Chapter 16 First Practice!

Shelter 057, Warrior Quarters.

The night outside the window is blurred, it is already late at night.

The splash of water in the bathroom stopped, and a muscular young man wrapped in a robe pushed the door out.

After a day of intense training at the training ground, Lin returned to his three-story building to rest.

He has been able to enjoy his own small house while ordinary people can only live in a board house or tent.

This is the privilege of a warrior!

Since the large-scale battle between humans and monsters began, the warrior, as the forerunner who rushed to the front and fought with the monster to the death, sacrificed a lot.

Therefore, the whole human society is extremely grateful and worships for the martial arts.

This also creates the martial arts in human society, has a transcendent position.

At this time.

Lin night lounging on the sofa, holding a mobile phone in his hand, with a middle-aged woman on video: "Aunt, what about the last week?

What do you think?"

Aunt Lin: "Yue Er has been sleeping for most of these days, waking up for very little time, but every time I wake up, I have a good appetite."

'That's good! Lin Night said softly, "I can return to the South Bank Fort the night after tomorrow, and then take you to the mountain City to find a place to stay.

Come on, give Yueyue a good treatment."

With this large sum of money in hand, the first thing Lin night thought about was how to treat her sister.

"It couldn't be better."

Xiao Aunt Lin nodded slightly and said, "The moon misses you very much these days, even dreaming about you."

After a little meditation, Lin said, "Soon, I will make my sister fully recover and get rid of the erosion of that virus!"

"I and the moon believe you!"

"Brother... Brother..."

Suddenly, there is a thin like a mosquito fly sound, listen to the voice can know is a soft weak beautiful girl.

"Night, wait for me." Aunt's voice came, and then the picture went black.

When the phone lens of Lin night was restored again, a girl with a pure beauty appeared in the picture, like a princess.

She was about fourteen or fifteen years old, and anyone who looked at her would be attracted by the exquisite almost magical beauty of her face, and her eyes would blink from time to time like crystals

Bright can.

At this moment, the pale girl is looking at Lin night with a sweet smile: "Brother, when will you come back, Yue Yue really want to.

you I really miss you!"

Wen Yan, Lin night directly sat up from the sofa, with the softest voice said: "At the latest the day after tomorrow, brother will come back to see you,

"And bring you a present!" Lin night mysterious said.

"Really... The moon will wait for her brother to come back... This time my brother will accompany Yueyue for a long time..."

Lin Xiyue light lips, languidly said.

Even if it's only been a week, it seems like years to him,

Therefore, one breath almost poured out all the thoughts in his heart for Lin night.

Video that end, Lin night very seriously listen to Lin Xiyue every word, the corners of his mouth gradually curved a touch he does not know the arc.

"Brother, I want you back..."

"Brother, I want to hear your story..."

"Brother, I miss Mom and dad..."


Just a few words, almost spent Lin Xiyue's strength accumulated for a long time, she almost closed her eyes, deep sleep: "so sleepy... The elder brother

Bro... I'm going to sleep again..."

"Yueyue is the best girl in the world. Please wait for me." Lin said with a smile, her eyes soft and almost dripping with water.

No one could have imagined that the fierce fighter who killed on the battlefield had such a gentle side.

Chatting, the opposite pink little person in the middle-aged woman's support slowly lying down.

Lin aunt will camera in front of Lin Xiyue stay for a while, let Lin night can have a good look at his sister.

Looking at the picture of the deep sleep to Lin Xiyue, Lin night heart some blocked.

Such a sleeping face, he is familiar.

For more than a year, most of his time was asleep, and he rarely woke up.

Yueyue will cook for him when he is awake, and tell him some things that happened when he was young...

In order to cure Yueyue, he fought hard to collect monster materials and buy medicine for her life... In the face of RT mutated viruses, the effect of drugs is becoming more and more effective

Be short of

To this end, Lin night had to enter the wilderness area more frequently and fight with monsters, to Lin Xiyue strive for the chance of life.

At this point, Lin night took out a book about half a centimeter.

This is Secretary Xu gave him, the military's latest genetic original can cultivation method - Jiuhua.

This is a secret book containing the five Hearts to Heaven cultivation method, and now it is used by the military to show kindness to Lin Night.

In this regard, Lin night naturally is happy to accept.

Opening the first page of "Jiuhua Decision", Lin Night seemed to enter a new world.

The world martial arts, all invincible, only fast not broken!

The first line of writing on the title page did not bring the slightest pressure to Lin night.

On the contrary, he instantly settled down, and the whole mood was divine.

"The" Jiuhua Determination "I created aims to cultivate the mind and concentrate, turn the energy of the universe into its own genetic original energy, and quickly become stronger." "

Read the line after line, the heart was shocked.

"The world martial arts, pay attention to invincible, only fast not broken, and I created" Jiuhua "the fundamental meaning is - one force to break all laws, one speed flash.

All enemies!"

Lin looked at the eyes shining.

It was as if he saw a confident elder, guiding him along the way.

"In the same way, the guiding technique in my book Jiu Hua Ji can make a warrior possess the strongest physique and the most formidable strength."

"And the sword method and body method, please see the next part of the" Jiuhua Decision "..."

Lin Ye: "..."

When he finished the first three pages of the author's words, he only got a "Please see the next breakdown."

"No wonder the secretary was able to give me the original cultivation method of the gene so easily, and was waiting for me by digging a pit here..."

When he thought of parting, Secretary Xu's meaningful smile, he responded.

"In that case, practice according to the Five Hearts toward Heaven cultivation Method and the guiding technique in the Jiuhua Resolution!"

Take a deep breath, suppress any other thoughts in your mind, and be calm.

This is the first time he has practiced genetic primordial energy.

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As described in the cultivation Method.

After adjusting her breathing, Lin began to feel the energy of the universe.

In the silence, the breath gradually calmed down, and the state of mind quickly became peaceful.

"The body is relaxed, the five hearts naturally look toward the sky, and the heart is flat like a mirror."

As an elite fighter, each has a very good control over himself.

At this moment, he sat in the Taoist way, with his hands palms and feet facing up, and soon became completely quiet.

Breathing, too, becomes untraceable.

Ten minutes...

Half an hour...

An hour...

For two hours he tried to sense the cosmic energy floating through space.

But in the end nothing.

"Something's wrong, I don't feel anything!" Lin night heart some bad feeling.

But he chose to calm down and try again.

Half an hour later, he still felt nothing.

Open his eyes, a carp stand up from the ground.

"It is said that the average genius can feel the energy of the universe in one day of cultivation, but if the talent is not enough, the time required is uncertain."

"Is it really going to take me a year or so to feel the energy of the universe?"

How can he take that?

"Let's use a little bit of sense to find a way to sense the energy of the universe."

"Well, it works!

The idea that suddenly flashed in my mind was firmly grasped by Lin night, and put it into action...