Chapter 12

Alarms blared, and sirens wailed as the facility erupted into chaos. Luna glanced back over her shoulder, but she couldn't see El Jaguar anywhere. With a curse, she continued her frantic search for Lily.

Her heart raced in her chest, adrenaline coursing through her veins as she dodged bullets and punches, using her agility and training to avoid detection. She ducked under a stack of crates, narrowly avoiding a hail of gunfire. Her eyes scanned the dimly lit corridor, searching for any signs of Lily.

She heard footsteps approaching, and her heart skipped a beat. Turning around, she found herself face-to-face with a burly guard, his weapon aimed directly at her head. Without hesitation, she launched herself forward, somersaulting over him, landing lightly on her feet behind him. With a swift motion, she wrapped her leg around his waist, her arms around his neck, and snapped his neck violently. His lifeless body fell to the ground, leaving her unharmed.

Luna's heart hammered in her chest as she sprinted through the labyrinthine corridors, her adrenaline-fueled speed allowing her to dodge bullets and punches with ease. Her eyes darted left and right, constantly scanning for any signs of Maria.

She slid under a low ceiling panel, narrowly avoiding a hail of bullets, and emerged on the other side unscathed. Ahead, she heard muffled sobs and whimpers, growing louder. Following the sound, she found herself in a large room filled with cages, each containing women and children, their bodies covered in bruises and cuts.

Luna's heart skipped a beat when she saw Isabella standing guard outside Lily's cell. Her eyes blazed with hatred and betrayal, making her an even deadlier adversary than before. "Well, well, look who decided to show up," she purred, her accent thickening.

"Get out of my way, bitch!" Luna snapped, diving forward, her body instinctively placing itself between Isabella and Lily. She rolled to the side, narrowly missing a bullet that whizzed past her head. Isabella fired again, sending another round of bullets flying.

Luna returned fire, aiming for her opponent's legs, knowing it would slow her down. The bullets ricocheted off the steel door, creating sparks as they impacted. They engaged in a deadly dance, their footsteps echoing loudly in the otherwise silent room.

Isabella lunged forward, her long nails tearing at Luna's exposed neck. Luna dodged, rolling backward and kicking her assailant in the stomach, sending her flying into a nearby cage. Taking advantage of the opportunity, she lunged forward, aiming for Isabella's exposed side. But before she could land the blow, Isabella ducked aside, and they collided with a deafening clang.

Isabella grabbed Luna's hair, yanking her head back violently. "You really think you stand a chance against me?" She grinned cruelly, revealing her own weapon—a small blade hidden in her sleeve.

With a sickening smile, she slashed at Luna's exposed neck, barely missing her carotid artery. Blood spurted from the shallow cut, staining her neck crimson.

Luna grunted in pain, her vision spinning as blood rushed to her head. She struggled to break free, but Isabella's grip on her hair tightened, pulling her closer. "Now, let me tell you something interesting," she whispered, her accented voice dripping with malice.

Isabella's lips curved into a sinister smile. "You know, I suppose congratulations are in order," she purred, her eyes gleaming with satisfaction. "I managed to frame you and turn El Jaguar against you."

Luna's eyes widened in shock, disbelief warring with rage. "You... you bitch!" Her words came out in ragged gasps as the blood loss began to affect her vision.

"Now, now, no need for profanities," Isabella chided, her voice dripping with false sympathy. "Let's just say, it wasn't too difficult to convince him that you were working for the police all along."

"You.... damn you!" Luna growled through gritted teeth, struggling futilely against her captor. "I'll make you pay for this!"

Isabella leaned closer, her breath hot against Luna's cheek. "Oh, I assure you, my dear, you and even El Jaguar are nothing but pawns in my grand game," she purred, her eyes gleaming with malice. "I am the one behind this entire human trafficking, in fact, my family has been running this business for decades. You were simply an inconvenient obstacle."

Luna's world spun, and darkness began to close in on her vision. "You... You're the mastermind behind this entire operation?"  She managed to croak out, her voice breaking with pain and rage.

A cruel smile spread across Isabella's lips. "Ahh, finally, some recognition," Isabella purred, her lips curving into a cruel smile. "Yes, sweety, I am the architect of this web of depravity." She taunted, tracing a finger down Luna's exposed neck, where the blood continued to trickle. "And, I have bigger plans for you and the girl. Soon, you'll both join your fellow prisoners in eternal slumber."

