Chapter 2: Yield to delegating tasks and welcome the resulting benefits. (1)

Under the sway of alcohol, Phakin carried on his dialogue with the man from India. Eventually, he succumbed to a profound slumber at Xichang's shuttle launch station in Sichuan Province, a pivotal site for propelling humans into the cosmos from Asia. Bleary-eyed, he emerged from the shuttle.

"Hmm, Guhai Wubian of Chang'an?" Phakin lifted his gaze to the vast canvas, taking in the sight of a man embodying the role of a support monk, a figure of elegance clutching a staff. Beneath was his gaming moniker, kǔ hǎi wú biān, emblazoned boldly, underscored by the emblem of MGC Online. The canvas was set against the breathtaking backdrop of an archaic Chinese metropolis.

"苦海无边 回头是岸 (kǔ hǎi wú biān huí tóu shì àn) It seems this individual has delved into the page of Gu Long's work, where ancient Chinese idioms are a common thread, symbolizing the endless ocean of suffering; a call for atonement from the transgressors echoes through his narrative. "Boundless sea of suffering, repent," he advocates. Finding myself drawn into its depths Phakin could only offer headshake to the notion.

Passing Chinese traveler overheard Phakin articulation of a phrase from the Song Dynasty era, then glanced aloft to the canvas. With a beaming expression and pride, a smile at Phakin, he expressed in fluent Chinese, "Mr. GuHai Wubian is among the esteemed five metropolitan lords on the Asia-Oceania server. I wonder, which nation do your companions hail from?" Observing the black-haired attendant, it appeared that people from Asia shared a common visage.

Phakin doesn't want to say that he just gossiped, GuHai Wubian is addicted to novels. He cheerfully replied in Chinese, "I am Thai. I am about to transit from Sichuan back to my country..."

Yet, after his response...

Hold on, though. What was it that he mentioned?

Metropolis lord? Phakin harked back to a conversation during the shuttle ride with an Indian fellow passenger.

The Chinese had chuckled, "Ah, these Thai folks! You should take pride as well. Asia and Oceania together encompass over fifty nations, housing half of the global populace. However, merely five of these have citizens commanding their own metropolis in MGC Online. My country's GuHai Wubian ranks amongst them, and so does your Sagittarius... Yet, Sagittarius grapples with a quandary—still tethered to the rudimentary VR player's low-def 3D rendering for gaming, an issue never publicized."

Even after a generous slumber that left his eyes fully rested, Phakin still gasped for air.

In the world of e-sports and online gaming, it's almost expected for media declarations to be part of the scene, isn't it? His attention turned to GuHai Wubian, someone who was once considered a quintessential defensive pillar for e-sports team.

Indeed, he is Sagittarius who proclaimed!

Phakin acknowledges the creeping truth - a jumble of thoughts he can't untangle. With a swift farewell, he dashes for the train station, eager to board a connector to the airport without delay.

Clutching his partner's bag, he exhaled deeply aboard the swift train bridging the launch station and the international airport. His gaze lingered on the lush green forest carpeting the landscape, under an impeccably clear blue sky. These past five years, mired in struggle, turned out to be his world-saving chapter. Basking in contentment, his eyes drifted to the train car's ceiling-mounted TV.

It showcased a remarkable aerial view of one land lord's momentous capture of Rigel Island. Unlike the classic cinematic imagery of fleet landings in World War II films, this land lord broke the mold. Forgoing traditional tactics, Phakin embarked on a quest to enlist ten thousand mages, orchestrating a frost to lock the sea in ice. With the sea floor solidified, the NPC soldiers were commanded to march from the shoreline, traversing the iced seascape.

Upon seeing they were ensconced on an island by the sea—a veritable fortress—the opposing party grew complacent. Lacking warships, the Sagittarius faction couldn't launch an assault, leading them not to bother with defensive measures. Before they knew it, the sea had transformed into ice, laying out a frosty welcome for NPC soldiers marching onto the island.

As the NPC soldiers secured their position on the island, the scene shifted to the broadcasting studio, where an elderly professor joined the moderator for a deep dive analysis. They touched on a plethora of pros and cons with expert precision.

After dissecting the matter with such rigor, a revelation was laid bare: MGC Online gaming is unequivocally riding the wave of global societal trends.

And then, the spotlight turned to Gu Hai Wu Bian... his visage captured grandly on that expansive canvas.

After sharing that they're dissecting the Rigel Island combat zone, GuHai Wubian understood, and the moderator quickly posed the initial inquiry: "Should conflict with Sagittarius arise, rate your victory odds."

"Uh..." Hesitation tinged the reply from the other side, before eventually offering: "Apologies for the delayed response. I'm presently tallying the count of Sagittarius's forces. It appears our numbers are near equal. However, Sagittarius commands purely NPC forces, no players. In contrast, my side boasts guilds, clubs, and NPCs alike. NPCs do present uniformity, being programmed entities devoid of the human soul's ever-changing nature. Yet, this comes at the expense of their upkeep. Unlike Sagittarius, my alliances with various guilds and clubs negate the necessity for compensation. Sagittarius does exhibit astuteness, leveraging a core virtual world game element: the absence of real humans in warfare. It's a different ballgame when flesh and blood is involved - thoughts diverge, and tactics swing."

