67: Selling Honor

Lemi was clearly surprised by Mir's sudden loss of self-control, but it delighted him to no end. He raised a finger at Mir in a challenging manner and said, "It's not as unfair as you're making it sound. I've been a transcender for a very short time. I only have two mutant abilities and no soulbeast. With the kind of haul you had in this exploration, you'd be on equal footing with me by next week."


This was the bartering phase, and the agreement to duel was already set in stone. Mir wasn't going to compromise an inch, no matter how unwilling his opponent was. Lemi needed that duel far more than Mir did.


"My experience and education can hardly match up to yours. A duel to death is the same as a death sentence for me."


"I never said it'd be a duel to death." Lemi scowled. "Whoever draws the first blood wins. Happy?"