Isabella's cruel laughter echoed in the otherwise silent room as she continued to taunt Luna. "You thought you could save these poor women and children, didn't you?" She asked, her voice dripping with mockery. "You thought your pathetic little mission would make a difference? How quaint."

Ignoring Luna's growing weakness, she wrapped her free hand around Luna's slender waist, pulling her closer. "Now, it's time for our little game to end," she purred, her breath hot against Luna's ear. With a sickening click, she released the knife, letting it fall to the ground.

Isabella's hand slid downwards, grabbing Luna's breast roughly, squeezing and twisting it cruelly. "Tell me, how does it feel to know that you failed? That your precious 'crusade' amounted to nothing?"

Luna winced in pain, her vision beginning to blur even more. "Bitch!" she managed to bark out between ragged breaths. "I'll..."

Before she could finish her sentence, Isabella's free hand snaked around Luna's throat, tightening her grip mercilessly. The air slowly began to choke out of her lungs, and she struggled futilely, her strength rapidly fading.

Meanwhile, Detective Reyes, following a cryptic clue left by the journalist, stumbled upon the abandoned factory. His eyes widened in shock as he surveyed the chaos that ensued. Bullets whizzed past him, and shouts echoed throughout the building. He ducked behind a column, his heart racing with adrenaline.

As he regained his composure, he emerged cautiously, his gun drawn. "El Jaguar!" he shouted, aiming his weapon at the figure he recognized as El Jaguar. "Put down your weapons and come peacefully!"

Jaguar, caught off guard by the approaching noise, spun around, his eyes narrowing in recognition. "Who the hell are you?" he growled, his accent thickening. "I don't remember—"

"Don't fucking lie to me," Reyes snapped, his voice laced with anger and determination. "Did you forget already how you killed Rafe?"

Jaguar started, his eyes widening in shock as realization dawned on him. "No... you're... a cop?"

"That's right, motherfucker," Reyes growled, advancing towards him slowly. "And I'm going to bring you down for everything you've done."

Jaguar smirked coldly, his teeth bearing in a predatory grin. "You think you can stop me? You're just a mere insect in the grand scheme of things."

"We'll see about that," Reyes retorted, raising his gun. "You're coming with me."

"Over my dead body, besides, I'm not involved in this human trafficking business," Jaguar shot back, and before Reyes could react, he lunged forward, tackling him to the ground. They struggled violently, punches and kicks flying in all directions.

Reyes struggled to break free, his lungs burning from the weight of Jaguar's body pinning him down. "Don't fucking lie to me!" he growled, trying futilely to wriggle free. "You bastard! I know you're involved in this sick game!"

Jaguar grunted, his breath hot against Reyes' face. "And what makes you so certain?" he panted, his accented voice dripping with disbelief. "I've been fighting against these scum for years myself."

Reyes spat out a mouthful of blood, his eyes flashing with determination. "Because I saw the evidence," he growled back, struggling harder. "Photos of my sister in that filthy cage—you son of a bitch!"

"Maybe someone else took those photos," Jaguar retorted, his grip tightening around Reyes' collar. "Or maybe you just imagined it all?"

Jaguar's eyes softened slightly, and he released his hold on Reyes reluctantly. "Look, I don't know what happened between us," he said softly, standing up slowly. "But we both want the same thing—to stop this madness."

Reyes hesitated for a moment, his mind racing with conflicting emotions. Part of him wanted to trust him, the other part screamed that it was all a trap. "Why should I believe you now?" he asked warily.

"Because it's true," Jaguar replied, his voice low and husky. "I've fallen in love with Luna. And I want to make things right, for her sake."

"Your twisted version of love doesn't count," Reyes growled, still skeptical. "You're a murderer!"

Jaguar shook his head. "That was before. I've changed. Please, give me a chance to prove it." He held out a hand, waiting for Reyes' decision.

Reyes hesitated for a moment longer, his mind racing with conflicting emotions. Finally, he reluctantly extended his hand, their palms touching briefly before he pulled away. "Alright," he grunted, his voice laced with skepticism. "But don't fuck me over, or I will make sure you rot in hell."

Jaguar nodded solemnly. "I understand," he replied, his eyes filled with determination. "Now, we need to find Luna. She's still here somewhere."

Meanwhile, Isabella continued to torment Luna, her fingers digging into her flesh, leaving bloody trails across her body. "Don't cry, baby," she cooed, her voice dripping with false concern. "It doesn't matter anyway."