Chapter 12 War is considered an investment (1)

The group of Robby tiger 0001, or even the gang that met on the island in the middle of the sea, all lacked the resources to make a significant change in the game. Even if they could, they might get hurt too much, making it not worth the effort.

With insufficient resources and growing concerns, in the end, the fleet of thirty ships...

just fled back.

This unnecessarily damaged the credibility of the city lord, who had to do many good deeds to earn it.

Only two ships sank.

In truth, Sagittarius' remark, 'I wonder if they will survive,' did not even apply to the group of Robby tiger 0001.

It was directed at his NPC naval soldiers! Who were set up to protect the waters.

In the last dwarf attack, his Chinese friend even knew that Sagittarius' fleet suffered over thirty percent damage.

Therefore, if one wants to attack Sagittarius' city, they must strike where the navy must be used.

Sagittarius wondered if all his naval soldiers would survive, then turned his attention to the immediate battle.

It turned out that the group of Robby tiger 0001 got scared and fled.

If the group of Robby tiger 0001 had an underwater sonar, they probably wouldn't have fled.

Sagittarius' fleet was really damaged, unable to patrol the seas thoroughly anymore.

As for the captured submarine, it was a type used by dwarves. It wasn't the same size and couldn't be used by humans. We had to dismantle the blueprint, melt the metal from all five original ships, and then rebuild it.

In the end, we could only construct one submarine.

One submarine, along with an inexperienced crew, couldn't resist the thirty battleships attacking unexpectedly.

Sagittarius's worries were understandable. But now, it's different. The submarine's location is unknown, but the fleet of Robby Tiger 0001 has already left the lunar city territory.


A truce announcement popped up in the window.

Sagittarius, who was commanding the forces to engage, felt relieved upon seeing it.

For whatever reason, his territories were temporarily safe, allowing him to fully concentrate on the battlefield ahead.


A frontline soldier squad scattered due to an RPG strike. Sagittarius immediately ordered to fill the gap. This wargame of army demolition was less stressful in one crucial way: no one actually died.

Focusing on victory was enough.


The participating players are all tense, but the audience is excited, sitting on the edge of their seats.

The reporter from atop the city wall broadcasts the clash between the two armies, in a manner that would require a blood censoring if it were in the real world. She reports excitedly, "Unbelievable! Swords and magic wands can fight against cannons!"

"It might be because ancient weapons are better at close combat compared to guns!"

"Sagittarius must take advantage of the time when the dwarves are reorganizing their forces, unable to utilize the long-range advantage of their firearms, and launch a close-range attack from the city!"

"It's so exciting! Now I understand more! Swords can defeat tanks too!" She pointed to a tank being attacked repeatedly on its hatch by three soldiers until it broke open, dragging out the dwarf.

The scene then shifted to an aerial camera, with the station's field reporter reporting.

"Permission granted from the field! The allied forces of the four metropolitan cities have reached the edge of the area!"

And suddenly,

Boom!!! An explosion occurred."

Sagittarius was able to hold off the large army within the territory, but could only harass the vanguard of the Dwarves. Meanwhile, the rear army, though not very good at marching or preparing, was nevertheless ready.

In just over ten minutes, the Dwarf AI did not waste a single second.

Although the rear army had fewer supplies as a logistics unit, and the central army was troubled by the Valkyrie, they still had weapons for self-defense, and this moment found them ready and organized.

After being bombarded multiple times with higher-tech destructive power, the combined forces of four kingdoms were scattered, with tens of thousands damage.

The image of a massive army advancing from all directions to clash with an RPG-equipped Golem army emerged.

Following the skirmish and the chaos of war, the players, who had participated many times, became accustomed. Each viewed the Golems as monsters, teaming up in groups of three or four to take down each Golem they faced.

Win or lose, the all-out assault strategy by flanking was clear.

Sagittarius received a signal from the city wall indicating that the encirclement maneuver was successful, and he immediately ordered the NPC soldiers to retreat to the city.

His duty to hold off the enemy was now complete.

From now on, if the armies of the four lords are as Strong as its name armies of the metropolis, the army of dwarves will gradually be pushed toward the cliffs by the power of annihilation!

On that side, there are four armies, and on our side, only one. For sure, we'll be squashed flat.

It's better to use the city walls as a defense barrier.

Melon-chan, filthy and grimy, climbed back up the city wall. Since she met 'him', she hasn't needed to go into the dungeon. Her warlord level has now reached 15, but her MP is completely depleted. The system has made the character exhausted, and Mellon-chan barely crawled up.

