Chapter 29: The Neural Response Test!

"Hey, you girl!"

The middle-aged man who was called "Uncle Xue" looked at Xu Qi and couldn't help but praise, "Xiao Qi, this time you can recruit a genius for us.


"Well, he came to me!"

"Isn't it, Linye?"

Lin Ye: "..."

With a slight shrug of the shoulders, Lin night ignored Xu Qi's little tail that almost went up to the sky.

At the same time, he was slightly surprised.

Now Xu Qi and Xu secretary when they met, completely different.

The former secretary Xu was an intellectually mature senior sister.

The one in front of him was clearly an innocent and lively little girl.

It's a little strange...

"Next, we'll test your mental ability, and finally your neural speed."

The silver-haired man looked at Lin night, "Are you ready?"

"Well, I'm always ready." Lin Night nodded.

But when Lin night looked up, two people looked at each other.

Oomph --

For a moment, the silver-haired man only felt as if he were facing the endless moonlight, but he couldn't help but want to indulge in it and refused to wake up.

But then the man had a shudder, and the whole person woke up.

"What a terrible mental power!" The silver-haired man was shocked.

Although he is not a spiritual teacher, he is also a highly experienced fighter.

In terms of mental power, it's pretty strong.


Xue Zhan in the face of Lin night's mental power, but gave birth to a huge gap between firefly and bright moon.

If Lin night just take advantage of their own vague consciousness, suddenly attack.

I'm afraid he's going to suffer, if not die.

"Mr. Xue, I'm sorry."

Seems to have seen the silver-haired man's strange, Lin night a little embarrassed smile: "I just activated the mental power soon, the control is not too familiar.


"It is very good that the control of mental power is not only the training of willpower in daily life, but also the training of actual combat.

Work hard, maybe our mountain city can also produce a Bactria first spiritual teacher..."

The owner Xue Zhan smiled with satisfaction, looking at the eyes of Lin night more and more like.

He likes handsome young men who are strong and talented.

"Come on, let's test your mental ability."


Similarly, Lin night controlled the alloy boxing gloves for three times on the power and speed of the test, the results are as follows

"Punch power: 66300kg, 66534kg, 66618 kg"

"Speed: 369ms, 362m /s, 365m/s"

Middle-aged museum master Xue War and Xu Qi two people look at each other, are to see each other fundus shock.

Even if they are mentally prepared in advance, they can't help but be shocked when they actually face the result.

Their eyes fell on the forest night, as if they were looking at a monster.

Xu Qi, in particular, was shocked beyond comparison.

She saw Lin Night's mental ability test yesterday afternoon.

After only one night, the man's mental capacity has risen so much?

Xu Qi secretly frightened, for Lin night curiosity and a few more.

"Yes, yes, your spiritual teacher's strength has reached the primary God of war."

"Spare time, you go to the Martial arts forum to see the essence of mental mind manipulation, so that a little faster to improve." Xue Zhan suggested.

"The essence?" Lin night doubt looked at Xu Qi.

"This is... Uncle Xue, Lin night his forum authority is still in the senior soldiers, not qualified to view those essence posts." Xu Qi hurriedly explained.

"What nonsense! Lin night this strength, how is only the authority of senior soldiers, immediately the test results to the military forum work sent in the past, and pass

Know that they have given the authority to arrange the senior generals, say that I Xue Zhan said!"

Heard Xu Qi explanation, Xue Zhan suddenly some angry.

As a senior general, he has time to mingle with the martial arts forum, looking for useful exchange of tactics and body skills, as well as the habits and weaknesses of various monsters.

Through the communication and learning of the martial arts forum, his combat effectiveness improved very fast.

So Xue Zhan knows how important the forum is to a fighter.

"Okay, I'll call right away."

Then, Xu Qi according to Xue Zhan said, and immediately contact the military forum service team.

After passing several copies of the test data of Lin night, Xu Qi urged them to complete the upgrade of permissions.

In this regard, the service staff also promised to complete as soon as possible.

About ten minutes later, Xu Qi received a phone call from the Wuzhu Forum service team, informing her that Lin's forum rights had been upgraded.

Immediately after.

Lin night mobile phone received a message from the martial forum -

"Dear Mr. Lin Night, the authority of your martial Art Forum has been upgraded from 'senior soldier' to 'Senior General', I wish you a happy life ~"

Put away the mobile phone, Lin night heart joy.

With a higher authority, he will be able to access more information in the forum, so as to further enhance combat effectiveness.

Looking at the smiling Lin night, Xue Zhan fundus involuntarily emerged a touch of relief.

There is talent in the generation, and each generation is stronger than the next.

There is hope for the future of Bactria!

Looking at Lin night young and firm face, Xue war eyes deep lit up the light of hope.

After watching for a while, Xue Zhan gently opened his mouth and said, "Since the forum authority has been done, then we will conduct the last test.


"Nerve speed!"


Follow Xue War two people, Lin night came to a room of about 100 square meters.

In the whole nerve reaction test room, only a tall and valuable instrument is placed in the middle

Nerve reflex tester!

Lin night go to the test target area, after standing, the whole person slowly ready.

In the face of this six-tube Gatling test instrument, a glance at the tens of black holes without blinking.

At the foot, there is a circular test area about 3.6 meters in diameter.

"Ready or not, I started with a medium combat intensity.

Remember to stay inside the circle and concentrate on getting hit as little as possible by the red light!"

Xue War hand pressed on the start button, while doing the last entrust to Lin night.

"Don't worry, I'm ready!"

Across the red gauze curtain, Lin night smiled back, even with faint anticipation.

"Well, let's start!" Xue Zhan pressed the start button.


The huge muzzle of the neural response test machine spun, and the black muzzle burst out red flashes for an instant.

These red lights are fast and slow, shooting at the forest night in the red circle.

Lin night looks calm, eyes calm as water.

Adjust your body quickly according to the incoming red light, and keep your center of gravity stable between foot movements so that you can change direction at any time.

Middling generals are excellent...

The peak of the middle class...


Lin night concentrated, eyes fixed on the dozens of muzzles, the mind naturally anticipated the track of the red light, and responded before.

In the eyes of Xu Qi two people, like a swift cheetah, constantly ducking and dodging, avoiding rubber bullets...

Time is ticking away.

The intensity of the test has been upgraded from the initial medium to advanced fighters.

A whole step across the intensity, Lin night is still not hit by a rubber bullet, but gradually adapt to this rhythm...