Chapter 10. Darkstar Family...[1]


Inside The Mirror...

Valeria's face was a picture of uncertainty, her eyebrows furrowed in concern as she turned to Cris and asked, "Cris, Big Uncle can give us something delicious, why should we refuse it...?" Her voice was laced with a hint of innocence, her eyes sparkling with curiosity.

Cris, however, was resolute in his refusal, his expression unyielding as he declined Alex's offer not once, but twice. Even Valeria could see that he was determined to avoid entering the Tries Family's residence, his body language screaming reluctance.

But Cris didn't have time to respond to Valeria's question, his attention fixed intently on Alex as he stared at him with an unwavering sincerity ( Fake ). The air was thick with tension, the atmosphere heavy with unspoken words.

Alex's face, on the other hand, was a mask of cold calculation, his eyes glinting with a sinister light. His voice was like ice, sending shivers down Valeria's spine as he spoke, "Brat, do you really want to decline...?" The words hung in the air, a challenge and a threat all at once.

Valeria's heart skipped a beat as she realized that her gentle Big Uncle had suddenly transformed into a formidable figure, his demeanor intimidating and unnerving. She felt a shiver run down her spine as she wondered how someone so kind could turn so cold and menacing.

Cris, sensing the shift in atmosphere, bowed his head, his hands clasped together in a gesture of mock sadness ( Fake Expression ). "Uncle, My Sister is not Qualified to be Your Maid," he said, his voice laced with a hint of resignation.

But Alex was not fooled. His eyes narrowed, his lips curling into a sneer as he snorted, "Hmph, you're pretending to be sad and unwilling...? It seems that you won't change your mind if I don't teach you a lesson today." The words were laced with venom, his tone dripping with malice.

The Butler of the Tries residence, sensing the escalating tension, stepped forward, his face a picture of anxiety. "Head, they are just children..." he began, but Alex cut him off with a curt gesture.

"Don't talk nonsense, this little girl, I'm going to make her my maid today no matter what!" Alex's eyes were dark and foreboding, his voice dripping with an unsettling intensity.

The guards, their faces impassive, strode forward, their sticks at the ready. Cris's face turned pale, his eyes wide with fear as he grabbed Valeria's arm, urging her to flee. "Sister, Run...!"

But Valeria was frozen in terror, her eyes fixed on the guards as they approached. She stood stock-still, her hands clutching Eve tightly, her heart racing with fear.

Alex's piercing gaze locked onto Cris, his hands resting on his hips as he sneered with contempt. "Beat him until this kid changes his mind," he spat, his voice dripping with malice. "Remember, don't hurt the little girl, especially her face. I want her to remain unblemished for my... purposes."

Cris's eyes flashed with defiance as he gritted his teeth, his small frame trembling with rage. "You, aren't you afraid that I will report to the official authorities?" he dared to ask, his voice shaking slightly. This town, situated at the border of the Lane Kingdom and Siris Empire, was home to troops stationed to maintain order, and Cris hoped to appeal to their sense of justice.

Alex's expression turned petulant, his lips curling into a sneer. "It's ridiculous," he drawled, his voice laced with arrogance. "I, Alex Tries, have more value than you, a mere beggar and commoner. Even if you report to the officials, will they help you, or help me, a member of the esteemed Tries family...?"

As he spoke, Alex's eyes darted nervously around, betraying a hint of fear. He knew that the authorities wouldn't take kindly to his actions, and he wouldn't dare to push his luck too far. Otherwise, he would have already dragged Valeria into his house, forcing her too became his personal Maid. (S*x Slave).

Cris, still young and inexperienced, felt a shiver run down his spine as he faced Alex's wrath. His eyes darted towards Valeria, who clung to him, her small face pale with fear.

"Guards...!" Alex barked, his voice echoing through the streets. Two burly men stepped forward, their faces expressionless, but their eyes betraying a hint of reluctance. They didn't want to harm a child, but their duty was to obey their master.

Cris tried to pull Valeria away, but the guards were too quick. One of them grasped Valeria's tiny hand, holding her in place, while the other guard pinned Cris's arms behind his back. Cris struggled and kicked, but he was no match for the guard's strength.

The sound of Cris's struggles and Valeria's cries echoed through the streets, drawing the attention of passersby. They stopped and watched, their faces a mixture of curiosity and fear, but none dared to intervene. Alex's reputation as a ruthless and powerful man was well-known, and no one wanted to cross him.

As the guards continued to restrain Cris, Alex sauntered forward, a sinister smile spreading across his face. "Brat, I'll ask you again," he said, his voice dripping with malice. "I want to make your sister my maid. Will you agree to that?"

Cris's eyes blazed with fury as he glared at Alex, his face twisted in a mixture of pain and rage. Blood trickled from his ears and mouth, but he refused to back down. "Today... if I don't die today, I will destroy your entire family, let You rot in darkness for eternity in the Future," he spat, his voice venomous.

The air seemed to vibrate with the intensity of Cris's words, as if the heavens themselves trembled at the oath. Alex's eyes widened in fear, and he stumbled backward, his face pale. For a moment, he saw something in Cris's eyes that made him feel like he was staring into the abyss.

"Hit him! Beat him to death!" Alex shrieked, his voice shrill with panic. He had lived for decades, but he had never seen such killing intent in the eyes of a nine-year-old beggar. His instincts screamed at him to eliminate Cris, to snuff out the threat before it was too late.

The guards hesitated, their faces uncertain, but Alex's words were like a trigger. They began to pummel Cris, their blows raining down on him like a storm. Cris's body crumpled under the onslaught, his cries and Valeria's wails echoing through the streets, a haunting reminder of the brutality that lurked in the shadows of this town.


Next Chapter "11. Darkstar Family...[2]"


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