Chapter 3: The Battle!

The night was quiet.

Unknown worms sing in the wilderness.

The moon had just penetrated the clouds, and the whole moor was suddenly darkened.

A night wind blew in the distance.

Originally light blood smell, suddenly became rich up.

Beyond the canyon.


Lin night quietly looked at the huge body of the bloodthirsty tank collapsed, gasped.

Blood trickled from the wound, staining the surrounding wasteland with blood.

[ Kill a senior beast soldier and gain 5 stat points! ]

Feet of sticky blood, listening to the electronic sound in my ears.

He stood next to the carcass of the boar monster, his expression not the least relaxed.

In sight, the body of the second wild boar bloodthirsty tank is rapidly enlarging.

Angry and fierce breath, hit me.

The bloodthirsty tank at this moment is like a locomotive.

Rolling in with a lot of power, threatening to smash him to pieces.

But here's the surprise.

Lin night did not blink, but did a simple action.

He pushed off with his right foot and curled up in the air like a ball.

Coincidentally, the second bloodthirsty tank swooped in.


An angry, unreconciled howl.

The Bloodthirsty tank turned its pig's head and charged at him again in anger.

Not surprisingly, it failed again!

With the impenetrable body, Lin night evaded the attacks of this higher beast soldier one by one, while leaving scars on his body.

Agile with extremely fast speed, the forest night attack follows, making the bloodthirsty tank miserable.

Over the past year, he has taken an extremely solid step in his fierce battle with the monster.

Bloodthirsty tanks, on the other hand, are too uncomfortable.

This boar monster is big and fast.

Under the action of great charging force, the longer you want to brake.


There was a crackling sound.

The blood-thirsty tank's front hoof suddenly stepped on a small pit, and the whole body suddenly staggered

This fleeting opportunity to attack was keenly captured by Lin night.


Lin Night body light as cicada wings, a flash then rushed to this bloodthirsty tank behind.

On his cold face, he raised his sword without hesitation and slashed it hard at the back of the monster.


The knife shone.

A sharp sword gave it a hard pull on its ass, leaving a trail of stinky blood splattered.


In an instant, another knife was fiercely stabbed out, pointing directly at the huge wet chrysanthemum...

Around the one-horned boar: "..."


When the vital point was hit, the bloodthirsty tank was instantly angry, issuing a low and painful hiss.

In a fit of rage.

It suddenly turned the direction, legs pushed off the ground, jumped up a few meters high, straight toward the forest night over.

Mount Tai tops the mountain!

Seeing this, Lin night did not panic at all.

Tense legs suddenly burst.

Power forward and back a sliding shovel, barely skimming under the belly of the bloodthirsty tank.


A move to explore the sea to slay the dragon, Lin night hands sword pulled over the soft abdomen, with a ferocious wound.

Blood poured out.

"Uuuuugh... Uuuuugh... Ow!!"

The softest part of the body was pulled out, a deep gash was cut and blood gushed out.

Under the pain of eating, the blood-thirsty tank raised its head to make a whining sound, and the rolling eyes became more red and tyrannical.

Under such circumstances, the bloodthirsty tank still limped toward the night of the forest.

Ignoring the whining of the pig monster, Lin Night just took a look at its gurgling backyard and smiled.

Lost wisdom of the higher beast soldiers, for Lin night has no threat.

In the moment when he passed by the bloodthirsty tank, Lin night pulled the pig's tail and suddenly made force.

With the help of a turn, Lin night jumped up and rode the flat back of the bloodthirsty tank.

One hand tightly clutched the long brown mane, Lin Night the other holding the sword, taking advantage of the situation.

The target, apparently, is the neck of this pig monster.


There was a dull, biting sound of cutting, and a splash of blood oozed from the wound.

"Aaaaow... Whoo!!"

"Whoo whoo!!"

The pain was immense, and the blood-thirsty tanks wailed in terror.

The huge body twisted and jumped wildly, trying to break free from Lin Night's ride.

Like a mad cow in a dueling ring, desperate to get rid of a knight on his back.

However, the man still tightly clutched the pig's hair and kept swinging the knife!

In the moonlight, the sharp blade glints hunting cold awn.

One by one.

He kept cutting into the neck of the Bloodthirsty tank, expanding the wound.

Hiss hiss hiss!

The bloody blade was deeply embedded, causing a shocking wound, and the dark strength of the forest night erupted.

The terrible force severed most of the entire neck of the bloodthirsty tank, and a lot of scarlet blood gushed out.

In this way, Lin night did not stop, but the offensive is more fierce.


The sound of the sharp blade cutting the bone sounded one after another, making people's teeth ache.

In the end, Lin Night's sword sliced through the thick and tough fur of the monster, and then sent the long knife into the body at lightning speed.

Three feet knife body did not, leaving only a knife handle outside, was Lin night clenched in the hand.

Lin night wrist movement, quickly stirred up the sword, the beast's viscera all broken.


Before another whine could be uttered, the blood-thirsty tank collapsed to the ground.

A great deal of life was lost with a great rush of blood...

Ignoring the still twitching body.

Lin night's frost-like eyes swept the one-horned wild boars not far away, and his mouth opened a smile of death.

The next moment, Lin night body like lightning burst forward, the sword in his hands directly under the remaining one-horned boar, cut grass and root!


The long and narrow sword in the hands of Lin night flashes hunting cold awn, like death hook sickle, constantly reaping the life of these low-level monsters.


The knife is as bright as electricity.

In the face of this group of low strength monsters, Lin night every knife can cause fatal damage.

In addition to the two medium beast soldiers can take more than two knives in the forest night, the rest of the pig monsters are killed with one knife, without giving any chance.

Outside the ravine, there was a scene of carnage on one side.

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It seems to be shocked by the killing of the forest night, which inspires the instinctive fear of the surviving monster, and runs around like a maniacal.

With a knife, cut off a junior animal soldier's head, Lin night eyes quickly swept around.

See this scene, Lin night body flash, after a crazy runaway monster.

Every monster that was caught up by Lin night did not live more than two seconds and died cleanly.

Behind him, the scarlet blood stained the ground, and the blood in the air grew stronger...

Lin night shot clean.

Every time a knife is swung, it must be the key point of a one-horned boar.

In combination with his sharp knife and agile body.

In less than five minutes, the fleeing pig monster has been cleared, no survivors.
