Chapter 23

Luna screamed in terror, heartbreak, and disbelief. "No! El Jaguar!" Her mind replayed their earlier confrontation, searching frantically for any signs of deception. How could she have been so blind?

Isabella smirked coldly, her eyes glazed over with malice. "Don't worry, Luna," she purred, her accent thickening. "You won't be joining him anytime soon.

Luna's world shattered as she watched El Jaguar fall to the ground, a pool of blood forming around him. Her mind raced with confusion and despair. She lunged at her attacker, but Isabella effortlessly dodged her weakened strikes.

"You bitch!" Luna growled, her voice hoarse from the fight. "I'll—I'll—"

Isabella raised the gun again, aiming it directly at Luna's head. "Oh, please," she said dismissively. "Save your breath. You won't be able to stop me now."

Luna froze, alarmed by the gun Isabella pointed towards her.

"Wondering how I'm still alive?" Isabella said maliciously. "You really had me good back there and there was no way out of it for me, so I thought, maybe I should play possum. I faked my death, hoping you'd let your guard down."

Luna's eyes widened in shock and horror as she realized the extent of Isabella's cunning. "You... You—!"

Isabella's lips curved into a sinister smile. "Yes, dear Luna," she purred. "And guess what, it worked, you rushed towards El Jaguar without even checking if I was dead, and while you were busy fighting Reyes, I took some painkillers and some much needed rest, and here I am, against you who has exhausted herself so very much. "

Isabella came closer to Luna, stopping mere inches away from her, her breath hot against her face. She lowered the gun, her expression shifting from malice to delight.

"Not yet," she purred, walking towards Luna slowly. "No, no, no, I have plans for you."

With a sinister grin, she grabbed Luna by the hair, yanking her head back forcefully. Her lips crashed against hers in a brutal kiss, their tongues wrestling violently. She broke the kiss abruptly, her eyes gleaming with sadistic pleasure.

"Now, let's see how well you fare when there's nothing left for you to fight for," she murmured, her breath hot against Luna's ear.

Isabella's hands roamed freely over Luna's battered body, tracing the cuts and bruises inflicted during their brutal encounter. She pinched and twisted her nipples cruelly, eliciting a strangled cry from Luna. Her fingers dug into her sensitive folds, probing deeply, ignoring the pain and blood that flowed freely from her wounds.

"No more fighting now," she whispered wickedly. "Time for some fun."

Luna squirmed and struggled, her body aching from the fight and the additional torment inflicted by Isabella. But she refused to submit, digging her nails into Isabella's exposed flesh whenever possible. Her kicks and punches landed weakly, barely registering against the larger woman's iron grip.

"You bitch!" she cried out, tears streaming down her face.

Isabella laughed cruelly. "Oh, I plan on making you beg," she teased, her voice husky with lust. Her hand reached down between their bodies, grabbing hold of Luna's hips, and she lifted her up off the ground effortlessly. Luna's legs wrapped around her waist instinctively as she tried to maintain balance.

With surprising agility, Isabella flipped them both, pinning Luna against the filthy wall once more. Her lips crashed against Luna's again, their tongues tangling in a fierce duel. Her free hand reached down to fondle Luna's injured breasts, squeezing and twisting them cruelly.

Luna fought back with all her remaining strength, struggling to break free from Isabella's vice-like grip. Her nails raked against the woman's chest, drawing more blood, but it barely seemed to faze Isabella.

Isabella chuckled darkly. "Don't worry, darling," she purred, her breath hot against Luna's ear. "This is just the beginning." With a sudden surge of strength, she lifted Luna off the ground, holding her suspended by her hair. Luna's legs dangled helplessly above the ground, her body sagging limply in Isabella's iron grasp.

Luna's heart raced wildly, her mind reeling with fear and desperation. She could feel the blood from her wounds trickling down her body, staining her already filthy skin. But she refused to give up. Her feet swung frantically, kicking and punching at Isabella's exposed thighs, causing her to release her hold briefly.

Luna's legs wrapped around Isabella's waist again, trying to gain some leverage. With all her remaining strength, she twisted her body violently, dragging them both towards the ground. They landed heavily on their sides, rolling together in a tangled mess of limbs and bruised bodies.

Isabella growled in frustration but managed to regain control, pinning Luna down once more. "So stubborn," she muttered, her breath hot against Luna's ear. "But you won't win."

Despite the pain and exhaustion, Luna refused to give up. Her eyes blazed with determination as she searched frantically for an opening. Finally, she saw it—a small gap between Isabella's arm and her torso. With all her remaining strength, she threw a powerful punch aimed directly at it.

To her surprise, her fist connected solidly with Isabella's ribcage, causing a sharp grunt of pain to escape her lips. Isabella's grip on Luna loosened slightly, and she used the brief window to wriggle free. Rolling onto her side, she scrambled away from her attacker, her legs still entwined around Isabella's waist.

Luna's eyes widened in triumph as she saw her opportunity. With renewed determination, she kicked off the ground, using Isabella's momentum to propel herself forward. Her legs swung upwards, connecting with Isabella's stomach, causing another loud grunt of pain to escape her lips.

Isabella flew backwards, releasing Luna completely. Staggering backward, she landed against the wall with a thud, her chest heaving rapidly. Blood trickled down her torso, staining her already filthy attire crimson.

Luna scrambled to her feet, wincing as fresh waves of pain coursed through her body. She hadn't won yet; she knew this wasn't over. Isabella was dangerous, and she wouldn't let her guard down again.

Isabella recovered quickly, her eyes blazing with anger and desperation. She charged towards Luna, her fists raised in a deadly dance. They collided in a violent exchange of blows, their bodies slamming into each other like rag dolls tossed against a wall.

Each strike landed hard, leaving bloody marks on their battered forms. Blood stained the ground around them like crimson paint, testament to their brutal struggle. The sounds of their labored breathing filled the alleyway, punctuated by grunts and groans of pain.

Luna's legs buckled beneath her weight once more, sending them both crashing to the ground again. This time, however, she managed to roll out of reach before Isabella could pin her down. Using the opportunity, she scrambled to her feet, limping but determined.

Luna, her eyes narrowed in determination, circled around Isabella cautiously. She feigned an attack, allowing Isabella to lunge forward, but she dodged nimbly out of reach. As predicted, Isabella followed, leaving herself exposed for a split second.

Luna seized the opportunity and sprinted towards her, kicking her in the stomach once more. The impact sent Isabella flying backward, landing heavily on the ground. Luna pounced on top of her, pinning her down with her full weight. Her hands clawed at Isabella's throat, digging her nails into her flesh.

Isabella squirmed and fought furiously, her hands clawing at Luna's body in desperate attempts to break free. Finally, she managed to wriggle free from her opponent's grasp. Rolling away, she struggled to her feet, wincing as pain shot through her body. Her eyes blazed with hatred as she grabbed the discarded gun from earlier.

"You think you can win this fight, huh?" she growled, aiming the weapon at Luna, who cowered in fear. "You're just a pathetic little girl trying to play hero."