Back to the Woods

"Welcome to my collections. These are my precious babies!" Sam said proudly with a smirk caressing one of the crossbows hanging on the wall.

I looked around to see the rifles, shotguns, pistols and revolvers all over the place. There were silver bullets and bottles of wolf band on the table at a corner in the room.

Sam pulled out a bag from underneath the bed and started to load in two shotguns, a revolver and crossbow into the bag. Then he moved to the table and packed enough bottles of wolf bane and silver bullets into the black leather bag. He also put in a map rolled up and some other things which I wasn't sure of.

"Let's go." Sam said handing the bag on his shoulder.

I started waking towards the car, Drake had already turned on the engine of the car by the time I got to the door.

I got in and shut the door exhaling sharply as Drake prepared to steer the car towards the road.