The Chinese moderator attentively absorbed GuHai Wubian's words of encouragement to the other side. With a furrowed brow, he repeated his inquiry, seeking clarity, "You're implying the army's unity was lost?" Through the course of time, over a century and millennia, the Chinese identity remained infused with staunch nationalism. It weighed on him to hear one's own confess a lack of combat readiness, souring his mood.

Unwavering, GuHai Wubian added, "We stand on the brink. While unity may elude us in battle, the singular talents within our ranks eclipse in variety. Our players are at the pinnacle of the game, helming leadership positions. It's common knowledge – China births champions in e-sports, assuring the feasibility of a turnaround. The conversation veers to the battle at Rigel Island – the Chandra metropolis of Sagittarius, nestled in the southeast of the great landmass, beside the cerulean sea. Sagittarius, thereby, extends its reach, securing the archipelago on the map's lower right as a bulwark. This acts as a preventative measure, thwarting enemy forces from marshaling at sea to besiege Chandra City. This tactic is foundational. Yet, had I been tasked with Rigel Island's defense, Sagittarius would most certainly have failed to maintain its hold."

The moderator, obviously relieved, attentively said, "I've been wanting to inquire about your tactics. I know GuHai Wubian has pondered defense strategies for Rigel Island. Though, I think it best to refrain from questioning. So you can deploy them discreetly in your gaming warfare, catching your adversaries off-guard."

GuHai Wubian chuckled and said, "There's another ace up my sleeve; it's the sheer brainpower of my management team. In Chang'an, my counsel is drawn from hundreds of advisors, constantly concocting schemes to swell my domains. Whereas Sagittarius? They lack such a brain trust. Consequently, my tactical arsenal is brimming, just biding its time for the opportune moment to strike."

The old professor, a veteran in historical warfare, finally spoke up, "Yet, it doesn't seem likely that the land lords will clash any time soon. Look at the Asia-Oceania server map here—it's huge, designed to support a large number of players, like a city on a city-wide scale. But even this is small compared to the whole server's vast continent. There's still so much room for undeveloped lands to be settled and for new powers to rise."

Gu Hai Wubian replied, "Indeed. I'm keen for another one or two Chinese individuals to join. Like me, come lord of metropolis...".



Phakin eased his brow, unwinding in the enchantment that top-tier gamer land lords, much like warrior job in e-sport.

Indeed, one approach does captivate. Observing the strategic deployment and confrontation of forces offers a unique thrill. Spectators, though comfortably ensconced in their homes, may find themselves less than enthusiastic to engage.

Global conflict must remain a fictional scenario; the actual toll of such an event is undeniable. Within the confines of the game, however, battles rage and characters may suffer or fall, yet without genuine consequence. This virtual arena aptly channels the human yearning for conquest and the fervor it ignites.

Phakin's contemplating flying back to Thailand to seek out a cozy condo, flop down on his belly, and spend a tranquil six months at leisure. Yet, considering how massive Gu Hai Wubian's fame is in China, what's the scenario if Phakin logs in as usual and dives into the game?


Upon touching down at Suvarnabhumi Airport, Phakin with a Siam hotel booking contemplated a train ride to the city.

However, at the arrival waiting area's exit, he was greeted by the sight of a suited man holding up a sign with his name. Inquisitively, Phakin approached and queried, "Who arranged for you to collect me?"

The chauffeur, clad in an elegant suit, consulted his phone, comparing the face on the screen against Phakin. A match confirmed, despite Phakin's grimy mechanic's attire or unkempt beard and mustache. With a courteous bow, the driver greeted, "Good day, Mr. Phakin, I am delegated by the project to escort Mr. Phakin." Judging solely by attire, it would be Phakin showing deference to the driver.

"Project?" echoed Phakin, puzzled.

The driver, failing to recall, gestured to his uniform's emblem, apologizing, "Forgive me, the oversight was mine, given Mr. Phakin's stature. Understandably, one could lose track of numerous properties. I represent The Grand Thonglor, where you've acquired a 150 square meter residence. We're tasked with escorting you from the airport to your condo... Ah, of course." Remembering once more, he conveyed confirmation of receipt via text.

Phakin's phone then buzzed. Recognizing a voicemail, he accessed it, holding the phone to his ear. The message had him squinting in concentration.

"Master, as per your directives, I've readied everything for your arrival. I've secured you the suite in Thonglor, with a driver for your transport. Be assured, there's no deceit. Once you've settled at the condo, I'll brief you on the assets we prepped. Awaiting your commands," came Mina's vibrant voice, still unacquainted to him.

While Mina usually whispers in hushed tones of calm, this feels strangely mismatched.

But that's neither here nor there!

After dedicating five tireless years, the AI assistant astutely accumulated a job savings of three hundred million and treated itself to a sumptuous luxury condo in Thonglor. The thought alone is tantalizingly delightful. Amidst these developments, he permitted himself a moment of reflection. The question lingered: when had Mina managed to acquire a condo? His mind grappled with the enigma, unable to conjure any explanations. But, above all, the most startling revelation – how could Mina possibly step away from the game to make such a purchase?