49: Reverse Psychology

"Do they still call it a coincidence if it happens three times in a row?" Mir said, taking a couple of slow steps backwards cautiously. The eye-contact between the two of them didn't break for a moment. In fact, Vin looked even more wary than Mir was.


"You're following me, aren't you? I had the suspicion before, but now I am sure that you are." As he made the accusation, the bone drill emerged again from Vin's palm, and gripping it tightly, he took the stance of a professional bayonet combatant. 


"Oh, come on! We both know it's the other way around!"

Mir wanted to laugh out loud. What was the point of exercising reverse psychology here? He was certainly not following Vin. It had to be the other way around. However, the question remained in this case: how was he bypassing the sacred ground's powers of alienation to stick behind Mir? Unless he could hear the answers Mir was giving to each interphase question, following him was next to impossible.