we strolled through a maze of narrow alleyways and winding streets, flanked by dilapidated buildings in urgent need of repair. Amidst the urban decay, we passed by a weathered newspaper stand where a young boy was energetically shouting out a newspaper headline at the top of his lungs: "EXTRA, EXTRA. REPORTS OF MILITARY TENSIONS BETWEEN CLEFTON AND ARDEN. EXTRA, EXTRA-"

'Hmmm, If I'm not mistaken those are the two countries that reside along each other's borders in the continents of Janine and Ishunay…'

While I was walking along the path I made [Neuro] pull up on my glasses, I was lost in thought thinking about why I was doing any of this in the first place.

When I first awoke nearly a year ago, Nanik offered me a position in Shadow Phoenix, which I accepted at the time, because I was alone, confused, and only had basic knowledge like talking, reading, and writing. The one thing that occupied my mind other than survival was the intense desire to learn about myself. Who was I? Where was I born? Were there people that were important to me? But now, even an entire year later I haven't gotten any closer to that goal than I was when first awoke.

That brings me to another mystery, Nanik, who is he? He owns the entirety of what seems to be a state-of-the-art Military base back in Trizen, But currently, I'm his only hired employee. I don't entirely trust him as he seems to have some deeper more hidden intentions. The only reason I haven't left yet is because sometimes it feels like he alludes to the fact that he knows something about my past.

Suddenly, I was dragged out of my thoughts as someone grabbed me from behind, yanking me into an alleyway and slamming me against the rough brick wall.

Farthington stood in front of her, his hand resting on the wall above her shoulder as he peered out of the alley.

With a sudden, forceful move, she grasped the fabric of his tattered suit and yanked him upward. His feet dangled above the ground, the worn-out collar clenched tightly in her grip.