The city gates closed sound a bang!

As the dwarf army moved in again.

Sagittarius next to Melon-chan spoke solemnly, looking at the NPC soldiers at the back who couldn't get into the city gates in time, sacrificing their levels to resist the dwarf army so the city gates could be closed. He just shook his head in regret and consoled himself.

'This war... will be a worthy investment.'

Then he launched the stone thrower with various sponsor logos and the mage who cast Explosion earlier.

'Shoot!! Shoot continuously!!!'"


The news reporters were still continuously following up.

Footage from a high angle showed multiple groups of golems breaking through, wreaking havoc on the left and right sides.

One can saw gaps in the chaotic situation like that. It's essential to have information about every item and the movements of every character to calculate evasive actions so accurately.

Of course, the strategy manager didn't want the dwarf king of the iron mine to die at this moment, so he... intervened a little. That's because the strategy manager's interference aimed to prolong the life of the main boss of this event.

"Bang!" The GM room door burst open as the strategy manager, panting from running a hundred meters, came in.

"Gasp! Let me control the AI of the dwarf king right now!!!" he said, while rushing toward the GM to snatch the control panel.



The dwarf king froze, spun around quickly to get on a golem, and ordered his soldiers to follow him. Meanwhile, Valkyrie trainee Kara, while trying to follow, was teleported by a light that sent her across the Bifrost Bridge back to Asgard.

If Valkyrie trainee Kara continued to follow, the dwarf king would surely die.

The news broadcast showed seven groups of forces spreading out in all directions, north, south, east, and west.

But there were still the forces of four lords who came to help, spreading out to follow as well!

The news reporter in the studio narrated as if it were a Thai boxing match, waiting for a crucial moment when an eyebrow splits and blood flows.

However, the forces sent out couldn't catch up. The four lords had already anticipated that some would escape. With millions of troops, it was beyond their control to keep everything within their grasp."


This battlefield didn't last long enough to bore the spectators.

When the commander fled according to the program based on real life, all the subordinates laid down their weapons and surrendered willingly. This was an outcome of the intervention.

Sagittarius on the city wall furrowed his default face so tightly, got confused.

"Whattttttttt?! Why abandon such a large army like this???!!!"

"This is madness! Aren't you at all regretful about the military equipment?!?!"

If it were him, and he fell into such a trap surrounded on all sides, he would gladly fight to the death, causing significant damage to both sides.

The Dwarf King of the iron mine did die, but the game company could just appoint another dwarf in Celia City as the new king, couldn't they?"

"Why choose this method??"

Sagittarius didn't know that the MGC company set the dwarves' characteristics exactly like the Norse mythology, making this race extremely greedy for money.

And if the king's position became vacant...

What would the result be?

Chaos would erupt in the city of Silius in the battle for the throne. This event would become laughable. Therefore, he had to make this decision.


[Valkyrie trainee Kara reports the mission result to the great god Odin +1 relation with the great god Odin]

Sagittarius could only shake his head in bewilderment. "When did Miss Kara leave the battlefield?"


The open space in front of Seven Lakes city was messy, full of potholes, battle debris, and hazy smoke.

A man in a priest's robe, Guhai Wubian, walked to the area where the bunker fell, and a voice from above the bunker said, "Half the army has been damaged here. How's your side?" It was Guinevere 28 in a silver knight suit trimmed with gold, a rare item. She sat cross-legged on the bunker, speaking with regret.

Guhai Wubian laughed softly and said, "My side is just as damaged," while casting his gaze around. He saw Mewku Mewku walking in with Winter Soltis.

Winter Soltis, in a Mahabharata-style warrior outfit, raised his hand to tap the foot of the headless giant golem lying near the bunker and said, "Is this Mithril Aerith?"

Mewku Mewku exchanged glances with the two remaining lords and said, "We've checked. None of the prisoners include the dwarf king. He must be with the seven escaped columns."

Guhai Wubian smirked, "If I were the GM, I wouldn't let the event's final boss be captured by us either. It's still too early."

"Indeed, being able to zigzag and then escape like this means they must have intelligence on the entire battlefield. Players in the battlefield are locked from seeing a bird's-eye view, and live broadcasts are restricted to showing only first-person perspectives... even the NPCs. So, there's no way they could escape without relying on a bird's-eye view," Mewku Mewku responded.

Then Guinevere 28 spoke up, "Where did the host go?"